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Task 4.25. Rewrite these sentences as Conditionals III. Follow the pattern.Содержание книги
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Unfortunately he didn’t notice this advertisement, so he didn’t apply for the job. If he had noticed this advertisement, he would have applied for the job. 1. Unfortunately he failed his exams and was expelled from the university. 2. It only happened because she didn’t follow the instructions of her scientific advisor. 3. My friend didn’t do much maths at school, so he found economics difficult at university. 4. We didn’t buy the equipment because it was so expensive. 5.1 didn't see him, so I,ouldn't give him your messages
6. They tried a new approach and made fundamental investigations. 7. He was so interested in computer technology that he took it as his special field. 8. The researchers didn’t possess reliable information on the subject, that’s why they didn’t prove their hypothesis. 9. She acquired proper knowledge and practical skills, so she carried out independent investigation of this scientific problem. Task 4.26. Put the verbs given in brackets into the appropriate forms: Example: If Einstein (formulate) the relativity theory, somebody else (do) it. If Einstein hadn’t formulated the relativity theory, somebody else would have done it. 1. If you (check) equipment before you started the experiment, you (not/have) any trouble with it. 2. If I (speak) more confidently at the interview, they (offer) me this job. 3. If our conference (not/be sponsored) by important organizations, it (not/be) successful. 4. If students (do) significant research, they (can publish) the results in scientific journals. Students’reseach work
5. If you (be interested) in computer technology, you (enter) the Polytechnic University. 6. You (pass) mathematics if you (look through) all the necessary material thoroughly. Task 4, 27. Complete the sentences: 1. I would participate in the work of this students’ scientific society... 2. She would have made a much more interesting report at a scientific seminar... 3. If the results of my research work were valuable enough for a professional journal publication... 4. Ihor would have become a student of the advanced group... 5. If I didn’t work under the guidance of my supervisor... 6. I would defend my graduation project in English... 7. If the students weren’t involved in research right from their first year of studies... 8. If I submitted my research project in time... 9. I would produce visual aids like other students... 10. If Olena defended her research work successfully... 12. If I weren’t given a special course of lectures on methods of work on scientific literature... 13. Taras would have become a postgraduate... 14. If I wrote a graduation paper... 15. If I were a graduate... 16. If I were you... 17. Had I more free time... 18. If they had had more money... 19. Provided you were a chemist (an economist, a manager, an engineer, a programmer)... 20. If he had been invited to the conference... 21. Were you more attentive... 22. If our students carried out their experiment... 23. If she displayed her initiative... 24. Were she a promising undergraduate... 25. Provided she had known English better... Task 4.28. Translate the following sentences into English using Conditionals: 1. Якщо отичасно оаплатит ззаористуванннянтернетом, ннеудеш мати ироблем 3i зв’язком. 2. Якби я мав достатньо грошей, то придбав би потужний комп'ютер. 3. Якби я янав вava acript,,т Mir ги одержати цю роботу..(2ар1анти)... Якби тт добре знав закони ринкової економжи, то To6i вдалося б уникнути невдачь 5. Шкода, що ои нн мав васу упийти вчора ан аекщю професора Коваля. Якби тт був присутнш на лекци, то д1знався б багато щкавого про сучасний стан технологи виготовлення комп’ютерних чипв. 6. Якби менеджери не використовували Unit4 сучасш шформацшш технологи, то ш було б набагато складнше приймати ефек-тивш ртшення. 7. Якщо ви братимете активну участь у студентськш науковш робоп, вам вдасться досягти бшьшого ycnixy у свош професшнш Kap'epi. 8. Якби ми скористалися шшим методом, проводячи експеримент вчора, то безумовно одержали б точншп результати. 9. Якщо ви не здасте вчасно свою курсову роботу, то ощнка буде знижена. 10. Було б етично правильним, якби Bci студенти не забували вказувати джерела шформацп, використано1 в сво'Гх рефератах. 11. Якщо вищий навчальний заклад не буде проводи™ достатньоК науково-дослщжп робота, BiH не матиме права одержати найвищий ршень акредитацй. 12. Студенти були б краще шдготовлеш до профегайюм робота, якби вони користувалися сучасним обладнанням при виконанш лабораторних po6iT пщ час навчання. 13. Якщо студента» Bcix спещальностей будуть знайомити з законами розвитку ринко-Boi економ1ки, то багато з них захочуть почати свш власний б1знес у майбутньому. 14. Якби до учасп у студентських наукових конференщях залучалося бшыне студента, то Bci вони мали б крашд навики подготовки презентащи та сшлкування з аудитор1ею. 15. У вас були б крашд можливосп одержати щкаву роботу, якби ви брали активну участь у позааудиторнш науково-дослщнш робоп. 16. Якби в nporpaMi не було так багато логдчних помилок, то и можна було б використати для виршення niei" проблеми. 17. Якби ви добре сформатували текст, то eiH мав би набагато кращий вигляд. 18. Якби ви взяли участь у вчорашньому треншгу для користувач1в, то у вас не виникало б питань щодо використання niei програми. 