asantoṣo 'rtha-kāmayoḥ
asantoṣo 'rtha-kāmayoḥ
santoṣo muktaye smṛtaḥ
Dissatisfaction after enjoying artha and kāma is the cause of material existence for the jīva. Satisfaction with what comes of its own accord is the cause of liberation.
|| 8.19.26 ||
tejo viprasya vardhate
tat praśāmyaty asantoṣād
The power of the brāhmaṇa who is satisfied by what comes of its own accord increases. That power is destroyed by dissatisfaction, like fire extinguished by water.
Āśuśukṣaṇiḥ means fire.
|| 8.19.27 ||
tasmāt trīṇi padāny eva
vṛṇe tvad varadarṣabhāt
etāvataiva siddho 'haṁ
vittaṁ yāvat prayojanam
Therefore, from you, the best of those who give charity, I ask only three paces of land. This much will satisfy me. What wealth I need, that much I will accept.
I am successful by this. The inner meaning is “I will be successful by taking way everything you possess.” Whatever amount of wealth I need, that much I will accept.
|| 8.19.28 ||
śrī-śuka uvāca
ity uktaḥ sa hasann āha
vāñchātaḥ pratigṛhyatām
vāmanāya mahīṁ dātuṁ
jagrāha jala-bhājanam
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: When the Lord had thus spoken to Bali Mahārāja, Bali smiled and said, "All right. Take whatever you like." To confirm his promise to give Vāmanadeva the desired land, he then took up his water pot.
|| 8.19.29 ||
viṣṇave kṣmāṁ pradāsyantam
uśanā asureśvaram
jānaṁś cikīrṣitaṁ viṣṇoḥ
śiṣyaṁ prāha vidāṁ varaḥ
Understanding Lord Viṣṇu's plan, Śukrācārya, the best of knowers, immediately spoke as follows to his disciple, who was about to offer the land to Viṣṇu.
Śukrācārya is called the best of knowers because he would reveal Vāmana’s identity.
|| 8.19.30 ||
śrī-śukra uvāca