Task 1.29. Write a letter of application for one of the posts advertised in Task 24. 

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Task 1.29. Write a letter of application for one of the posts advertised in Task 24.


You need to know that:

• the letter usually is only one page long and has four main sections:


a. the heading, including the writer’s address, the reader’s address, the date;

b. the paragraph which introduces you and your reason for writing;

с the paragraph which gives the most relevant information about your experiences; d. a closing paragraph asking for an interview, providing your telephone number, hours you may be reached or other data.

Task 1.30. Read the given instructions how to write a resume and compile a resume of your own:


A resume is a written summary of your personal, educational and professional qualifications. It should appeal to the employer and tell what you can do for him/her. The content of any resume is supposed to be detailed enough, but brief (usually not exceeding one-two pages in length). Parts of a resume:

Heading: Place your name and contact information at the top.

Objective: write a short (1-2 sentence) summary about your professional goals as it relates to the job.

Education: Include school and university names, dates of attendance and grades (if they are very high). Describe your major fields and how they relate to the job you are seeking. Work experience: Indicate type of job, employer, location, dates of employment. Describe your duties and point out leadership roles and qualifications. Languages and other skills: Communication skills, computer Uteracy etc. are especially important to most employers.

Personal: Indicate your hobbies and kinds of leisure activities you are interested in and your mobility (readiness to go on business trips).

Here are some additional hints for writing a proper resume. Any resume is desirable to be typed on a good quality original paper. When writing a resume don’t use narrative form. Make section divisions clear and highlight the most important aspects first.

Task 1.31. Read the text and find answers to the questions given below:


Patents are considered to be a barometer of a country’s economic prosperity, as most technological developments are intended to make life better - be it through increased profits, reduced pollution or improved medical instruments. Though there are still inventions concerned with killing people and destroying their environment.

The earliest-known patent was granted in 1449 for a method of making stained glass (кольорове/ вйражне скло). In recent years there has been a sudden rush of patent applications in genetic engineering and anti-theft (security) devices. Patents provide inventors with a monopoly to make, use or sell their new product or manufacturing process.

Engineering profession

Working with patents means that you are at the leading edge of technology and see what is going to be on the market in a few years. You have to deal with fantastic ideas and eccentric people. So the job requires patient and highly-qualified specialists. In the patent industry you may work either as a patent agent (агент/посередник патентознавець) or a patent examiner (обстежувач патентознавець). Patent agents are employed by inventors to guide them through the patent registration. But drafting patent applications is only one aspect of the agent’s job. He or she also advises companies on all areas of intellectual property including trademarks, design rights and copyright. The agent does his best to obtain as wide a monopoly as is commercially justified.

Patent examiners are employed by the Government-run Patent Office. Their function is to make sure whether the invention is really new and the application is legal and technically sound (техшчно правильний). Besides, they try, in the public interest, to limit the inventor’s monopoly. This monopoly has to be expressed in words, i.e. in the form of a report (specification) prepared by the inventor or his patent agent. The examiner must read the description and imagine what the monopoly could possibly cover. To help in the assessment, the examiner has to look through a lot of documents and a huge computer database concerning past patent applications to see whether there is anything similar to the invention he or she is dealing with. Then the examiner must send a report on her/his findings to the inventor or the inventor’s patent agent. The patent examiner must be a good detective and have a profound knowledge of the law.

Both agents and examiners should have higher education in the field of science and engineering and they need similar qualities: an analytical mind and ability to write clearly. They need to be precise and well-organized because everything depends on detail. Knowledge of at least one foreign language is an advantage. Examiners are trained mainly on-the-job (в nporjeci роботи), while agents face several years of exams before they qualify. However, this hard work is adequately rewarded: patent agents working in private practice usually earn about twice as much as agents working for a company and much more than government-employed examiners.

Adapted from The Guardian. Questions:

1. What is the purpose of most technological developments?

2. When was the earliest-known patent registered?

3. What rights does a patent provide an inventor with?

4. Whom are patent agents employed by?

5. What do patent agents do?

6. Where do patent examiners work?

7. What do patent examiners do?

8. What abilities should people working in the patent industry have?

9. How are examiners trained?

10. What should one do in order to qualify as a patent agent?

11. Which category of employees working in the patent industry is the most highly-paid one?


Task 1.32. Read the application letter and talk about the applicant:

31 North Road London WE685

21st September 20_ Box# 1513 The Times London EC 437

Dear Sirs,

With reference to your advertisement in the September 20 issue of The Times, I should like you to consider me for a position as a department secretary.

I beUeve that I have the skills you are looking for, as I graduated from Chapel Secretarial College five years ago. I am well qualified in shorthand and typing. In addition to having previous experience in all kinds of office work, I am familiar with personnel management and have a fairly good command of French and Spanish.

I would be grateful if you could discuss my qualifications for beginning a career with your organisation. I am free to visit your office for an interview at any time convenient for you. Please phone me any afternoon between 3 and 7 p.m. at 919-2613 to let me know the day and time.

