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The laboratories of the Department of physicsСодержание книги
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The laboratories of the Department of Physics are among the first laboratories the students get acquainted with during their studies. They are situated in the main building of the University. There are three of them: Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Electrical Laboratory and Optical Laboratory. ш the Laboratory of Molecular Physics students carry out a number of laboratory exercises in mechanics and molecular physics. These exercises illustrate the laws of motion of material objects, principles of mechanical interactions between objects, the laws of vibratory motion. Properties of gases, vapours, liquids and thermal properties of soUds are also studied in this laboratory. In another laboratory, the electrical one, students study practically the properties of conductors, semiconductors and insulators, the basic laws of electrostatics, the laws describing current flow in separate conductors and in electric circuits, electromagnetic phenomena and the laws of electrolysis. In Optical Laboratory, students carry out experiments which help them to practically study the laws of geometrical optics and different phenomena connected with the wave nature of light and quantum nature of light (e. g., interference, diffraction, photo-effect). Here they also do some assignments on the investigation of the structure of atom. Using their knowledge of general laws of physics, students determine moduli of elasticity of different substances, thermal conductivity coefficients, electric field strength, specific resistance, dielectric and magnetic constants of different substances, light wave length etc. Students use modern standard instrumentation. They are: analytical balances, manometers, electromagnetic oscillators, ac (alternating current) and dc (direct current) generators, modern precise digital instruments, interferometers, lasers etc. A thorough fulfilment of laboratory tasks in the Laboratories of the Department of Physics lays the foundation for further successful work when students begin to work in their special laboratories. UnTTЗ Task 3.1. Talk with your fellow-students about: 1. Famous Ukrainian writers, artists, composers and scientists. 2. Ukrainian scientists who left their native land. 4 3. Scientists who worked at our university. 4. The prospects of the development of Ukrainian science. 5. The achievements in the field of science you study. 6. Famous British or American scientists. Task 3.2. Discuss the following questions: 1. Imagine that you are a gifted young scientist. What problem would you like to investigate? 2. If you were an inventor, what would your efforts be aimed at? What kind of invention would you like to make? 3. What are the most essential qualities of a good scientist? 4. What do you consider to be the most important science? Why? 5. It is common knowledge that society benefits from the activity of its members. Compare the contribution of artists to the society with that of scientists. Whose contribution do you think is more valuable (is more appreciated by our society)? -» SFСTIONI. AURAI < OMPRI HhNSION.»_ л /Л-1 _ ал'зл., i.- -в--... * - г - ■ - -, ■ - -...' Task 3.3. You are going to hear five pieces of information each accompanied by a small assignment. Listen to the information and do the assignments. Task 3.3.1. Decide whether the statement is true or false: (a) Heorhiy Vorony was a mathematician. (b) All his papers were of great significance. (c) Heorhiy Vorony was bo rn in Poltava region. (d) After finishing gymnasium he entered Warsaw University. Ukrainian names in world science Task 3.3.2. Fill in the gaps: (a) The name of Myron Zarytsky,..., gifted and inspired pedagogue is very little known in Ukraine. (b) Myron Zarytsky entered... and continued his studies at Lviv University.* (c) In Lviv he gained his... and wrote about 20 scientific works. (d) His activity at Lviv University,... was intense and interesting.
