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Функции глаголов to be и to have (обобщение)Содержание книги
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Упр. 1. Определите функции глагола to be и переведите предложения: 1. She is an experienced teacher. 2. We were to meet on Sunday. 3. Where are you going? 4. Were you in the south last summer? 5. Don’t forget that we are to meet in the evening. 6. He is in the library now. 7. There will be an interesting concert next week. 8. He is reading up for his exams. 9. They are to come in 20 minutes. 10. You were to tell us about it. 11. I am afraid of nothing.
Упр. 2. Переведите, учитывая разные функции глагола to be: He was to listen to you; he was listening; he was listened to; he was a rich person; it is translated; it is to translate; he is translating; it is a difficult text; they are caused; they are to cause; he will be changed; he is changed; he is to change.
Упр. 3. Определите функции глагола to have и переведите предложения: 1. I have a very good English dictionary. 2. Have a look at this picture! 3. I have to write a letter to my parents today. 4. I have already seen this film. 5. She has just read an interesting story. 6. They have an English lesson every day. 7. We have breakfast in the morning. 8. He had to stay at home as it was raining hard. 9. We had a meeting after the lessons yesterday. 10. We had to wait for him for half an hour. 11. They had had dinner before we came. 12. Next week I shall have to return this textbook. 13. I’ll have the car brought round. 14. Why don’t you have your hair waved? 15. The man had his leg amputated. 16. We have to translate all these texts. 17. They will have a new flat soon.
Упр. 4. Переведите, учитывая разные функции глагола to have: I have arrived; I have to arrive; he had to translate; he had translated; he had the text to translate; I will have to understand; he has helped; he has to help; he will have to help; he had to help; he has asked; they have to ask; you had asked; she has to ask.
LESSON 2 The Infinitive Инфинитив Инфинитив – неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками и глагола, и существительного. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to (to go, to do, to help). Частица to не ставится: 1) после модальных глаголов (can, may, must, need, could, might, should): She can swim well. They should do it. 2) после глаголов to make (в значении «заставлять» в активном залоге), to let (разрешать): She let them go. 3) после выражений had better (лучше бы): You’d better sing us. А также would rather (предпочел бы): I would rather do it later.
Упр. 1. Найдите инфинитив в предложении. Объясните случаи, где инфинитив употреблен без частицы to. Предложения переведите: 1. He wanted to help us in biology. 2. They promised to inform us about their work. 3. His parents let him watch this film. 4. To swim in cold water is healthy. 5. Jane wants to buy a present to her Mum. 6. Our teacher makes us read every class. 7. You had better think about it. 8. Let me know what’s happening. 9. They will go to the library to read new magazines. 10. You needn’t decide at once how to act. 11. Don’t make him eat. 12. His friend made him learn English.
Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив с частицей to или без нее: 1. You may (join) us, if you wish. 2. Let her (do) what she wants (do). 3. When I was a child my granny made me (practise) the piano every day. 4. I won’t make Jim (come) to the club tonight. 5. You’d better (try) not to think about it. 6. I will make him (do) the work again. 7. I’d like (eat) fish this evening. 8. I’m glad (see) you. 9. She will be happy (invite) them. 10. Give me something (read). 11. She doesn’t like (ask) questions. 12. I want (learn) English. Свойства инфинитива 1. Инфинитив имеет формы залога (т. е. может быть активным и пассивным). 2. Инфинитив имеет формы относительного времени (т. е. выражают одновременность по отношению к другому действию (Indefinite Infinitive, Continuous Infinitive) или предшествование по отношению к другому действию (Perfect Infinitive). Перевод инфинитива на русский язык зависит от его формы. The Infinitive
Упр. 3. а) пользуясь таблицей, дайте остальные формы следующих инфинитивов: to ask, to do, to help, to make, to translate, to pass, to take, to answer; b) определите форму данных инфинитивов: to trouble (беспокоить), to have troubled, to be working, to have been told, to be invited, to have been working, to be done, to be doing, to have invited, to have lost, to stay, to be answered, to have made, to have been made, to have been reading, to have phoned, to have been asked, to have met, to be met, to have been helped, to be helping, to be helped, to have sent, to have been questioned.
Упр. 4. Укажите форму инфинитива. Сравните значения различных форм: 1. I like to ask questions. Я люблю задавать вопросы. 2. I like to be asked many questions. Я люблю, когда мне задают много вопросов. 3. They happened, at the moment, to be asking something about the examination. В этот момент они как раз что-то спрашивали об экзамене. 4. I remember to have asked this question. Я помню, что задавал этот вопрос. 5. I remember to have been asked this question. Я помню, что мне задавали этот вопрос. 6. For about twenty minutes they seemed to have been asking one and the same question formulating it in different ways. Минут двадцать они, казалось, задавали один и тот же вопрос, по-разному формулируя его.
Упр. 5. Переведите: 1. We were ready to take the exam beforehand. 2. I wanted to be invited to the concert. 3. He is glad to have chosen this institute. 4. I am glad to have seen you. 5. There was nothing left for him to do but watch and wait. 6. Laws are not made to be broken. 7. To visit her was all that I wanted. 8. He is proud to have been offered this post. 10. My greatest wish was to tell her everything. 11. For a moment she seemed to be hesitating. 12. In that same week I happened to have been enquiring whether all the invitations have been sent out. 13. All I want to do is to help you. 14. He seemed to have received all he wanted. 15. Alice arrived in time to hear Tom’s remark. 16. I am sorry not to have seen her. 17. I don’t like to be interrupted. 18. I don’t like to interrupt.
Упр. 6. a) вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму инфинитива: Passive или Active: 1. The lecturer wants … The students wants … (to understand, to be understood). 2. We expected the meeting … next month. He expected … the attention of the audience (to hold, to be held). 3. Some changes had … He wanted … some changes in the project (to make, to be made). 4. There were a lot of things … He was nowhere … (to see, to be seen).
b) вставьте подходящую по смыслу форму инфинитива Indefinite или Perfect: 1. It’s good … work for the day (to finish, to have finished). 2. She admits … the same mistake in her previous paper (to make, to have made). 3. He was sorry not … the idea earlier (to give up, to have given up). 4. She confessed … the man before (to see, to have seen). 5. The negotiations seem … to an end (to come, to have come). 6. The relations between the two countries seem … the lowest point (to reach, to have reached).
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