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katamo 'pi na venaḥ syāt
katamo 'pi na venaḥ syāt
pañcānāṁ puruṣaṁ prati
tasmāt kenāpy upāyena
manaḥ kṛṣṇe niveśayet
Any of the five types of persons, but not King Vena, will attain their objectives in relation to the Lord. Therefore, one should somehow think of Kṛṣṇa, by one of the favorable methods.
“But persons like Vena, who hated the Lord and criticized him like Śiśupāla went to hell.” This verse explains. Some persons will not be counted among the five moods previously mentioned in relation to the Lord (puruṣam), because of not being suitable receptacles for those moods. Some persons are not like the gopīs with affectionate conjugal feelings; they are not like Kaṁsa with fear; they are not like Śiśupāla, filled with hatred, and absorbved in the Lord, thinking that the Lord would kill him; not like Vṛ;sṇis with some family relationship; and not like Nārada with vaidhi-bhakti. Persons not like Śiśupāla, for instance Vena, who simply nourish an unfavorable mood, go to hell. Therefore one should concentrate on Kṛṣna with a favorable method. The tense is in the potential as with verse 26, with the same meaning.
|| 7.1.33 ||
mātṛ-ṣvasreyo vaś caidyo
dantavakraś ca pāṇḍava
pārṣada-pravarau viṣṇor
vipra-śāpāt pada-cyutau
O Pāṇḍava! Your two cousins Śiśupāla and Dantavakra, the sons of your maternal aunt, were formerly associates of Lord Viṣṇu, but because they were cursed by brāhmaṇas, they fell from Vaikuṇṭha to this material world.
Having come to a conclusion about the topic of Śiśupāla in terms of the path of bhāva, the cause of Śiśupāla’s hatred of Kṛṣṇa is now explained. Pada-cyutau means “the two fell from Vaikuṇṭha.”
|| 7.1.34 ||
śrī-yudhiṣṭhira uvāca