Section I. Aural comprehension 

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Section I. Aural comprehension

Task 5.2. Listen to the text “A Letter from London” and say whether the following statements are false or true:

1. Helen often goes on business trips and scientific missions.

2. The Organizing Committee holds conferences once a year.

3. The conferences are always held in London.

4. Speakers are not allowed to present their papers in their native language.

5. Helen had some problems with filling in the questionnaire.

6. Helen liked the presentation made by a famous Japanese scientist.

7. Roman’s presentation wasn’t accompanied by the demonstration of visual aids.


8. At the panel discussion the audience paid much attention to the question raised by Helen.

9. Helen doesn’t want to deal with people who are against her ideas.

10. The Organizing Committee failed to arrange social events for participants.

11. The next conference will be held in Austria.

12. Helen liked the conference very much.

Task 5,3, Listen to the text “A Letter From London” and fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases:

1. I have managed to find_ to all of them.

2. Every year the Organizing Committee appoints and approves of the conference.

3. The speakers are allowed to present_ in their mother tongue.

4. It took me another hour to put my paper_.

5. As I had paid__ by mail, I had only to fill in the registration form in__ _

6. The first speaker at the__ was a famous scientist from Japan.

7. I cannot comment on the_ of his paper as my__ turned out to be defective.

8. He was busy arranging his__ on a special board.

9. Roman’s__ was briliian..

10. My presentation at this conference wasn’t an_.

11. I took the floor at the__.

12. At the closing meeting the___ announced that the next conference would probably

be held in Vienna.

Task 5.4. Listen to the dialogue “Presentations” and select the most accurate statements:

1. A. Person A participates in conferences once a year.
B. Person A is used to participating in conferences.

С Person A has no experience in taking part in conferences.

2. A. Plenary presentations are delivered to all participants.

B. After plenary presentations participants discuss some specific issues. С All participants must make reports at the plenary meeting.

3. A. Paper reportings aren’t followed by a discussion.

B. Handouts and audio-visual aids help presenters to convey the main ideas of their

papers to the audience.

С Paper reportings are usually 5-minute-long.

4. A. At workshops 15-minute reports are delivered.

B. At workshops participants try to find a solution to the problem under


С At workshops participants listen to the leader of the group delivering a lecture.

5. A. Poster presentations are exhibited in the Conference Hall.

B. Poster presentations aim at exchanging ready-made materials.

С Posters exhibited in the Conference Hall contain abstracts of all papers delivered

at the conference.



Task 5.5. Listen to the dialogue "Presentations”, answer the following questions, and match English and Ukrainian equivalents given below:

1. What is a plenary presentation?

2. Where may specialists discuss some specific issues of their interest during a conference?

3. What have you learnt from this dialogue about paper reportings?

4. Why are workshops intended for creative persons?

5. Where are poster presentations exhibited?

6. What does a poster presentation consist of?

7. What may participants do attending swap shops?

A. B.

1. workshop; 1. дискуем спещалюпв;

2. talks; 2. стендова доповцгь;

3. swap shop; 3. загальна дискуая;

4. panel discussion; 4. секшйна доповщь;

5. plenary presentation; 5. тематичю бесщи;

6. general discussion; 6. (практичний) семшар;

7. paper reporting; 7. секшя обмшу матерхалами;

8. poster presentation. 8. пленарна доповщь.


Task 5.6. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it:

1. abstract of a paper / report - (тези доповш) - a short written statement of the most important ideas in a paper (report), e.g. Abstracts which don’t meet the requirements will not be included in the Conference Papers Book.

2. accept (antonyms: refuse, reject, decline) - (прийняти; антошми: вщмовитися вщ, вщхилити) - to agree // not to agree to do something that someone asked you to do, e.g. I’ve decided to accept the invitation to this conference, but my colleague has declined it.

3. agree (antonym: disagree with) - (погоджуватись; антошм: не погоджуватись) -to have / not to have the same opinion about smth. as someone else, e.g. I agree with some ideas expressed by this speaker, but disagree with others.

agreement (antonym: disagreement) - (згода; антошм: незгода)- a situation in which people express similar / different opinions about smth., e.g. There is a lot of disagreement among specialists about approaches and solutions to the problem under consideration.