Task 3.3.3. Correct the following false statements: (a) Mykhailo Kravchuk’s research works promoted the development of the first nuclear bomb. (b) He died at the age of 80. (c) The name of Mykhailo Kravchuk was well known in Ukraine. (d) M.Kravchuk became an associate professor at the age of 33. Task 3.3.4. Complete the following sentences: (a) The founder of mathematical culture in Ukraine, Volodymyr Levytsky was the first to write his scientific papers.... (b) V. Levytsky collected and compiled Ukrainian terminology dictionary in mathematics and physics, which.... (c) His articles were written in many languages: Ukrainian,.... Task 3.3,5. Answer the following questions: (a) Where and when was M.Ostrohradsky born? (b) Who insisted on M.Ostrohradsky’s entering Kharkiv University? (c) What did Mykhailo do in Paris? (d) How many works devoted to different branches of mathematics did he write? Task 3.4. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it: 1. appreciate - високо щнувати -to be grateful for; judge rightly the value of; understand and enjoy, e.g. You can’t properly appreciate the contribution of Ukrainian scientists into the world science, unless you study their scientific heritage. appreciation - висока ощнка, розушння - proper understanding and recognition, e.g. Scientific heritage of our prominent countrymen deserves appreciation. 2. award - нагороджувати - to give as a prize, reward or judgement, e.g. Hryhoriy Sharpak was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1992 for the design of a nuclear particle detector. Шгг3 3. benefit -отримувати користь - to do good to; to receive help or profit, e.g. World benefit - користь, вигода, прибуток - help, profit, e.g. Other countries have derived benefit from the inventions and discoveries made by Ukrainians. 4. claim one’s right to -заявити про cboi права на щось - demand recognition that one has a right to, e.g. Ivan Puluy couldn’t claim his right to the discovery of invisible X-rays as he had not published the results of his investigation. 5. consider -вважати, розглядати - think about; be of the opinion, regard as, e.g. Yuriy Kotermak (Drohobych) is considered to be one of the first Ukrainians to have paved the way into the world science. 6. countryman - земляк - compatriot, e.g. We are proud of our prominent countrymen. 7. contribute - робити внесок - join with others in giving ideas, help, money etc., e.g. Ukrainian scientists have contributed invaluable ideas to nearly all fields of science and engineering. contribution - внесок - act of contributing, e.g. Tsiolkovsky made a great contribution to the development of space engineering. 8. decide -виршити - come to a conclusion; make up one’s mind, e.g. After getting decisiveness -ршгучклъ - the quality of being decisive, i.e. showing decision; definite, e.g. Decisiveness is the main feature of his character. indecision - нершучкть - the state or quality of being indecisive, i.e. not decisive, indefinite, e.g. Because of Puluy's indecision the results of his X-rays investigation were not published in their proper time. 9. develop -розвивати, -ся // розробляти - a) grow or make larger or more mature; development - розвиток, розробка, e.g. The economic and cultural development of provinces of the empire was neglected. They got acquainted with the latest developments in the field of molecular physics.
10. devote -присвячувати - dedicate; to give (one’s time, energy, etc.) to, to be devoted - бути вщданим, бути присвяченим - be very loving or loyal, e.g. Though many Ukrainian scientists had to leave their Motherland, they were always devoted to it. 11. discover -вщкривати - to find out; to find by exploration; to make a discovery, discovery - вщкриття - discovering; the thing discovered, e.g. The discoveries made by Oleksandr Zasiadko, Mykola Kybalchych, Kostiantyn Tsiolkovsky are known to have paved the way into outer space. Ukrainian names in world science 12. encourage - заохочувати - give hope, courage or confidence to; support, e.g. Creative activity of Ukrainian talented people was not encouraged by foreign rulers. 13. enrich - збагачувати to make rich; improve in quality, e.g. Our prominent countrymen have enriched the world science with their brilliant ideas, inventions and knowledge. 14. fruitful - ПЛ1ДНИЙ - producing good results, e.g. The end of the 19-th century was especially fruitful for the development of Ukrainian science. 15. grant a patent - видати патент - to allow to have, give a patent, e.g. Oleksandr Smakula was granted many patents in the field of optics and laser technology. 16. hold a post - займати посаду - occupy, have the position of, e.g. Ivan Puluy held the post of Rector at Prague Higher Technical School. 17. hush up - замовчувати - prevent from becoming pubUc knowledge, e.g. Many distinguished people of Ukrainian origin remain unknown up to this day, as their names were deliberately hushed up during the years of the Soviet regime. 18. investigate - дослщжувати - make a careful study of, try to get more information by study or research, e.g. In this laboratory they investigate properties of gases. investigation - дослщження - careful study, research, e.g. Who will carry out the investigation of this phenomenon? 19. invisible - невидимий - that cannot be seen, e.g. Puluy began his investigation of the invisible rays in 1877. 20. legacy - спадщина - something handed down from ancestors or predecessors, e.g. Scientific legacy of our countrymen is really remarkable. 21. outstanding/prominent - видатний - attracting attention, distinguished or important, e.g. Many physicists investigated semiconductors, but one of the most outstanding of them was Abraham Yoffe born in the town ofRomny in Ukraine. 