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puṣpadanto 'tha sātvataḥ


puṣpadanto 'tha sātvataḥ

sarve nāgāyuta-prāṇāś

camūṁ te jaghnur āsurīm

Nanda, Sunanda, Jaya, Vijaya, Prabala, Bala, Kumuda, Kumudākṣa, Viṣvaksena, Garuḍa Jayanta, Śrutadeva, Puṣpadanta and Sātvata, as powerful as ten thousand elephants, killed the demonic army.

In order to show the frightful nature of offending the devotees of the Lord, expansions of Jaya and Vijaya fell from Vaikuṇṭha.[139] This has been explained in the description of Vaikuṇṭha in the Third Canto. Nāgas are elephants which move around Lokāloka mountain range.[140] Or they are elephants who are vibhūtis of the Lord in Vaikuṇṭha.

|| 8.21.18 ||

hanyamānān svakān dṛṣṭvā

puruṣānucarair baliḥ

vārayām āsa saṁrabdhān

kāvya-śāpam anusmaran

When Bali Mahārāja saw that his soldiers were being killed by the associates of Lord Viṣṇu and remembered the curse of Śukrācārya, he prevented his angry soldiers from fighting.

|| 8.21.19 ||

he vipracitte he rāho

he neme śrūyatāṁ vacaḥ

mā yudhyata nivartadhvaṁ

na naḥ kālo 'yam artha-kṛt

O Vipracitti, O Rāhu, O Nemi! Please hear my words! Don't fight. Stop immediately, for the present time is not in our favor.

|| 8.21.20 ||

yaḥ prabhuḥ sarva-bhūtānāṁ


taṁ nātivartituṁ daityāḥ

pauruṣair īśvaraḥ pumān

O demons! By human efforts it is not possible to overcome that which has the power to create the happiness and distress of all living beings.

|| 8.21.21 ||

yo no bhavāya prāg āsīd

abhavāya divaukasām

sa eva bhagavān adya

vartate tad-viparyayam

The supreme time factor was previously in our favor and not in favor of the devatās, but now that same time factor is the opposite.

|| 8.21.22 ||

balena sacivair buddhyā

durgair mantrauṣadhādibhiḥ

sāmādibhir upāyaiś ca


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