Subjunctive II: identical to forms in Past Tense (non-perfect form of the verb “to be” is “were” for all persons) 

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Subjunctive II: identical to forms in Past Tense (non-perfect form of the verb “to be” is “were” for all persons)

1.1 wish handouts _____ yesterday, (to copy) 2. It is high time that the preliminary

programme____ to all the participants, tto send) 3. If he_________ his materials, he would

have exchanged them in the swap shop, (to bring)

Task 5.19, Pattern practice. Choose the proper endings of the sentences:

Give him detailed information about the conference, a)sothathemight(could)... b) lest he should...

1. decline the invitation to it.

2. submit the abstract of his paper in time.

3. think over the subject of his paper beforehand.

4. mix up the terms of registration.

5. forget to take all the necessary documents along with him.

Task 5.20. Revision of grammar. Use proper forms of the verbs given in brackets:

“If-clauses of Real Condition. Model: If he has spare time tomorrow, he will tell me about his presentation.

1. II the eime of my presentation (to be eimited))t o minutes,, Ito oave))tomit teveral paragraphs of my paper. 2. If you (to deliver) your paper in simple language, the audience (to understand) its content easily. 3. If a reader (to fail) to understand this passage, he (to read) it once again. 4. If I (to receive) the invitation letter enclosing an application form, I (to give) it to you for making a copy.

“If’-clauses of Improbable Condition. Model: If he had time tomorrow after the meeting, he would talk with the chairman.

5. II fhere ((o be) any additional lequiiementts,he Organizing Commiitee (to inform) us about it. 6. If the speaker (to emphasize) the problem at the next session, the participants to the conference (to pay) attention to it. 7. If I (to feel) better tomorrow, I (to take part) in the discussion. 8. If you (need) some additional information about the conference, you (to find) it on the conference web page.

“If ' -clauses of Unreal Condition. Model: If he had had time yesterday, he would have typed his report.

9. II he e(o write) his paper r week ago,,it(o be printed) by now..0. II fhe speaker rto prepare) his visual aids for demonstration beforehand, he (not to waste) time during his presentation upon it. 11. If he (to mail) the abstract in time, his paper (to be included) into the programme of the conference. 12. If the chairman (not to let) speakers wander from the subject, the meeting (to be) over much earlier.


Task 5.21. Write sentences with subordinate clauses of unreal condition to match the foliowing situations:

1. He didn’t take part in the conference. He had no formal invitation.

2. He wasn’t given earphones. He wasn’t able to listen to the synchronous interpretation at the plenary meeting.

3. She lost her registration fee paid receipt. She had problems with registering.

4. The application form is filled in too illegibly. It is impossible to read a single word.

5. He didn’t read the requirements carefully. He skipped several entries in the questionnaire.

Task 5.22. Pattern Practice. Make up sentences using the pattern and expressions given below:

“But for the demonstration of visual aids (= But if it had not been for the demonstration of visual aids), my presentation would have been rather monotonous”.

1. The logical structure of the paper; to fail to convey the main ideas of it to the audience.

2. the lack of time; to translate the paper into two working languages of the conference.

3. your recommendations; not to know how to deliver the paper properly.

4. his carelessness; not to lose the application form.

5. sponsors; to fail to pay for computer facilities.

6. shortage of funds; to call the conference twice a year.

7. the efficient work of the editorial committee; to fail to publish abstracts of the papers in time.

8. the taxi; to be late for the opening ceremony of the conference.

Task 5.23. Fill in the gaps with proper forms:

1. It is necessary that all the participants... abstracts of their papers in time.

a) submits;b) will submit; c) submitting; d) should submit

2. If I... to participate in that conference, I wouldn’t have gone to Warsaw to visit my

a) were invited; b) am invited; c) had been invited; d) would have been invited

3. I wish I... the workshop yesterday, because my colleagues told me it had been very

a) attended; b) were attending; c) had attended; d) had been attended

4. It is high time that the Organizing Committee... whether to accept or decline our

a) decides; b) is deciding; c) wiil decide; d) had decided

5. If he hadn’t declined the invitation, he... new information and ideas with other

a) had dxchanged; b) should dave exchanged; c) would dave exchanged; d) would exchange

Unit 5

6. All those present demanded that the speaker... his point of view.

a) was clarifying;!)) should clarify;c) will clarify; d) clarifies

7. But for the chairman seeing that strict timing was kept, some presenters... to
deliver their reports.

a) wouldn’t have managed; b) wouldn’t manage; c) won’t manage; d) do not manage

8. It is important that all reports... presentation requirements.

a) meets; b) met; c) will be met; d) should meet

9. If you... some visual aids, your presentation would have been more successful.

a) used; b) have used; c) had used; d) would use

10. Though the time of the presentation was limited, Prof. Petrenko insisted that he...
allowed to enlarge on the subject.

a) is; b) will be; c) should be; d) has been.