4. announce -(оголошувати) - to tell people officially about a decision or something that will happen, e.g. The chairman announced that the panel discussion would be postponed, announcement - (оголошення) - a public (official) statement, e.g. I’ve already received a copy of the first announcement about the up-coming conference.

5. arrange / compile -(укласти, упорядкувати) - to put smth. in a particular order or position, to organize or make plans, e. g. The Organizing Committee has arranged all the papers submitted according to sections.

6. attend a plenary meeting / session- (бути присутшм на пленарному засіданш) - to be present at the formal meeting organized for all participants to a conference, e.g. He has failed to attend the plenary meeting but is sure to take part at the workshop.

7. bulletin / notice board -(дошка оголошень) - a board on which written announcements are put up, e.g. As a rule, the notices fixed to the bulletin board contain some additional information concerning the conference.

8. chair - (головувати) - to be in charge of a meeting, e.g. To chair the meeting means to direct its work and be responsible for its efficiency.

chairperson / chairman / chairwoman - (головуючий, -a) - the person who is in charge of a meeting, e.g. The chairman said that those requirements were to be followed by all presenters.

9. clarify one’s point of view -(роз’яснити свою точку зору) - to make something clearer and easier to understand, e.g. Will you please clarify your point of view?

10. comment on - (коментувати) - to express an opinion about someone or something, e.g. The speech given by the famous guest-speaker has been widely commented on.

11. consider -(розглядати, вважати) - to think about something, especially about whether to accept or do something, e.g. Before reaching a final decision, we'll consider any reasonable offer.

consideration - (розгляд) - careful thought and attention, e.g. Have you got any comments on the problem under consideration?

12. deadline - (крайнш термш / строк) - a date or time by which you have to do or
complete smth., e.g. They haven’t established the deadline for submitting
applications yet.

establish / meet / miss the deadline for doing something - (встановити крайнш термш / вкластися в термш / не вкластися в термш) - to set the date / to finish by the date / to fail to do smth. by the established date, e.g. The suggested deadlines were difficult to meet.

13. discuss - (обговорювати) - to talk about smth. in order to exchange ideas and
make decision, e.g. They had a chance to discuss a great number of bright ideas,
general / panel discussion - (загальна дискусія / дискусія спещшпстів) - not
detailed /professional discussion, e.g. A panel discussion is a conversation in which
a group of people with skills and special knowledge give advice or opinions on a
particular subject.

prolong / postpone / interrupt a discussion - (продовжити / вщкласти / перервати дискуспо) - to make a speech, report or discussion last longer / to change to a later time or date / to stop someone from continuing a discussion, e.g.


The chairman may prolong, postpone or interrupt discussions,

14. doubt - (сумшватися, сумшв) - to think that smth. may not be true / a feeling of being uncertain about something, e.g. I don’t doubt his taking part in the next conference.

15. earphones - (навушники) - electrical equipment that you put over your ears to listen to a radio, music etc., e.g. Participants are provided with earphones to listen to synchronous interpretation into major languages.

16. emphasize - (шдкреслювати, робити наголос) - to point out, to give special or additional importance to smth. e.g. He made a speech emphasizing the importance of applying obtained theoretical results to practice.

17. enclose - (Micrarra, покласти у конверт) - to contain; to put something inside an envelope, e.g. I was sent a letter enclosing the programme of the conference and a copy of preliminary registration form.

18. enlarge on a problem - (зупинитись на проблемі детальнее) - to provide more facts or details about something you have already mentioned, e.g. He was asked to enlarge on this problem.

19. exchange / swap, swop - (обмшюватись) - to interchange ideas and points of view, e.g. You can exchange your programmes, or assignments for ready-made materials of other participants.

20. fail to do something - (не зум^и / не змогти зробити щось) - to be unsuccessful in smth. that you want to do, e.g. But for the logical structure of his paper, he would have failed to convey the main ideas of it to the audience.

