Following Friday. But Hagen knew that to the Don, both were of equal importance,
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- Landing above, beckoning her upward.
- Corner room, Thomas Hagen watched the wedding party in the festooned garden.
- Disappearing into the garden.
- Don Corleone nodded and gestured that Luca Blasi should be brought to him.
- Story about Luca?' and Tom said, 'When you're a hundred.’ Michael sipped his
- Polite stretching of rubbery, veal-colored lips.
- Refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day. And no Sicilian ever lets a
- Lucy Mancini lifted her pink gown off the floor and ran up the steps. Sonny
- Treacherously triumphant, as if she had stolen a treasure from the bride.
- Amerigo Bonasera followed Hagen into the corner room of the house and
- Bonasera hesitated, then bent down and put his lips so close to the Don's hairy
- Don Corleone rose from behind the desk. His face was still impassive but his
- Sonny Corleone pressed close to the window. What he saw made him move
- Corleone led him into the house.
- Won't take me back unless I come crawling on my hands and knees, and I can't
- Never says anything against you. You couldn't help him a bit? Why not? He sings
- Hagen sat behind the desk and made notes. The Don heaved a sigh and asked,
- Hagen made a face of impressed approval that was very strangely Italian on
- When Johnny Fontane appeared in the garden, Kay Adams recognized him
- Favors. Someday he'll be at each one of those people's houses and they had
- Something special. Go your own way now, you're a man after all. But come to me
- Others into the sick man's room.
- Genco Abbandando had run a long race with death, and now, vanquished, he
- And criminal traitor to man.
- Spitball he was holding in his hand across to the clerk, who picked it up and
- Following Friday. But Hagen knew that to the Don, both were of equal importance,
- Any grown man could reasonably expect, and he found life interesting.
- Marines the day after Pearl Harbor.
- And his benefactor's blood family.
- Their lives or until they accepted defeat and returned to their home towns.
- Jack Woltz was a tall, powerfully built man with a heavy paunch almost
- A personal friend of mine. If I let him know I'm being pressured, you guys will
- Hagen listened patiently. He had expected better from a man of Woltz's stature.
- Than he had appeared this morning.
- Going to race him, I'm going to put him to stud. I'm going to build the greatest
- Much too sensitive. He never asks a second favor where he has been refused the
- Make me ridiculous. A man in my position, Mr. Hagen, can't afford to look
- For the first time, Woltz succeeded in astounding Hagen. He found it
- Naturally, anxious to show their gratitude.
- Were one hundred thousand black Chevy sedans in New York City.
- Tom Hagen went to his law office in the city on Thursday morning. He planned
- Threat against Don Corleone himself. Genius had its rewards.
- Be made to tell who had done the buying.
- Producer of the film telling him to report for work the following Monday.
- For any rap as long as he knows that they will be well taken care of for living
- Notoriously straitlaced in matters of sex.
- Legal protection is a must. I hear, Don Corleone, that you have as many judges in
- His leather armchair and motioned brusquely for a drink. Hagen poured him a
- Without a shred of trust Hagen got into the car.
- Michael Corleone had lied to Hagen. He was already in New York, and he had
which settled the matter for any good Consigliori.
1 The piston plane (самолет с поршневым двигателем; piston [‘pıst∂n] – поршень)
shook Tom Hagen's already nervous insides («и без того уже нервные внутренности»)
and he ordered a martini from the hostess to quiet them (заказал у стюардессы
мартини, чтобы их успокоить; hostess ['h∂ustıs] – хозяйка; стюардесса;
официантка). Both the Don and Johnny had briefed him on the character of the movie
producer, Jack Woltz (вкратце рассказали ему, инструктировали его по поводу
характера кинопродюсера). From everything that Johnny said, Hagen knew he would
never be able to persuade Woltz (никогда, ни за что не сможет убедить [p∂’sweıd]).
But he also had no doubt whatsoever (вовсе никакого сомнения) that the Don would
keep his promise to Johnny. His own role was that of negotiator and contact (его ролью
была роль посредника).
2 Lying back in his seat, Hagen went over all the information given to him that day.
Jack Woltz was one of the three most important movie producers in Hollywood, owner
of his own studio with dozens of stars under contract (с дюжинами звезд «под
контрактом»). He was on the President of the United States' Advisory Council for War
Information (он был членом Президентского консультативного совета по вопросам
военной информации; аdvisory [∂’dvaız∂rı] – совещательный), Cinematic Division
(Отдел киноискусства), which meant simply (что просто означало) that he helped
make propaganda movies. He had had dinner at the White House. He had entertained J.
Edgar Hoover in his Hollywood home (принимал, угощал). But none of this was as
impressive as it sounded (но ничто из этого не было таким впечатляющим, как
казалось: «звучало»). They were all official relationships (все это были официальные
связи). Woltz didn't have any personal political power, mainly (в основном) because he
was an extreme reactionary (крайне реакционен, крайним реакционером; extreme
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка
[ıkstri:m]), partly (отчасти) because he was a megalomaniac (страдал манией
величия) who loved to wield power wildly (который любил полновластно, самодурно:
«дико» распоряжаться своей властью; to wield – уметь обращаться; иметь в своем
распоряжении, владеть) without regard to the fact (не обращая внимания на то) that
by so doing (что, оттого что он так делал: «так делая») legions of enemies sprang up
out of the ground (легионы врагов вырастали из земли /как грибы/).
3 Hagen sighed. There would be no way to "handle" Jack Woltz (справиться,
управиться /путем переговоров/). He opened his briefcase (портфель) and tried to
get some paper work done (попытался сделать кое-какую бумажную работу), but he
was too tired. He ordered another martini and reflected on his life (стал размышлять).
He had no regrets (сожалений), indeed he felt that he had been extremely lucky.
Whatever the reason (какая бы на то ни была причина = как бы то ни было), the
course he had chosen ten years ago had proved to be right for him (курс, путь, образ
действия оказался верен, подходящ для него). He was successful, he was as happy
as any grown man could reasonably expect (наскольку зрелый мужчина может
«разумно ожидать»), and he found life interesting.
The piston plane shook Tom Hagen's already nervous insides and he ordered
A martini from the hostess to quiet them. Both the Don and Johnny had briefed
Him on the character of the movie producer, Jack Woltz. From everything that
Johnny said, Hagen knew he would never be able to persuade Woltz. But he also
Had no doubt whatsoever that the Don would keep his promise to Johnny. His
Own role was that of negotiator and contact.
Lying back in his seat, Hagen went over all the information given to him that
Day. Jack Woltz was one of the three most important movie producers in