11. I wish Prof. Donchenko... the floor now, as tomorrow I won’t have an opportunity
to listen to this outstanding scientist.

a) had taken; b) took; c) take; d) will be taken.

12. The chairman insisted that the speakers... from the subject.

a) were not wandering; b) wanders; c) shouldn’t wander; d) won’t wander

13. But for the synchronous interpretation, they... to understand the main ideas
presented by this famous French scientist in his report.

a) fail; b) would have failed; c) failed; d) would fail.


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Task 5.24. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents. Then read the dialogue and answer the questions given below:


1. to consider an invitation 1. харчування

2. expenses 2. дшитися досвщом

3. to apply for participation 3. вщмовитися вщ, вщхилити

4. fare 4. опинитися

5. board 5. розглянуга питання про запрошення

6. to decline 6. видати посвщчення про вщрядження

7. to recognize 7. подати заяву на участь

8. to issue credentials 8. вшзнавати

9. to come to be 9. видатки

10. to share experience 10. плата за пройд

At a scientific conference


Post-graduate: - Hello! Don’t you recognize me?

Student: - Hello! Haven’t seen you for ages! You are said to have made a business trip.

P: - Right. Last month I was on a scientific mission taking part in the conference on

professional ethics. S: - How did you come to be there?

P: - Our university received an invitation from the Organizing Committee of a conference. After considering the invitation I decided to apply for the participation as I have been interested in this subject since I read “The Invisible Man”, a novel by Herbert Wells.

S: - It means that anybody could take part in the conference, doesn’t it?

P: - Actually, anybody could fill in the Presenter or Participant Application Form. But it was the Organizing Committee who decided whether to accept or decline the application.

S: -1 see. And what is the difference between a presenter and a participant?

P: - Well, presenters deliver their papers to the audience, while participants just take part in discussions. As I was a presenter, I had to submit the abstract of my paper and other information about my presentation so that the Organizing Committee could arrange the programme.

S: - How did the Committee inform you about their decision?

P: - They sens me m letter enclosing the propramme of the conference and preliminary registration form.

S: - And did the University support you financially?

P: - Yes. I received the credentials and travelling allowance from the University. The allowance covered some of my expenses, such as fare and board. Accommodation was provided by the organizers of the conference.

S: - So you’ve acquired a valuable experience. What about sharing it with our group?

P: -Willingly.

Questions: 1.How are participants invited to a conference? 2. How does the Organizing Committee learn about their decision? 3. What must every presenter submit to the Organizing Committee? 4. What does he or she receive in reply? 5. Do you prefer to be a presenter or a participant at a conference? Why?

Task 5.25. Read the letter of invitation and answer the following questions:

1. Has WUPASCE held any conferences before? When and where will this conference be held? 2. What types of presentations does the programme of the conference include? 3. What language should you present your paper in? 4. What is the fixed limit of time for submitting your application? 5. How would you contact the Organizing Committee of the conference (by letter, fax, or е-mail)? Why?



Nd WUPASCE Conference

Dear colleague,

WUPASCE is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2nd WUPASCE conference


To be held in Lviv

on 19-24 May.

The programme of the Conference includes plenary sessions, talks, workshops, panel

discussions, and poster presentations.

The Conference will focus on the following topics:

• Technological Progress and Environmental Pollution

• Potentially Dangerous Inventions

• Protection of Nature

• Moral Aspects of Professional Ethics

• Scientists’ Duties to Society

Working language of the Conference is English.

To be registered as a presenter/participant, you should fill in the Presenter/Participant Application Form (enclosed) and send it to:

Organizing Committee of the 2nd WUPASCE Conference,

55 Acid Rain Street, Room 35,

Lviv, 79013,


Fax: 414-398827, E-mail:

Detailed information on registration fees, accommodation and travel arrangement, as well as instructions concerning the format of abstracts and papers are available on the Conference Web Page:

Please note deadlines:

March 15

Deadline for submitting applications and abstracts of proposed papers

March 30

Acceptance mailed

April 15

Deadline for submission of full-length papers

May 5

Preliminary programme mailed


Task 5.26. Home Assignment. The letter of invitation usually encloses a form containing the information about presentations. Your personal entry in the programme of the conference will be based on this information. So you should copy the form, fill it in, and submit it to the Organizing Committee.

