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nītvāthoparamet sādhvī


māsān dvādaśa hāyanam

nītvāthoparamet sādhvī

kārtike carame 'hani

The chaste wife, after passing one year doing this worship, should fast on the full-moon day in the month of Kārttika [October-November].

Carame ahani means the full moon.[100]

|| 6.19.22 ||

śvo-bhūte 'pa upaspṛśya

kṛṣṇam abhyarcya pūrvavat

payaḥ-śṛtena juhuyāc

caruṇā saha sarpiṣā


dvādaśaivāhutīḥ patiḥ


The next morning, after performing ācamana and worshiping the Lord as before, the husband should offer twelve oblations of rice cooked in milk and ghee according to the rules in cooking rice for full moon rituals.

Svo ’bhūte means “early the next morning.” Pāka-yajña-vidhānena means “according the rules for cooking rice for the full moon observances.



|| 6.19.23 ||

āśiṣaḥ śirasādāya

dvijaiḥ prītaiḥ samīritāḥ

praṇamya śirasā bhaktyā

bhuñjīta tad-anujñayā

When satisfied brāhmaṇas bestow their blessings, he should devotedly offer them obeisances with his head, and with their permission he should take the remnants.

|| 6.19.24 ||

ācāryam agrataḥ kṛtvā

vāg-yataḥ saha bandhubhiḥ

dadyāt patnyai caroḥ śeṣaṁ

suprajāstvaṁ susaubhagam

Offering to the guru first, with controlled speech he should take his meal with friends, and then give his wife the remnants of the cooked rice which will ensure good progeny and very good fortune.

Śeṣam suprajaṣtvam susaubhagam means food remnants which will produce a good son and very good fortune. Or the last sentence can be taken as a separate sentence: May she have a good son and good fortune!


|| 6.19.25 ||

etac caritvā vidhivad vrataṁ vibhor

abhīpsitārthaṁ labhate pumān iha

strī caitad āsthāya labheta saubhagaṁ


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