21. be in favour of (antonym: to be against) - (бути за / бути проти) - to completely approve of smth./disagree with an idea, e.g. Who is in favour of the motion? Who is against it? Who has abstained from voting?

22. fill in / complete a form in block letters - (заповнити бланк друкованими леерами)- to write all the necessary information on an official document in capitals, e.g. The participant has filled in the registration form using block letters.

23. take the floor - (взяти слово, виступити) - to speak at an important meeting, conference etc., e.g. She took the floor and voiced her opinion on the problem under discussion.

give the floor - (надати слово) - to allow smb. to make a speech at a meeting, conference etc., e.g. The presenter was given the floor for the second time in order to enlarge on this subject.

24. go on a business trip / scientific mission - (їхати у дшове / наукове вщрядження) - to leave for some other place to participate in business or scientific events, e.g. He goes on business trips quite often.

25. handout - (роздатковий матеріал) - a piece of paper with information which is given to the audience, e.g. I prepared the handouts in advance not to waste time during my presentation.

26. hold a conference - (проводи™ конференцію) - to organize, to run, to make all necessary arrangements, e.g. The conference will be held in July.


27. synchronous interpretation - (синхронний усний переклад) - the act of simultaneous translation of a speech orally from one language into another, e.g. Synchronous interpretation at international conferences is provided in order to avoid the difficulty of understanding a speech (or a report) delivered in a non-working language of the conference.

28. introduction - (вступ) - the opening section of a paper preceding its main part, e. g. Don’t omit the introduction, because it will be rather difficult for the audience to concentrate on the main ideas of your paper.

29. invite to - (запрошувати) -to ask someone politely to do smth. or participate in smth., e.g. How are participants invited to a conference?

invitation - (запрещення) - a written request to someone inviting him/her to do smth. or participate in smth. e.g. Shortly afterwards, he got an invitation to participate in a scientific conference.

30. limit - (обмежувати) - to restrict in time, e.g. The chairman suggested that the time of presentations should be limited to 10 minutes.

31. location of a conference / venue - (Micue проведення конференцп) - a particular place of holding a conference, e.g. The precise location of the conference is indicated in the letter of invitation.

32. be mistaken - (помилятись) - to misunderstand, to have a wrong opinion of smb. or smth., e. g. I have thought I saw her enter the conference hall, but I was mistaken.

33. merit - (вартють, заслуга, позитивна яюсть) a good quality that deserves praise or admiration, e.g. The merit of any speech greatly depends on its logical and clear structure.

34. omit a passage / paragraph - (оминути уривок / абзац) - to leave out a short part of a speech either deliberately or through forgetfulness, e.g. If you have to omit several paragraphs, be selective and organize the content of your report in a proper way.

35. pay a fee - (сплачувати внесок) - to pay a charge for participation in a conference, e.g. You should pay the fee as soon as possible.

36. preliminary programme - (попередня програма) - introductory or preparatory, preceding the more important programme, e.g. The preliminary programme is to be sent to all participants tomorrow.

37. present - (представляти) - to introduce formally, to give a speech in which you offer an idea, plan, etc. to be considered or accepted, e.g. You should present your paper in relatively short and simple sentences to be easily understood by the audience.

presentation - (виступ, представлення) - a speech in which a new idea, plan, etc.

is described or explained, e.g. He’s been asked to give a short presentation on the

aim of the project.

presenter - (доповщач) - someone who gives a speech on a particular subject,

e.g. If you are a presenter, you should submit the title and the abstract of your



38. questionnaire entry - (пункт анкети) - an item in a written, set of questions drawn up for collecting information, e.g. Participants are to fill in the questionnaire comprising more than 20 entries.

39. receive / send a formal invitation / a receipt -(отримувати / надсилати офщШне запрошення / квитанцію) - to get or obtain / to mail or transfer a written request of acknowledgement, e.g. Yesterday I received the formal invitation to the conference.

40. register - (реєструвати,-ся) - to record (to write) a name and other details about someone on an official list, e.g. How many participants have already registered? registration - (реєстращя; - the act of putting names and other details on an official list, e.g. Students’ registration for participation in the annual scientific conference will have been completed by March 1.

