Producer of the film telling him to report for work the following Monday. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Producer of the film telling him to report for work the following Monday.




1 That evening, Hagen went to the Don's house to prepare him for the important

meeting the next day with Virgil Sollozzo. The Don had summoned his eldest son to

attend (вызвал присутствовать; to summon [‘sΛm∂n] – вызывать, созывать; to attend

[∂‘tend] – уделять внимание; посещать, присутствовать), and Sonny Corleone, his

heavy Cupid-shaped face drawn with fatigue (вытянутое от усталости, с печатью

усталости), was sipping at a glass of water. He must still be humping that maid of

honor (должно быть, все еще трахает; hump – бугорок, кочка; горб; горбиться;

вкалывать, напрягаться; /вульг./ совокупляться), Hagen thought. Another worry (еще

одна забота, еще одно беспокойство).

2 Don Corleone settled into an armchair puffing his Di Nobili cigar. Hagen kept a box

of them in his room. He had tried to get the Don to switch to Havanas (переключиться)

but the Don claimed they hurt his throat.

3 "Do we know everything necessary for us to know?" the Don asked.

4 Hagen opened the folder (папку; to fold – складывать) that held his notes. The

notes were in no way incriminating (записи были ни в коей мере не

«изобличительные, инкриминирующие» = вполне безопасные, конспиративные),

merely cryptic reminders (всего лишь таинственные, секретные пометки; reminder –

напоминание) to make sure he touched on every important detail. "Sollozzo is coming

to us for help," Hagen said. "He will ask the family to put up at least a million dollars

(вложить; to put up – выставить /на продажу/; вложить /деньги/) and to promise

some sort of immunity from the law (обещать что-то вроде неприкосновенности со

стороны закона; immunity [ı'mju:nıtı] – неприкосновенность; иммунитет). For that we

get a piece of the action (долю), nobody knows how much. Sollozzo is vouched for by

the Tattaglia family (за него поручилась; to vouch – ручаться) and they may have a

piece of the action. The action is narcotics. Sollozzo has the contacts in Turkey, where

they grow the poppy (мак). From there he ships to Sicily. No trouble. In Sicily he has the

plant to process into heroin (фабрика для переработки; plant [plα:nt] – фабрика,

завод; to process [‘pr∂uses] – перерабатывать). He has safety-valve operations

(safety-valve – предохранительный клапан, отдушина) to bring it down to morphine

and bring it up to heroin if necessary (суть которых /операций для безопасности/ в

том, что можно переработать это в морфий, а затем обратно в героин, если

необходимо, если понадобится). But it would seem that the processing plant in Sicily


Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка

is protected in every way. The only hitch (задержка, заминка, неполадка = загвоздка)

is bringing it into this country, and then distribution (распределение,

распространение). Also initial capital (а также начальный капитал). A million dollars

cash doesn't grow on trees." Hagen saw Don Corleone grimace (как его лицо

исказилось гримасой /недовольства/ [grı'meıs]). The old man hated unnecessary

flourishes in business matters (излишние прикрасы; flourish [‘flΛrı∫] – цветение

/плодового дерева/; завитушки, цветистые выражения). He went on hastily

(продолжил поспешно).

5 "They call Sollozzo the Turk. Two reasons. He's spent a lot of time in Turkey and is

supposed to have a Turkish wife and kids (предполагается, что у него есть = кажется,

у него). Second. He's supposed to be very quick with the knife, or was, when he was

young. Only in matters of business, though, and with some sort of reasonable complaint

(и только при наличии какой-либо весомой причины для недовольства; complaint

[k∂mp’leınt] – жалоба, неудовлетворенность). A very competent man and his own

boss. He has a record, he's done two terms in prison (два срока), one in Italy, one in

the United States, and he's known to the authorities (властям) as a narcotics man. This

could be a plus for us. It means that he'll never get immunity to testify (он не будет

иметь права свидетельствовать, давать показания /против нас/), since he's

considered the top and, of course, because of his record. Also he has an American wife

and three children and he is a good family man. He'll stand still (стоять на месте) for

any rap (легкий удар, стук; /сленг/ наказание, обвинение, приговор) = (его не

поколеблет никакой приговор) as long as he knows that they will be well taken care of

for living money (пока будет знать, что о них позаботятся и у них всегда будут

деньги на жизнь)."




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