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iti śuśruma nirbandhaṁ


iti śuśruma nirbandhaṁ

tapaḥ paramam āsthitaḥ

vidhatsvānantaraṁ yuktaṁ

svayaṁ tri-bhuvaneśvara

O lord of the three worlds! We have heard that Hiraṇyakaśipu is now engaged in severe austerity with insistence on taking your post. Please, without delay, take suitable action.

We have heard that he is insistent (nirbandham) on taking your post. Therefore he is fixed in extreme austerity.

|| 7.3.13 ||

tavāsanaṁ dvija-gavāṁ

pārameṣṭhyaṁ jagat-pate

bhavāya śreyase bhūtyai

kṣemāya vijayāya ca

O lord of the universe! Your position within this universe is certainly the best for the worlds and for the cows and brāhmaṇas, for the flourishing of dharma, for auspiciousness and improvement. 

Your position is for producing the best for the world (bhavāya śreyase). If he takes the pose he will create the opposite. Your post is for the flourishing of dharma for the created people and planets (bhūtyai). If he controls, there will be destruction of dharma. Your post is for auspiciousness and improvement. If he reigns there will be inauspiciousness and ruination.

|| 7.3.14 ||

iti vijñāpito devair

bhagavān ātmabhūr nṛpa

parito bhṛgu-dakṣādyair

yayau daityeśvarāśramam

O King! Thus informed by the devatās, powerful Brahmā, accompanied by Bhṛgu, Dakṣa and other great sages, immediately went to the hermitage of Hiraṇyakaśipu. .

Brahmā went with the intention of stopping his austerities by offering benedictions.

|| 7.3.15-16 ||

na dadarśa praticchannaṁ


pipīlikābhir ācīrṇaṁ


tapantaṁ tapasā lokān

yathābhrāpihitaṁ ravim

vilakṣya vismitaḥ prāha

hasaṁs taṁ haṁsa-vāhanaḥ


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