I look forward to hearing from you in the nearest future.

Yours faithfully, Ann Palmer (Mrs)


Now complete the sentences using suggested words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. With reference to (Посилаючись на...)..., I should Uke... a) your advertisement for a sales manager; you to consider me for this position; b) your invitation; you to give me more specific information about the terms of registration; c) your letter of 5 December; you to accept my apologies for keeping you waiting for the information.

2. I would like to apply for... a) the position as a sales representative; b) the participation in the conference; c) a place at the university.

3. I believe that I have the skills you are looking for as..., as I... a) an administrative assistant; recently I have completed the course in business administration; b) a software engineer; I have gained the Master's degree in computer sciences; c) a trainee technician; am studing at Lviv Polytechnic.

4. In addition to having previous experience in..., I am familiar with... a) compossng different types of documents;;he computer rystem you use in your office;

Engineering profession


b) operating a computer; compiling programs; c) installation of equipment; maintenance and repair work.

5. I would be grateful if you could... a) grant smb an interview; b) send smb an application form; c) ring smb up and fix the date of the meeting; d) give,smb further information about the salary and working conditions.

6. I am free... at any time convenient for you. a) to visit smb’s office for an interview; b) to ring smb up; c) to meet smb.

7 I look forward to... a) hearing from smb in the nearest future; b) meeting smb; c) calling smb.

Task 1.33. Discuss the following questions in small teams, write down the most interesting ideas and present them to the whole group after the discussion:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a mathematician should have

two main qualities: sober mind and scientific imagination (creative thinking).

2. You want to persuade someone to study mathematics. What reasons would you give?

(Support your answer with specific details and examples).

3. Which do you prefer: algebra or geometry? Why?

4. Choose one of the following careers and explain why it is important to society:

mathematician; computer programmer; farmer; doctor; lawyer.

5. Your institute has enough money to purchase either computers for students or books

on mathematics for the library. Which would you recommend - computers or books? Use specific examples and arguments to support your opinion.

Task 1.34. Practice pronunciation of the vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it:

1. achieve - досягати - finish, accomplish, perform successfully,
e.g. We've achieved what we set out to do,

achievement (n) - досягнення - something accomplished.

e.g. In the Internet you may find the information about the latest achievements in any field of science.

2. additional (adj)- додатковий- apart from smth already present, syn: extra,

supplementary, e.g. Qualification in social informatics requires additional training.


3. advanced (adj) - сучасний, досконалий - latest, more complex, improved in rank

and value, e.g. Much training is needed in order to possess advanced technical skills.

4. anticipate (v)- а) передбачати, передчувати - to have the previous view or

impression of, to foresee smth., e.g. Pythagoras anticipated modern discoveries of mathematical relashionships

within all things. b) - очшувати - to look forward to smth/doing smth., e.g. I anticipate the oncoming conference. anticipation (n) - передбачення, сподшання - previous view or impression of

what is to happen, instinctive prevision, looking forward to smth., e.g. We await the edition of the next volume of this encyclopaedia with keen


5. approach (n)- щцзид- a special way of dealing with or thinking about task,

problem or situation, e.g. There were several possible approaches to solution of this problem.

6. arrange (v) - а) домовлятись, узгоджувати - to fix or make practical plans for smth

to happen or to be done, e.g. We ’ve arranged to meet near the department of physics. b) приводи™ до ладу, впорядковувати) to put in proper order, e.g. He started to arrange the book in files. arrangement (n) - впорядкування, приготування - act of putting in an orderly

condition, the state of being put in order, e.g. The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit. 1. assume (v) - а) припускати - to take as a fact; syn. to suppose, to presume e.g. It is a misconception to assume that two continents are similar. b) брати на себе - to undertake; take to or upon oneself, e.g. He assumed all the responsibility for the incident.

assumption (n) -припущення -the thing supposed, a postulate; syn. supposition e.g. Professor questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming

theory is based.

8. circumscribe (v) - обводити, оточувати - to enclose within a certain limit syn. to

limit, restrict; to surround, e.g. He draw a triangle and then circumscribed it with a bold line.

9. compile (v) - укладати - to put together in a new form out of materials already

existing, e.g. It took him 8 years to compile the book. compilation (n) -укладання - act or process of compiling or gathering together

from various sources, e.g. There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data.

10. consider (v) - вважати, розглядати. - to think, have the opinion of smb, smth.,
e.g. Mathematics is considered to be both the queen of sciences and the handyman

working for them.

Engi heem ng profession

considerable (adjl- вагомий, значний- great in amount or degree; syn substantial,

e.g. A considerable progress is known to have been made in this field of science
during the twentieth century.

11. curriculum (n) (pi curricula) -навчальна програма- all the different courses of

study that are taught at the university, e.g. All subjects offered by the university's curricula are obligatory.

12. declination (n) - а) магштне схилення- the angular distance of any object from

the celestial equator, either northward or southward. e.g. Astrolabe was the device that measured the declination of heavenly bodies

above the horizon. b) - вдаилення - act of deviating or turning aside, oblique motion; syn. deviation,

Obliquity, withdrawal,

e.g. He noticed the declination of the needle of the compass.