41. see that strict timing is kept - (чітко слщкувати за регламентом) - to regulate one’s time of presentation in accordance with limits adopted, e.g. The meeting was oVer late in the evening because the chairman failed to see that strict timing was kept.

42. speaker - (виступаючий, доповщач) - someone who makes a speech, gives a talk etc., usually at a meeting, e.g. It’s very important for a speaker to develop key points of his presentation in an interesting and varied way.

43. summary - (висновок, короткий змкт, резюме) - a short statement that gives the main information about smth. without giving all the details, e.g. Please write a one-page summary of this report.

44. visual aids - (унаочнення, наочш засоби) - something such as a map, picture, film, etc. that helps people understand, learn or remember information, e.g. If you have a lot of complex information to explain, think about using some visual aids: charts, graphs, diagrams etc.

45. voice one’s opinion on - (висловити свою думку) - to tell people one’s thoughts or feelings on a particular subject, e.g. He voiced his own opinion on the subject under discussion.

46. wander from the subject under debate - (вщхилятися в щ теми дебатів) - to talk about something not connected with the main subject, e.g. It’s the function of the chairman to control mat speakers do not wander from the subject under debate.

47. working language - (робоча мова) - language in which papers should be presented to the audience, e.g. Being one of the most wide-spread languages in die world, English is often chosen as a working language at international conferences.

Task 5,7. Revision of the essential vocabulary of the previous topics. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words:

1. to apply for (подати заяву); application (заява)

a) I think we should____ for participation in this conference.

b) I’m afraid his____ will be declined.


2. to manage to do something (зумгги щось зробити)

Have you____ d to meet the deadline for submitting the abstract of your paper?

3. to solve problems (виршгувати проблеми); to find a solution to the problem

under consideration (знайти виршення проблеми, що розглядається)

a) They failed to find any_____ to this problem.

b) The committee had to_____ many problems when organizing the conference.


4. to meet (met, met) requirements (вщповщати вимогам) His paper doesn’t meet publication.

5. to participate / to take part (брати участь); participation (участь); participant

a)Have you ever____ d in a scientific conference?

b) The____ s who came tc the tonference erom ether cities will stay at a three-sthr


c) He missed the deadline for submitting the application, so his_______ in the conference

is out of the question.

6. to submit / present / deliver a paper (report) (подати / представши / прочитати

Не _ed his paper at the plenary meeting and then_____________ ed it to the Organizing

Committee for publication.

Task 5.8. Match the words with their definitions:

1. Presentation
2. Enclose
3. Requirement
4. Decline
5. Preliminary
6. Deadline
7. Fee
8. Questionnaire
9. Handout
10. Postpone
11. File
12. Chairman
13. Summary
14. Omit

a) happening before something that is more important;

b) a piece of paper with information given to people who are attending a meeting, conference etc.;

c) not to include somithing;

d) to put off an event, action etc. until another time;

e) someone, who is in charge of a meeting;

f) to put smth inside an envelope in addition to a letter;

g) the amount of money that you pay to do smth;
h) a folder containing some documents;
i) a short statement that gives the main information;
j) an event at which a new idea is explained;
k) something that is needed or asked for;
1) to refuse to accept smth;
m) a date by which you have to complete smth;
n) a written set of questions which you give to a large number

of people in order to collect information;



1. A public statement a ou m nt

2. To be in charge of a meeting c" j "", "

3. A written request to someone inviting him/her to do __vit_______ on

smth. or participate in smth.

4. To restrict in time 1___ i_

5. Careful thought and attention с e t n

6. To think that smth. may not be true d~_~_~J

7. Electrical equipment that you put over your ears to _a_ph_______ s

listen to a radio, music, etc.

8. A situation in which people express similar ideas _______ t

9. The opening section of a paper preceding its main part __t______ u_____ o_

10. A good quality that deserves praise or admiration m______

11. Someone who makes a speech, gives a talk etc., usually__________ a___ r

at a meeting

Task 5.10. Fill in the gaps choosing the words from the list given below:


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