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VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. How many years did the Celtic world exist? When did it begin? 2. When did Celtic Art see its true blossoming? 3. What was Georg Ramsauer famous for? 4. What intriguing discoveries were made in Grave 994? 5. Where are the Celtic traces found? 6. How did foreign craftsmen contribute to Celtic Culture?
VIII. Выделите в тексте ключевые слова и нарисуйте spidergram. IX. Составьте план текста. Напишите краткую аннотацию на английском языке. X. Прочтите текст, составьте spidergram и сделайте реферативный перевод (300 печатных знаков): Scabbards By and large, scabbards offered greater scope for decoration and the range of options was considerable. The best-known individual example is the proto-Celtic scabbard from grave 994 at Hallstatt. The images on this - soldiers, horsemen, and figures turning a wheel - have a narrative quality that is unusual in Celtic art. The stylized dragons at the chape (or point), however, are much more typical. In true Celtic fashion, they almost seem to slither up the edge of the scabbard. Plant forms and stylized animals proved to be the most popular motifs throughout the La Tène era. During the Waldalgesheim period, in particular, craftsmen demonstrated a preference for flowing tendril patterns, running the full length of the scabbard. These were usually created with the aid of compasses. The tendril designs were often enlivened with faint hints of animal forms. On a French scabbard, discovered at Cernon-sur-Coole, eagle-eyed observers can discern a series of rudimentary bird heads. These consist of nothing more than a slit-like eye and a rapacious beak, which curves round sharply, merging with the line of the tendril. Dragon pairs (S-shaped forms placed back to back) also figured on many scabbard patterns, dating back as far as the 4th century B.C.. Examples have been found throughout Celtic Europe, although the greatest concentrations were produced in Hungary and Switzerland. No fewer than six scabbards of this kind were discovered at the cemetery of Kosd, near Budapest. Some of these had been ritually damaged, before being cast onto the funeral pyre. In general, Swiss designs were less ostentatious and were frequently restricted to the area around the mouth of the scabbard. In addition to the usual methods of incising and hatching, their armourers also employed chagrinage or ring-punched decoration. Similar designs can be observed on the surviving remnants of Celtic spears. These weapons were widely used at the start of the La Tène era and were invariably present in the earliest warrior graves. Indeed, the Gaesatae, one of the most warlike of the Celtic factions, are thought to have gained their name from the gaesum, a Gaulish throwing spear. In later periods, though, the influence of the weapon gradually began to diminish. (Iain Zaczek, The Art of the Celts, Parkgate Books Ltd, 1997, pp. 97-99)
SECTION II ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ФАКУЛЬТЕТА И ФАКУЛЬТЕТА БЕЛОРУССКОЙ ФИЛОЛОГИИ И КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИИ Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста I. Запомните их: · rank among находится в ряду с · to see oneself obliged to take up law считать необходимым заняться правом · occupation профессия · join the Bar (зд.) вступить в коллегию адвокатов · the Bar адвокатура · legal affairs (зд.) юридическая практика, деятельность · to try one's fortune in literature попытать счастья в литературе · to make use [ju:s] of = to use [ju:z] использовать · “The Ministrelsy of the Scottish Border” “Поэзия пограничной Шотландии” (собрание старинных шотландских баллад и легенд, 1802-1803 гг.) · to win one’s fame прославиться · to turn attention to переключить внимание на · masterpiece [`ma:st¶pi:s] шедевр · to go bankrupt обанкротиться · a debt of £117,000 [det] долг в сумме 117.000 фунтов стерлингов · health [helq] здоровье · to shatter health [òæt¶] подорвать здороье · great strength зд. напряженная работа
Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст I. Найдите в словаре значение неизвестных вам слов и запишите их в свою рабочую тетрадь: TEXT I. WALTER SCOTT (1771 – 1832) Walter Scott ranks among the greatest English poets and novelists. He was born in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, in the year 1771. The son of a lawyer, Scott saw himself obliged [¶`blaid d] to take up law as his future occupation. At the age of seventeen he entered Edinburgh University, and three years later, upon graduating it, joined the Bar. But he remained in the law office only a short time. Far from being a success in his legal [`li:g¶l] affairs, he tried his fortune in literature. In his childhood the boy was fond of Scottish folklore [`fouklÉ:] and showed a great interest in historical stories. Later, while travelling over Scotland, he collected old legends and ballads [`bæl¶dz] which he made use [ju:s] of in his future poems. The writer’s literary activity, to which Scott devoted the whole of his life, started with the publication of “The Ministrelsy [`ministr¶lsi] of the Scottish Border”. Scott first became known as a poet, but won the fame as a novelist. In his first novels he depicted mainly Scotland