19. Якщо у nporpaMi не буде системних помилок, то вам не доведеться знов запускати комп’ютер. 20. Якби не юнувало мов програмування, то було б немож-ливо спшкуватись з комп’ютером. 21. Якщо ви знатимете лише частину поля, яке ви шукаете, то вам слщ буде скористатися джокером (a wildcard). 22. Якщо вам norpi6HO буде виконувати велику юльюсть обчислень, то доведеться скористатись електронними таблицями. 23. Якби я не забув пароль вчора, то не витратив би стшьки зайвого часу. 24. Якщо в мене буде вшьний час влтсу, то я використаю його на вивчення ще одше'1 мови програмування. 25. Якби при навчанш в шкош майбутш студенти придшяли бшьше уваги вивченню шформатики, то не мали б проблем з цим предметом в yHiBepcHTeri. 26. Якщо студенти знатимуть досконало хоча б одну шоземну мову, то матимуть набагато крашд можливосп професганого розвитку у майбутньому. 27. Якби не використовувались мультимедшш програми, то комп’ютерн1 irpn не були б такими захоплюючими. 28. Якби меж вдалося добре вщлагодити програму вчора, то я б ще вчора мав можливкть скористатися нею. Task 4. 29. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets: 1. I would make a report at a scientific seminar, if I (to be) you. 2. If these students (to be involved) in research, it will perfect their qualification. 3. If your graduation paper (to contain) valuable results, it would have been recommended for publication. Students ’ reseach work 4. If you were an active member of scientific societies, it (to help) you in your research work. 5. If he (to know) English better, he could have defended his graduation paper in this foreign language. 6. If they had been more careful, they (not to have) any trouble with this device. 7. Had I more free time, I (to investigate) this problem more deeply. 8. If I were you, I (to study) two foreign languages. 9. You would carry, out these experiments more quickly if you (to be) more experienced. 10. He could have published his paper in professional journals, if he (to do) some interesting research. Task 4. 30. Open the brackets using the appropriate verb forms: 1. I (to finish) this work next week, if I (to get) reasonable results. 2. It (to be) much better to work in the lab, if it (to be equipped better). 3. They (to test) their hypothesis if they (to carry out) this experiment yesterday. 4. You (to finish) your work in time, if you (to find) the right approach to solving this problem. 5. Unless he (to take part) in this experiment tomorrow, we (not to get) reliable results. 6. If he (not to come) in time yesterday, they (to finish) their research without his help. 7. Provided they (to prepare) for their exams better, they (to get) only excellent marks now. 8. If we (to know) the exact time of carrying out the experiment, we (to call) him immediately. 9. If I (to be) you, I (to investigate) these properties myself. 10. If he (to be) a student of the advanced group, he (to defend) his diloma project in English. ;, SECTION IV. DEVELOPING SPEAKING SKILLS Task 4.31. Have a talk with someone. Make up dialogues using modifications: This is how you may work: 1. Read the dialogue several times until you are quite fluent. 2. Leam the dialogues in pairs. 3. Ask and answer the questions given below some dialogues. Unit 4 4. Give your own variations, substituting the words in bold with the words from 5. Make up your own dialogues. Variations
A. to carry on, to carry out; to conduct B. type, kind A. telecommunications; financial management; computer technology; ecology
A. engaged in; interested in; investigating B. electrical properties of semiconduc What problems deserve theoretical and experimental investigation in your field? A. What is the aim of your research? A. objective; purpose B. To investigate optical properties of B. to research; to study; to clarify; with professor Semkiv. in co-operation; working together What, do you think, are the advantages of team work? A. What can you say about the experi B. It is a very specific experiment. We B. It’s a highly technical experiment, What can you say about the experiment you took part in (for example, while doing your lab work)? Students ' reseach work A. We’ll have to overcome a few obstac B. Yes. I’m afraid we are going to have B. to lack adequate equipment.(reliable Have you ever had any difficulties with experiments in the physics laboratory? A. We must learn the technique for our A. look for a suitable technique; find the use a suitable procedure; try a new approach B. The method we are planning to use is Do you use conventional or new methods in your experiments? A. What are research interests of Pro- A. scientific, professional B. His current research interests include B. presen,, lates;; focus on, concern; new ideas. Besides he supervises stu- guides; helps dents in their research. Are you receptive to new ideas? A, In what field is Dr. Ivaniv most A. area, sphere, branch B, Training of young scientists and B. science students, undergraduates, What science books do you like to read? What is your attitude to science fiction? 9 A. Are you through with your research A. Have you finished; completed; done B. Not yet. B. Not quite; No, I’m afraid not; No, I don’t think so. Unit 4 “There are three stages in any research: the first is to begin it, the second is to finish it and the third is to publish it.” (M. Faraday). Which stage in your opinion is more difficult and why?
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