The 2nd’WUPASCE Conference


Author (and co-authors)________________________________

Title of the paper (maximum 12 words)____________________

Summary of the paper (maximum 50 words)


Form of presentation (report/talk/workshop/poster presentation)_____________________

Time required (for all presentations except poster presentations) /from 5 to 45


Equipment required (cassette player, video, overhead projector, other)

Date_________________ Signature ____________________

Please return this form by 7 April. Thank you.________________________________

1. What is the tide of your paper? 2. What is the form of your presentation? 3. How much time will you require for your presentation? 4. What equipment are you going to use?

Task 5.27. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents. Then read the dialogue and answer the questions given below:

В 1. планка з пр1звищем учасника 2. (тут) обслуговування 3. комплект документе в папщ 4. реестратор 5. посвщчення 6. довщник (учасника конференци) 7. квитанщя про сплату реестрацшного внеску 8. вчене звання 9. папка   10. плата / внесок 11. посада, яку ви займаете


1. registration officer

2. charge / fee

3. certificate

4. registration fee paid receipt

5. name-plate

6. facilities

7. folder

8. title

9. position held


10. file

11. hand-book


Participant: - Good morning. I’d like to register for the conference.

Registration Officer: - Good morning, sir (madam). Have you got the registration fee paid receipt?

P: - No, I haven’t. I failed to mail the fee. But I saw a participant pay it right at the registration. May I do the same?

RO: - Yes, of course. The registration fee may be paid both by mail and at the registration.

P: - How much is it?

RO: - It will be $150 for presenters. But for paricipants who don’t present their papers or wish to attend the conference for one day only, there is a special charge which provides, on the chosen day, facilities equivalent to those for full-time participants.

P: - Here are three 50-dollar notes.

RO: - Thank you. Now you are to fill in the questionnaire. Please write legibly using block letters.

P: (a few minutes later) Have I completed the form properly?

RO: (looking through) Surname, first name, place of work, (work and home) addresses, telephone numbers... Write your title and position held, please. You’ve skipped these entries, (a minute later) Now, it’s all right. Here is your certificate of registration, file (folder with handout material), name-plate, and hand-book.

P:-Thank you.


1. What must a participant / presenter do before being registered?

2. Do all those who take part in a conference pay the same amount of the registration fee?

3. What items are handed to every presenter or participant at the registration?

4. Can any student afford to take part in international conferences without financial support? Could you suggest some ideas how to make international conferences more accessible to students?

Task 5.28. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents. Then read the dialogue and answer the questions given below:


1. by the way 1. корисна порада
2. to retain 2. завершувати
3. transition 3. хоча
4. to crown 4. доречі
5. handy hint 5. недостатнш
6. though 6. перехщ
7. insufficient 7. зберегти

А: - What’s the matter? You seem to be nervous.

В: -I should think so! Don’t you know that I present my paper at the next session? By

the way, if you have some spare time, tell me about your presentation. A: - With pleasure. First of all, the chairman suggested that the time of presentations

should be limited to 10 minutes. So I had to omit several paragraphs, but I managed


to retain the logical and clear structure of my paper as the merit of any presentation

greatly depends on it. B: - Yes, I know. Every paper must begin with an introduction, then the body (or the

main part) is delivered, and a summary crowns the presentation. A: - Quite right. Though, I must admit that it is insufficient. My presentation would

have been rather monotonous but for the usage of visual aids. B: - Tell me more about it. Who provides the equipment for demonstration of visual aids? A: - All the equipment (including audio- and video-cassette recorders) is provided by

the Organizing Committee. I used an overhead projector (кодоскоп) to demonstrate

charts and diagrams. Besides. T prepared handout materials They were copied and

distributed among the participants in advance, lest I should waste my precious time

during the presentation. В: - 1 wish I had been present at that session. Have you got any other handy hints? A: - Yes, I have. The language of your paper should be simple and easy to understand. B: - Thank you. Now I know that practice is the main thing a speaker needs to present

his paper properly. A: - Sure. And tomorrow you will have it.


1. What are the main parts of a paper?

2. What equipment may be used for demonstration of audio-visual aids?

3. What type of equipment do you think to be most effective at conferences?

4. What is the principal requirement to the language of a paper?

Task 5.29. Role-play. Simulate the situations in the office of the Organizing Com­mittee of an International Conference. Act out the conversations between the following persons using the phrases and information given below:

A: - Could you help me, please? В: -1 think you must / should...

- (very formal) Will you be so kind as to...? - 1 don’t think you should...

-I’d like to know... -1 advise / recommend you (not) to...

-1 wonder whether / if... - Why don’t you...?

- Will I be allowed to...? - You’d better (not)...

-May/Must/Should I...? - Unfortunately, you won’t be able to/

- In what way / How should I...? allowed to... /, there won’t be...

- And what about ...? - You will have to... Situation 1. Conversation between


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