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NATO Established and DevelopedСодержание книги
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Twelve countries joined NATO at the start. The key elements of the treaty were that: · any attack on any one member country was to be regarded as an attack on all members; · the defence forces of each country were to be put under the NATO joint command.
These points were meant to deter any attack and to ensure efficient military co-operation. The addition of Italy meant that NATO was more than just an agreement between the Atlantic powers; Italy was seen as important in stopping the spread of communism southwards. NATO was strengthened by firmer agreements between the USA and each member in 1950, by the addition of Greece and Turkey in 1952 and by West Germany’s membership in 1955. Between 1950 and 1953 the Korean War showed the importance of efficient organisation for multinational forces; therefore SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) was set up near Paris. At this difficult point of the Cold War it was recognised that the forces aiming to defend western Europe needed to increase fourfold to provide security against a Russian attack; and five divisions of the US Army were to be stationed permanently in Germany as a sign of America’s commitment to Europe’s defence. NATO appeared to be strengthened by the creation of parallel organisations in other regions. SESATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation, 1954) and CENTO (Central Treaty Organisation, 1959 – replacing the Baghdad Pact of 1955) were both similarly directed against the communist states and aimed to unite weaker capitalist countries under US protection. They were never as cohesive or convincing as NATO, however, and no longer have any effective role to play. Later developments have included the need to cope with France’s temporary withdrawal from NATO in 1966, when President de Gaulle objected to placing French troops and nuclear weapons under foreign control. In 1979 NATO decided that by 1983 it would site over 500 Pershing and cruise missiles in Europe, as a response to the growth in numbers of Soviet nuclear weapons. This marked an escalation in a highly expensive arms race, which increasingly crippled the Soviet economy and arguably led to the collapse of communism in the USSR and Europe in the late 1980s. (GCSE Modern History Review Hindsight, Volume 11, Number 2, January 2001)
V. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными: 1. NATO deployed troops on a real combat mission in 1999. 2. NATO was an attempt to join western European states together with the USSR. 3. Comecon was formed by Russia to rival the Brussels Defence Treaty. 4. There were 12 countries who joined NATO at the start. 5. Greece and Italy became NATO members in 1952. 6. In 1960 France withdrew from NATO permanently.
VI. Прочтите текст еще раз и переведите его на русский / белорусский язык. Найдите в словаре и выпишите в рабочую тетрадь незнакомые слова. VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. Why was NATO created? 2. What was the essence of the Marshall Plan? 3. Why did the world appear a dangerous place in 1949? 4. How did NATO develop? 5. What marked an escalation in the arms race?
VIII. Выделите в тексте ключевые слова и нарисуйте spidergram.
IX. Составьте план текста. Напишите краткую аннотацию. SECTION II
ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ФАКУЛЬТЕТА И ФАКУЛЬТЕТА БЕЛОРУССКОЙ ФИЛОЛОГИИ И КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИИ TEXT I Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста I. Запомните их: · clergyman [`kl¶:d im¶n] n священник · to be educated [,edju`keitid] получить образование · graduate [`grædjueit] v закончить (вуз); graduation [,grædju`eiò¶n] n окончание высшего учебного заведения · reviewer [ri`vju:¶] n обозреватель; рецензент · publish [`pÙbliò] v публиковать · author [`É:q¶] n автор · considerable [k¶n`sid¶r¶bl] a значительный · regard [ri`ga:d] v считать, рассматривать · honest [`Énist] a честный · comment [`kÉment] n комментарий, толкование · somewhat [`sÙmwÉt] pron отчасти, до некоторой степени, несколько, довольно · static [`stætik] a статичный, неподвижный · lack [læk] v не хватать, недоставать · force [`fÉ:s] n сила · background [`bækgraund] n фон, подоплека, предпосылка · medium [`mi:dj¶m] n средство, способ · manage [`mænid ] v суметь, удаваться · attractive [¶`træktiv] a привлекательный, притягательный · aspect [`æspekt] n аспект, сторона · true to life [tru:] реалистический, жизненно правдивый; точно воспроизведенный · understand [Ùnd¶`stænd] v понимать; understanding n понимание · compassion [k¶m`pæò¶n] n жалость, сострадание, сочувствие · endow [in`dau] v наделять, одарять · radiance [`reidj¶ns] n великолепие, блеск; сияние · melancholy [`mel¶nk¶li] a грустный; мрачный
Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие интернациональные слова: author [`É:q¶] n, publish [`pÙbliò] v, `comment n, static [`stætik] a, social [`souò¶l] a, aspect [`æspikt] n, talent [`tæl¶nt] n, problem [`prÉblem], sympathy [`simp¶qi] n, melancholy [`mel¶nk¶li] n, a Упр. 3. Выпишите из текста предложения со сказуемым в страдательном залоге (4). Предложения переведите.
