sahartvig-ācārya-sadasya etat
sahartvig-ācārya-sadasya etat
dadarśa viśvaṁ tri-guṇaṁ guṇātmake
Bali Mahārāja, along with all the priests, ācāryas and members of the assembly, observed within the supreme controller of the guṇas the universe composed of the three guṇas--including all gross material elements, the senses, the sense objects, the antaḥkaraṇa and the jīvas.
Guṇātmake means “in the supreme controller of the guṇas.” That form was endowed with the elements, senses, sense objects such as sound, the antaḥkaraṇa (āśaya) and the jīvas.
|| 8.20.23 ||
rasām acaṣṭāṅghri-tale 'tha pādayor
mahīṁ mahīdhrān puruṣasya jaṅghayoḥ
patattriṇo jānuni viśva-mūrter
ūrvor gaṇaṁ mārutam indrasenaḥ
Bali Mahārāja, who was occupying the seat of Indra, saw the surface of the earth on the soles of the feet of the Lord's universal form. He saw on the Lord's feet objects situated on the earth, on his calves he saw all the mountains, on his knees he saw the various birds, and on his thighs he saw the varieties of winds.
The form is further described in seven verses minus one line. Rasām means the surface of the earth. Mahīm means “what is situated on the earth: villages, houses, palaces and trees.” Patatriṇaḥ means birds which are situated about the mountains. Mārutam means the group of winds. Indra-senaḥ means Bali, who possessed the troops of Indra.
|| 8.20.24 ||
sandhyāṁ vibhor vāsasi guhya aikṣat
prajāpatīñ jaghane ātma-mukhyān
nābhyāṁ nabhaḥ kukṣiṣu sapta-sindhūn
urukramasyorasi carkṣa-mālām
Bali Mahārāja saw the twilight on the garments of the Lord. On the Lord's private parts he saw the Prajāpatis, and on the Lord’s buttocks he saw his chief demon associates. On the Lord's navel he saw the sky, on the Lord's waist he saw the seven oceans, and on the Lord's bosom he saw all the clusters of stars.
Ātma-mukhyān means Bali’s chief demons. Though Bali was seeing the earth, he saw on the buttocks of the form his own men, since that is where they reside on the universal form. The other things he sees should be understood in the same way.
|| 8.20.25-29 ||