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tato 'si bhagavān prabhuḥ


tejasā mahimaujasā

juṣṭa īśa guṇaiḥ sarvais

tato 'si bhagavān prabhuḥ


Just as you are endowed with mercy, by which your powers are hidden, so you are situated as the Supreme Lord, worthy of worship, by being endowed with the śakti of Mahā-lakṣmī, the śakti of independence, the śakti of wealth, all strength and other qualities.


By your mercy, everything happens. Just as you are endowed with mercy, you are the Lord because of being endowed with other powers. The meaning is this. You are served (juṣṭaḥ) by your kṛpā-śakti. You wait for the tulasī leaf offered by the devotee. Thus you are not independent. You ask the devotee “Please give me something to eat, because I am hungry today.” Thus you are not full in your desires. You say to a devotee in his dream, “My house and garden are worn out. Where will I play?” Thus you are without wealth. Though you have all powers of yoga, bound by the ropes of prema of the devotee, you cannot go anywhere. Thus you do not have all siddhis. By your power as Mahā-lakṣmī (bhūtyā), by your power of complete independence (tejasā), by your power of great wealth (mahimnā), by your strength (ojasā), and all other qualities (such as having all your statements come true), you remain independent and full in your own desires in this world. You alone are the Supreme Lord, the master worthy of worship.


|| 6.19.6 ||

viṣṇu-patni mahā-māye


prīyethā me mahā-bhāge

loka-mātar namo 'stu te

O wife of Lord Viṣṇu! O internal energy of Lord Viṣṇu, possessing his qualities! O goddess of fortune! Please be kind to me. O mother of the world! I offer my respectful obeisances unto you.

|| 6.19.7 ||

oṁ namo bhagavate mahā-puruṣāya mahānubhāvāya mahāvibhūti-pataye saha mahā-vibhūtibhir balim upaharāmīti; anenāhar-ahar mantreṇa viṣṇor āvāhanārghya-pādyopasparśana-snāna-vāsa-upavīta-vibhūṣaṇa-gandha-puṣpa-dhūpa-dīpopahārādy-upacārān susamā-hitopāharet.


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