arcayec chraddhayā yuktaḥ 

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arcayec chraddhayā yuktaḥ



arcayec chraddhayā yuktaḥ


Honoring the Lord by these mantras one should call the Lord and with faith then worship him by offering foot water, ācamana and other items.

Honoring (puraskṛtam) the Lord by calling for him using these mantras, or putting the Lord in front of oneself (puraskṛtam), and calling him, one should then worship the Lord by offering foot water and ācamana (upasparśanam).

|| 8.16.39 ||

arcitvā gandha-mālyādyaiḥ

payasā snapayed vibhum


pādyopasparśanais tataḥ

gandha-dhūpādibhiś cārced


After offering flower garlands, incense and so on, one should bathe the Lord with milk and then offer cloth, a sacred thread, ornaments, foot water, ācamana, sandalwood, incense and other paraphernalia using the twelve syllable mantra.

First after offering foot water one should bathe the Lord. After bathing the Lord, one should dress him with cloth, thread, and ornaments. Again one should offer foot water and other items. The word ca indicates “many other items.” In offering these items one should utter the twelve syllable mantra.

|| 8.16.40 ||

śṛtaṁ payasi naivedyaṁ

śāly-annaṁ vibhave sati

sasarpiḥ saguḍaṁ dattvā

juhuyān mūla-vidyayā

After offering the Lord, if possible, fine rice boiled in milk with clarified butter and raw sugar, one should offer oblations in the fire using the twelve syllable mantra.

Payasi śṛtam means rice cooked in milk.

|| 8.16.41 ||

niveditaṁ tad-bhaktāya

dadyād bhuñjīta vā svayam

dattvācamanam arcitvā

tāmbūlaṁ ca nivedayet

One should give this food offering to a Vaiṣṇava or take some oneself. After offering the Lord ācamana, one should offer the Lord betel nut.

One should offer all the food to a devotee, or offer a little and take the rest for oneself.


|| 8.16.42 ||


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