22. particular - особливий - special, e.g. The Shevchenko Scientific Society has always played a particular role in the formation of young scholars' outlook. 23. pay tribute - вщдавати належне - show one’s respect or admiration, e.g. We should pay tribute to the genius of Yuriy Kondratiuk who presented his theory of interplanetary spaceflights in 1929. 24. promote - сприяти - help the progress of something or somebody, e.g. The political rulers of the country didn’t promote scientific research at the provincial educational establishments. 25. prosper - процвггати - do well, be successful, flourish, e.g. A lot of scholars moved to the capital of the empire where science was prospering. prosperity - процштання - the state of being successful, e.g. Industrial revolution has brought prosperity to the country. prosperous - що процштає, заможний - successful, rich, flourishing, e.g. The central regions of the empire were much more prosperous than the province. 26. recognize - визнавати - acknowledge, to accept smth/smb officially, e.g. The 90_____________________________________________________,______________ ЦшЗ recognition - визнання - acknowledgment, e.g. Kyrylo Synelnykov (born in Dnipropetrovsk region) won wide recognition in the field of nuclear physics. 27. reflect - вщображати - express, show the nature or quality of something, e.g. Science not only reflects the level of the development of society, but also greatly influences this development. 28. revive - вщроджувати, -ся - come or bring back into existence or to an earlier state, e.g. Many national traditions have been revived in our country. revival - вщродження - coming or bringing back into existence or to an earlier stage, e.g. The proclamation of independence of Ukraine led to the revival of national self-consciousness. 29. search - пошук - looking for, e.g. The search for new sources of energy is still going on. 30. self-consciousness - самосвщомють - awareness of one’s own existence, thoughts and actions, e.g. The revival of national self-consciousness manifested itself in ever-increasing interest of people in the national histoiy, art and science. 31. society - суспшьство, товариство - a) social community; b) organization of persons formed with a purpose; association, e.g. Some people consider that society should fund scientific research. In the 19" century, scientific societies often organized lectures on the latest achievements of science for general public. 32. success - ycnix - achieving one’s aim, e.g. Some scientists generated a lot of valuable ideas, but failed to achieve success in their implementation. successful - усшшний - having success, e.g. Serhiy Koroliov supervised a lot of successful space programs. 33. versatile - багатогранний - many-sided, e.g. Puluy’s versatile creative activity
Task 3.5. Revision of the essential vocabulary used in the previous Units. Fill in the gaps with proper forms of the words: 1. create (створювата); creative (творчий) a) Many world-famous scientists, composers, writers and artists started their__________ activity in Ukraine. b) Yuriy Kondratiuk’s idea to_______ a base round the Moon made it possible for American astronauts to land on the Moon many years after his death. 2. ensure (забезпечити, гарантувати) a) Talent and tremendous work of Ukrainian scientists _________ tangible progress of mankind. 3. invent (винайти); invention (винавд); inventor (винахщник) a) He hasn’t registered his_____ yet. b) The activity of_____ s should be encouraged. c) When did Arkhyp Liulka_____ a turbo-jet engine? 4. manage to do (вдаетъся / зумгги щось зробити) a) This Ukrainian scientist_____ ed to make a brilliant career abroad. Ukrainian names w world science Task 3.6. Complete the words to match the definitions given: 1. to help the progress of - ro - - -- 2. to give as a prize, reward or judgement - w - - - 3. to do good to; to receive help or profit ' b - ri - f u- ■ 4. social community or association - о o - et e 5. to think about; be of the opinion, regard as c - - s - - er 6. compatriot c.............. ym - n I. to cause smth. to exist; make (smth. new and original) cr - -1 - 8. to come to a conclusion; make up one’s mind - ec - d - 9. to dedicate; to give up (one's time, energy etc.) to — vot - 10. many-sided v - - s - - il - II. to make rich; improve in quality - - ri - - 12. to make sure; guarantee en - - r- 13. to occupy; have (the position of) - - - d 14. to prevent from becoming public knowledge h--- up Task 3.7. Match the following phrases with their definitions: 1. creative (a) help, profit; 2. to claim one’s right to (b) special; 3. decisiveness (c) having the quality of creating; 4. particular (d) achieving one’s aim; 5. success (e) to prevent from becoming public knowledge; 6. to hush up (f) to demand recognition that one has a right to; 7. to ensure (g) the quality of being decisive; 8. benefit (h) to be grateful for; 9. to be devoted (i) to make sure, to guarantee; Task 3.8. Form the nouns denoting occupations using the following words and suffixes: “-or'? - 1. invent; 2. construct; 3. investigate; 4. operate; 5. create; “-er” - 6. discover; 7. geography; 8. sing; 9. astronomy; 10. write; 11. research; 12. philosophy; 13. design; “-ist”- 14. scientific; 15. economy; 16. geology; 17. speciality; 18. physics; 19. chemistry; “-ian” - 20. mathematics; 21. academic; 22. history; 23. technical; 24. physic (=medicine). Task 3.9. Fill in the gaps with proper words from the list below:
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