Упр. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст I:
Hugh Seymour Walpole (1884-1941) was born in Auckland, New Zealand, in the family of a clergyman. He was educated at King's School, Canterbury, and at Cambridge. After graduation he worked as a school teacher and later as a reviewer. His first novel “The Wooden Horse” was published in 1909. He is the author of a considerable number of novels, of which “Mr Perrin and Mr Traill” is generally regarded as his best. Walpole’s work is a serious and honest comment on life. Yet his novels are somewhat static, they lack force and colour; their social background is narrow. Hugh Walpole’s short stories are less known than his novels. Yet, it is probably through this medium that the writer manages to show the most attractive aspects of his talent. It is not only that men and women in his stories are true to life and that their problems are very much our problems. It is also the author’s sympathy, understanding and compassion that endows the stories with a special warm – even if somewhat melancholy – radiance.
Упр. 5. Письменно задайте вопросы, ответы на которые даны ниже: 1. H.S. Walpole was born in New Zealand. 2. He graduated from Cambridge University. 3. The novel “Mr Perrin and Mr Traill” is his best work. 4. His short stories are not so well-known as his novels.
Упр. 6. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы к тексту: 1. What did H.S. Walpole do after graduation from Cambridge University? 2. When did he publish his first novel? 3. What are the negative features of Walpol’s novels? 4. What are the positive features of his short stories?
TEXT II Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова активного словаря текста II. Выучите их: · activity [æk`tiviti] n деятельность · government [`gÙvm¶nt] n правительство; governmental [,gÙv¶`ment¶l] a правительственный commercial [k¶`m¶:ò¶l] a торговый, коммерческий · within [wi` in] prep в, в пределах; внутри ·about [¶`baut] adv около, приблизительно; prep о (чем-л.) · legal [`li:g¶l] a законный · other [`Ù ¶] a другой, иной · such as [sÙtò ¶z] такой как · share [òε¶] v делить(ся) чем-л., пользоваться вместе · former [`fÉ:m¶] a прежний, бывший · over [`ouv¶] adv сверх, более, больше · respect [ris`pekt] n отношение, касательство; in this respect в этом отношении · acquire [¶`kwai¶] v приобретать; достигать · communication [k¶,mjuni`keiòn] n общение; средство общения · frontier [`frÙntj¶] n граница · across frontiers [¶`krÉs] через границы · commerce [`kÉm¶(:)s] (оптовая) торговля, коммерция · half [ha:f] n половина · associate [¶`souòieit] v соединять, связывать; ассоциировать; associated a связанный, объединенный · technology [tek`nÉl¶d i] n техника; технология; technological [,tekn¶`lÉd ik¶l] a технический · manufacturing [,mænju`fæktò¶rih] a промышленный · principal [`princip¶l] a главный · aid [eid] n помощь · automation [,É:t¶`meiòn] n автоматика · shipping [`òipih] n торговый флот · degree [di`gri:] n степень · major [`meid ¶] n главная посылка (о силлогизме); профилирующая дисциплина · frequently [`fri:kw¶ntli] adv часто · conduct [`kÉnd¶kt] n ведение, руководство; conduct of a business [`biznis] руководство делом · the United Nations = UN [ju`naitid neiò¶nz] Организация Объединенных Наций, ООН
Упр. 2. Потренируйтесь в чтении следующих интернациональных слов. Письменно переведите их, обращая внимание на части речи: province [`prÉvins] n, commerce [`kÉm¶s] n, commercial [k¶`m¶:ò¶l] a, social [`souò¶l] a, educational [,edju`keiò¶n¶l] a, activity [æk`tiviti] n, legal [`li:g¶l] a, official [É`fiò¶l] a, status [steit¶s] n, international status [,int¶`næòin¶l], territory [`terit¶ri] n, communication [k¶,mjuni`keiòn] n, associate [¶`souòiet] v, technology [tek`nÉl¶d i] n, economic [,i:k¶`nÉmik] a, manufacture [,mænju`fæktò¶] v, manufacturing [,mænju`fæktò¶rih] a, principal [`prinsip¶l] a, automation [,É:t¶`meiòn] n, computer [k¶m`pju:t¶] n, technology [tek`nÉl¶d i] n, universal [,ju:ni`v¶:s¶l] a всеобщий, public [`pÙblik] a, communication [k¶,mju:ni`keiò¶n] n, diplomacy [dip`lÉm¶si] n, debates [di`beits] n, nation [`neiò¶n], general [`d enr¶l] a, business [`biznis] n
Упр. 3. Отработайте чтение географических названий и имен собственных: North America [`nÉq: ¶`merik¶], the British Isles [ailz], Australia [É`streilj¶], New Zealand [`nju `zi:l¶nd], the Caribbean Sea [,kæri`bi:¶n si:] – Карибское море, South Africa [`sauq `æfrik¶], Quebec [kwi`bek] – Квебек (провинция Канады), Canada [`kæn¶d¶], Africaans [,æfri`ka:ns] n - африкаанс, бурский язык, Bantu [`bæn`tu:] n – банту, Irish [`ai¶riò], Welsh [welò], Celtic [`keltik] n,a – кельтский язык, Nigeria [nai`d i¶ri¶], India [`indi¶], the United Nations [ju`naitid `neiò¶nz]
Упр. 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст II:
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