13. determine (v) - визначити - decide, settle, discover as a result of investigation,
e.g. My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next.
determination (n)- визначення, встановлення - firm or resolute conduct or

purpose, e.g. We must take in to our own hands the determination of our future.

14. direction (n) - напрям - the general way in which smth. develops or progresses,
e.g. He’s never done any sustained writing and that might be one of his next


15. discover (v) - вщкривати, вщнаходити - to show or make known smth. that has

been secret, unseen or unknown, e.g. They discovered how to form the image in a thin layer on the surface. discovery (n) - вщкриггя - a thing found out or for the first time ascertained or

recognised, e.g. Cloning is one of the most curious modem discoveries.

16. distinction (n)- розрзнення- act of distinguishing or denoting the differences

between objects or qualities, e.g. There are obvious distinctions between different branches of mathematics. distinct (adj) - р1зний, шший -syn different, individual, distinctive, e.g. Engineering and technology are the disciplines distinct from one another and

from science.

17. enterprise (n) - шдприемство - a company or business, often a small one,

e.g. Students take their practical training at planning departments of industrial enterprises.

18. essential (adj)- суттевий, головний- important in the highest degree; syn.

Indispensable, necessary,

e.g. You must be able to find the most essential information in technical texts.

19. forecast (v) - передбачати, прогнозувати - to say what is going to happen in the

future, syn foresee, e.g. The students should master forecasting of events in the field of international relations.


20. fundamentals(n) - основи- basics, the simplest and most important ideas and

principles of science in contrast to more complicated or detailed ones, e.g. Besides many technical subjects the students should master fundamentals of the humanities.

21. introduce (v)- впроваджувати - to cause smth. to enter a place or exist in a

system for the first time, e.g. At our institute the three-level training of specialists has been introduced. introduction (й) - впровадження - act of introducing, bringing to notion, e.g. New technologies should be tested before their introduction into the production

process. introductory (adj) - вступний, ввідний - giving general information about smth.

often before a more detailed information, e.g. The students are expected to master an introductory course of religion and


22. irrevocable (adj) - безповоротний, остаточний - incapable of being recalled or

revoked.; syn unchangeable, unalterable, irreversible, e.g. He made an irrevocable decision and there was no use arguing any more.

23. master (v) - опановувати - to succeed in understanding smth. completely, e.g. He soon mastered the skills of radio production.

24. obligatory(adj) - обов’язковий - required, binding syn. Compulsory,

e.g. Almost all the subjects offered by the university’s curricula are obligatory.

25. obtain (v) - отримати - to get, syn.: receive, gain,

e.g. Having obtained profound knowledge in his major, he was able to find a very good job after graduation from the university.

26. obvious (adj) - очевидний - easily discovered, seen or understood syn evident,

apparent, conspicuous, e.g. It may be stating the obvious but most of teleworking at present is connected with computers.

27. perceive (v) - збагнути, помггити, усвщомити - to identify and obtain knowledge

by means of the senses; syn to apprehend, e.g. Every student should perceive for himself the direct relationship between success and effort

28. profound (adj) - глибокий - having or showing great knowledge in subject, e.g. They have acquired profound knowledge in all the branches of mathematics.

29. record (v) - записувати - to write down an information or put it into computer so

that in the future people can refer to it, e.g. The results of the carried out experiments were recorded into the students'

notes. record (n) - запис - written account of smth., e.g. Those who gain the additional speciality of a teacher have a proper record in

their diplomas.

30. revolve (v) - обертатись - to move in a curved path around a center syn to rotate,
e.g. The planets revolve around the Sun. (lit).

e.g. The conversation revolved around the recent conference.(fig)

Engineering profession

31. solve (v) - виршшти - to find an answer to a problem or question, syn. to resolve,
The students are taught to solve various mathematical problems.

solution (n) -ршення - dealing with a problem or situation in such way that

difficulty is removed, e.g. No matter how hard he tried he failed to find the solution to the problem under


32. up-to-date (adj) - сучасний - syn modem, contemporary,

e.g. Training at the university is conducted on the basis of the most up-to-date computer facilities and information technologies.

33. undermine (v) - пщривати, похитнути - to ruin, remove the foundation or support

of e.g. Descartes irrevocably undermined many traditional assumptions,

Task 1.З5. Arrange the following word's in groups of two or more synonyms:

a) adjectives and nouns:

deviation, apparent, indispensable, additional, assumption, necessary, up-to-date, dis­tinct, fundamentals, conspicuous, supposition, declination, unchangeable, obvious, obligatory, irrevocable, modern, supplementary, unalterable, substantial, compulsory, irreversible, contemporary, considerable, extra, different, basics, obliquity, essential, evident,required.

b) verbs:

assume, ruin, apprehend, surround, suppose, anticipate, accomplish, foresee, revolve, achieve, undermine, resolve, perceive, limit, rotate, presume, forecast.


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