na hy asyārthaḥ sura-gaṇaiḥ
na hy asyārthaḥ sura-gaṇaiḥ
sākṣān niḥśreyasātmanaḥ
naivāsurebhyo vidveṣo
nodvegaś cāguṇasya hi
The Lord who has a form of pure bliss has nothing to gain from siding with the devatās. And the Lord, because he is without material qualities, cannot have hatred or fear of the demons.
One cannot say that the Lord will derive happiness from the devatās and thus side with them. He has a svarūpa (ātmā) of the highest bliss (niḥśreyasa). Nothing else can produce happiness in him. And one cannot say that the disturbances of the demons make him suffer, and that thus he hates them. He has no anxiety from demons and no hatred of them because he is beyond the guṇas.
|| 7.1.3 ||
iti naḥ sumahā-bhāga
nārāyaṇa-guṇān prati
saṁśayaḥ sumahāñ jātas
tad bhavāṁś chettum arhati
O greatly fortunate sage! You should dispel this great doubt I have concerning the favoritism and ill-will of Nārāyaṇa.
Guṇān means Nārāyaṇa’s displaying of favoring and disfavoring.
|| 7.1.4-5 ||
śrī-ṛṣir uvāca
sādhu pṛṣṭaṁ mahārāja
hareś caritam adbhutam
yad bhāgavata-māhātmyaṁ
gīyate paramaṁ puṇyam
ṛṣibhir nāradādibhiḥ
natvā kṛṣṇāya munaye
kathayiṣye hareḥ kathām
Śukadeva said: O great King! You have asked the correct question, because in answer to that question the astonishing activities of the Lord, which increase bhakti and glorify devotees, are sung by sages like Nārada. Offering respects to Vyāsadeva, I will speak about the Lord.
This is the correct questions because (yat) by that question the activities of the Lord must necessarily be described to answer you. Kṛṣṇāya means “to Vyāsa.”
|| 7.1.6 ||
nirguṇo 'pi hy ajo 'vyakto
bhagavān prakṛteḥ paraḥ