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prativīraṁ dig-vijaye


carann eka imāṁ mahīm

prativīraṁ dig-vijaye

nāvindata gadāyudhaḥ

In your dynasty Hiraṇyākṣa was born. Carrying his club, he wandered the globe alone, without assistance, to conquer all directions, and did not find a suitable rival.

Yataḥ means “in which family.”

|| 8.19.6 ||

yaṁ vinirjitya kṛcchreṇa

viṣṇuḥ kṣmoddhāra āgatam

ātmānaṁ jayinaṁ mene

tad-vīryaṁ bhūry anusmaran

Viṣṇu, after defeating with difficulty Hiraṇyākṣa in order to lift the earth, considered himself victorious only after reflecting on the great prowess of Hiraṇyākṣa.

|| 8.19.7 ||

niśamya tad-vadhaṁ bhrātā

hiraṇyakaśipuḥ purā

hantuṁ bhrātṛ-haṇaṁ kruddho

jagāma nilayaṁ hareḥ

When Hiraṇyakaśipu heard the news of his brother's being killed, with great anger he went to the residence of Viṣṇu, the killer of his brother, wanting to kill Lord Viṣṇu.

|| 8.19.8 ||

tam āyāntaṁ samālokya

śūla-pāṇiṁ kṛtāntavat

cintayām āsa kāla-jño

viṣṇur māyāvināṁ varaḥ

Seeing Hiraṇyakaśipu coming forward, bearing a trident in his hand like personified death, Lord Viṣṇu, the best of all mystics and the knower of the progress of time, thought as follows.

|| 8.19.9 ||

yato yato 'haṁ tatrāsau

mṛtyuḥ prāṇa-bhṛtām iva

ato 'ham asya hṛdayaṁ

pravekṣyāmi parāg-dṛśaḥ

Wherever I go, Hiraṇyakaśipu will follow me, as death follows all living entities. Therefore I will enter the core of his heart, for then, because of his power to see only externally, he will not see me.

Wherever I go, he will not leave me. Parāg-dṛśaḥ means he has vision which sees only enemies, or he can see only externally.

|| 8.19.10 ||

evaṁ sa niścitya ripoḥ śarīram

ādhāvato nirviviśe 'surendra


tat-prāṇa-randhreṇa vivigna-cetāḥ

O King of the demons! After Lord Viṣṇu made this decision with fearful mind, disappearing and taking a subtle form, he entered the body of his enemy who was pursuing him through his nostril when his enemy breathed.

Viṣṇu disappeared and took a very subtle form. Vivigna-cetāḥ means “in great fear.” False statements by the Lord can also be true as in the case of nāhaṁ bhakṣitavān amba sarve mithyābhiśaṁsinaḥ: My dear mother, I have never eaten dirt: all my friends complaining against me are liars. (SB 10.8.32) Lying, fear, greed, lust and anger are not desirable qualities in the jīva but become great qualities in the Lord for nourishing rasa and the Lord’s affection for the devotee. These qualities provide a method of attaining the Lord by meditation on then, and give pleasure even to the ātmārāmas.

|| 8.19.11 ||


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