and her struggle for independence; later, however, he turned his attention to England and France describing critical periods in their history. Scott is justly spoken of as the creator of the historical novel. Of all his numerous works mention should be made of “Ivanhoe” which is but a masterpiece of the historical description. Scott introduced a new element in the historical novel by explaining present history through the history of the past and showing man as a product of history. The publishing firm which Scott was connected with one day went bankrupt, leaving the writer a debt of £117,000. Being compelled to pay the debt Scott set about writing new novels, but the great strain shattered his health. He went abroad for treatment, but seeing there was no hope of recovery, he returned home to die in his castle in Abbotsford. Speaking of Scott Belinski once said: “Walter Scott created the historical novel, and the artistic merits of his novels place him on a level with the greatest masters of all ages and all nations”. Упр. 3. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. When was Walter Scott born? 2. Where did he come from? 3. In what family was he born and brought up? 4. At what age did he enter the University of Edinburgh? 5. What did he do upon graduation from the University? 6. Did he carry out his work as a lawyer successfully? Did he like it? Why did he try his fortune in literature? 7. What was he fond of in his childhood? Did he show a great interest in history at an early age? 8. What did he collect while travelling over Scotland? 9. When did he start his literary work? 10. Was Scott a poet or a novelist? 11. What did he describe in his first novels? 12. Scott is the creator of the historical novel, isn’t he? 13. What helped to awaken a great interest in history at that time? 14. Why did Scott glorify [`glÉ:rifai] the past, especially the Middle Ages? 15. What shattered his health? 16. When (in what) year did he die? 17. What did Belinski say about Walter Scott? TEXT II Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста II. Запомните их. Обратите внимание на особенности значения многих интернациональных слов (список а): а) · genre [` a:nr] литературный жанр; жанр, стиль · literature [`lit¶ritò¶] литература · literary [`lit(¶)r¶ri] литературный · criticism [`kritisizm] критика · poetry [`pouitri] поэзия, стихи · drama [`dra:m¶] драма · typical [`tipik(¶)l] типичный · prose [prouz] проза · novelist [`nÉv¶list] романист · dramatist [`dræm¶tist] драматург · dialogue [`dai¶lÉg] диалог, разговор · form [fÉ:m] форма · action [`ækò(¶)n] действие, акт, поступок · genius [d i:nj¶s] гениальность, одаренность · man of ~ гениальный человек · author [`É:q¶] автор, писатель · basis [`beisis] основа, база, основание, базис · character [`kærikt¶] характер, личность, персонаж · original [¶`rid ¶nl] подлинный, своеобразный, творческий · heroine [`hero(u)in] героиня · person [`p¶:sn] личность, особа, человек · presentation [,prezen`teiò(¶)n] представление · fantasy [`fænt¶si] фантазия, воображение · leading [`lidiŋ] ведущий, передовой · complex [`kÉmpleks] сложный; комплекс · human [`hju:m¶n] человеческий · emotion [i`mouò(¶)n] эмоция, волнение ·
b) · prose fiction [fikòn] беллетристика · novel [`nÉv(¶)l] роман · sample [`sampl] образец · distinguish [dis`tiŋgwiò] различать, отличать · note [`nout] замечать, записывать · narrative [`nær¶tiv] рассказ, повествование · compose [k¶m`pouz] составлять · description [dis`kripò¶n] описание, изображение · entirely [in`tai¶li] всецело, совершенно · restrict [ris`trikt] ограничивать · capable [`keip¶bl] способный · essential [i`senò¶l] существенный, важный · recognizable [`rek¶gnaiz¶bl] могущий быть узнанным · ramble [`ræmbl] говорить бессвязно · magnify [`mægnifai] увеличивать · event [i`vent] событие · sketched [sketòid] схематичный · inner [`in¶] внутренний · mood [mu:d] настроение, расположение духа · observation [Ébz¶`veiò¶n] наблюдение · limited [`limitid] ограниченный · length [leŋq] продолжительность · flexible [`fleksibl] гибкий · point out [pÉint] указывать · plot [plÉt] сюжет ·
Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие интернациональные слова: Genres, literature, poetry, literary, criticism, drama, typical, prose, novelist, dramatist, dialogue, form, action, genius, author, basis, character, original, heroine, person, presentation, fantasy, leading, complex, human, emotion.
Упр. 3. Переведите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные конструкции: 1. Many of Byron’s lyrical poems are known to have been put to music. 2. Leo Tolstoy regarded B.Shaw to be a writer of great talent, original thought and deep insight into every kind of problem. 3. It is important for a student of philology to be well-read.
Упр. 4. Переведите предложения, содержащие причастные конструкции: 1. E. Hemingway began to write fiction about 1923, his first book being the reflection of his war experience. 2. We heard these linguists compiling a new dictionary. 3. His famous novel “Martin Eden” having been published, Jack London became famous the world over.
Упр. 5. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите в словаре значение незнакомых вам слов и выпишите их в рабочую тетрадь:
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