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sarve prāñjalayo nṛpa


tam ūcuḥ pāṭyamānās te

sarve prāñjalayo nṛpa

kiṁ na indra jighāṁsasi

bhrātaro marutas tava

O King! The cut pieces pleaded to Indra with folded hands. "O Indra! Why are you are killing your brothers, the Maruts?"

|| 6.18.64 ||

mā bhaiṣṭa bhrātaro mahyaṁ

yūyam ity āha kauśikaḥ

ananya-bhāvān pārṣadān

ātmano marutāṁ gaṇān

Indra spoke to the group of Maruts, his devoted followers. “You are my brothers. Do not fear.”

Mahyam here stands for mama. Kauśikaḥ is Indra. Śruti says saptagaṇā vai marutaḥ: there are seven groups of Maruts.

|| 6.18.65 ||

na mamāra diter garbhaḥ


bahudhā kuliśa-kṣuṇṇo

drauṇy-astreṇa yathā bhavān

Just as you, Parīkṣit, were burned by the brahmāstra of Aśvatthāmā but did not die, that one embryo which was cut into forty-nine pieces did not die by the mercy of the Lord.

|| 6.18.66-67 ||

sakṛd iṣṭvādi-puruṣaṁ

puruṣo yāti sāmyatām

saṁvatsaraṁ kiñcid ūnaṁ

dityā yad dharir arcitaḥ

sajūr indreṇa pañcāśad

devās te maruto 'bhavan

vyapohya mātṛ-doṣaṁ te

hariṇā soma-pāḥ kṛtāḥ

If one worships the Supreme Lord even once, he attains the same bodily features as Viṣṇu. Because Diti worshiped Lord Viṣṇu for almost one year, the forty-nine Maruts became fifty devatās along with Indra. Viṣṇu removed the fault of their mother, and they became drinkers of soma. 

Sāmyatām means “attaining similar human form.” Sajūḥ means “with.”

|| 6.18.68 ||

ditir utthāya dadṛśe

kumārān anala-prabhān

indreṇa sahitān devī

paryatuṣyad aninditā

When she got up from bed, Diti, purified, saw her forty-nine sons, brilliant as fire, along with Indra. She was pleased.

|| 6.18.69 ||

athendram āha tātāham

ādityānāṁ bhayāvaham

apatyam icchanty acaraṁ

vratam etat suduṣkaram

Thereafter, Diti said to Indra: My dear son, I adhered to this difficult vow with the desire for a son to be feared by you twelve Ādityas.

|| 6.18.70 ||


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