atraivodāhṛtaḥ pūrvam
atraivodāhṛtaḥ pūrvam
itihāsaḥ surarṣiṇā
prītyā mahā-kratau rājan
pṛcchate 'jāta-śatrave
Formerly, when Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira was performing the Rājasūya sacrifice, Nārada, responding to his inquiry, recited a story in this connection.
To clarify the meaning of his statements, Śukadeva tells a story concerning the Lord’s equal friendship with all beings.
|| 7.1.14-15 ||
dṛṣṭvā mahādbhutaṁ rājā
rājasūye mahā-kratau
vāsudeve bhagavati
sāyujyaṁ cedibhū-bhujaḥ
tatrāsīnaṁ sura-ṛṣiṁ
rājā pāṇḍu-sutaḥ kratau
papraccha vismita-manā
munīnāṁ śṛṇvatām idam
O King! At the Rājasūya sacrifice, Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira saw Śiśupāla merge into the body of Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, struck with wonder, in the presence of the sages he inquired about the reason for this from Nārada, who was seated there.
|| 7.1.16 ||
śrī-yudhiṣṭhira uvāca
aho aty-adbhutaṁ hy etad
durlabhaikāntinām api
vāsudeve pare tattve
prāptiś caidyasya vidviṣaḥ
Yudhiṣṭhira said: It is astonishing that the envious Śiśupāla attained Vāsudeva. This attainment is difficult for even unattached persons.
Ekāntinām means persons who are unattached to anything.
|| 7.1.17 ||
etad veditum icchāmaḥ
sarva eva vayaṁ mune
bhagavan-nindayā veno
dvijais tamasi pātitaḥ
O sage! We all desire to know. King Vena fell to hell through the brāhmaṇas for criticizing the Lord.
|| 7.1.18 ||
damaghoṣa-sutaḥ pāpa
ārabhya kala-bhāṣaṇāt
sampraty amarṣī govinde
dantavakraś ca durmatiḥ
From of his childhood, when he could not even speak properly, up until now, evil Śiśupāla, the son of Damaghoṣa, was envious of Kṛṣṇa.
Kala-bhācanāt means “from when he could only a few soft words when a baby.”
|| 7.1.19 ||
śapator asakṛd viṣṇuṁ
yad brahma param avyayam
śvitro na jāto jihvāyāṁ