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Listen to the text and fill in the gaps.
Содержание книги
- Discuss or debate the questions below. Remember to support your answers.
- There are many types of sports. Can you name some sports in these categories? Use the words from chart below.
- Kazakhstan's foreign policy will be based on the principles of balance, consistency and pragmatism - E. Idrissov
- Listen to the audio one more time and retell the key information to your partner.
- Read the following questions and circle the best answer.
- Look at the photos. Identify the crime, which they represent. What could be the punishment for it?What should you do to protect yourself from such crimes?
- Richard Mann has been committing crimes since he was a boy.
- Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the Present Perfect in one sentence and the Past Simple in the other.
- Read the text. Predict which words are omitted.
- Look at the case studies below and answer the questions posed with respect to the key criminal elements covered above (e.g. mens rea, actus reus, party to an offence).
- Look at the list of youth crimes and rate each, which is the most serious one?
- Listen to an audio on Dr Christine Goodall, Director of the charity Medics Against Violence, talking about violence as a cause of crime in Scotland.
- Choose consecutive interpreters (to interpret the speakers into Kazakh/Russian)
- Make up about 5-10 questions according to the text and discuss the questions in pairs.
- Written example of narrative tenses in use
- Listen again and make a list of about 5-10 questions
- Answer the questions. Work in groups of 4 or as a class.
- Read the following text and entitle it.
- Discuss in pairs following questions
- Unit 4 culture and the arts in human life
- Play a game “If you had the chance”.
- What do you think of contemporary art now? Have you changed your opinion after reading the texts?
- Must have - Might have - Should have - Can't have
- Zhanar Dungalova Is the New Golden Voice of the Turkic World
- Look at the pictures. What do they show?
- Do you like opera? When was the last time you saw one? Did you enjoy it?
- Work with your partner. Cover the second part.
- English in the press British or American? Find out whether these extracts deal with a British or an American issue.
- Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
- Now divide into groups and find benefits and dangers of television.
- Read the article “Email - a good thing or a bad thing?” and speak about the positive and negative sides of emails or debate
- Read the questions and choose the right answer.
- Modern means of communication have introduced relevant changes in our lives; some believe benefits outweigh disadvantages, others the opposite. Discuss your view and state your opinion.
- Look at the following pictures and discuss with a partner the news items in the radio clip. Can you put the pictures in order that they were mentioned?
- Select one of the following vocabulary acquisition activities.
- Complete the passage below by filling the gaps with the correct forms of thewords in a box below.
- Read the following sample letter
- Uncountable and plural nouns
- Make a list of 5-10 questions and discuss it in pairs.
- Quantifiers: all, every, most
- Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
- Make a list of 5-10 questions according to the texts and discuss the questions in pairs.
- Student D - Chairman of the Board of Directors and Shareholder of JSC “Allur Group of Companies”.
- Listen to the text and fill in the gaps.
- The qualities of a good translator
- Answer the following questions based on the text.
- Benefits of Being a Translator
- These questions are designed to get you thinking about the subject at hand: How to be a better translator. Choose the best answer.
- Imagine that you are working professional translator and describe your day as a translator.
- Discuss in small groups following question and then share your findings with the class.
Being ________isn't the only skill a translator needs, but it's certainly the most important. Translators learn their languages in many different ways; many grew up _____________or countries, some learned their second or third language in school and then pursued experience abroad, some took intensive language courses or worked in a foreign country for several years, and it is also quite common for translators to become _________after working as military or government linguists.
Almost all translators working in the U.S. have at least a Bachelor's Degree, although not necessarily in translation. As a rule, most professional translators have at least some experience working and/or living in a country where their ___________or languages are spoken; many translators lived and worked in their source language country for many years, or pursued higher education in their source language(s).
In-country experience is a big asset for a translator, since translation work involves knowing not just the structure of the language to be translated, but the cultural framework that surrounds it. This isn't to say that classroom study doesn't produce excellent translators, but it's important to realize at the outset that to be a successful___________, you need near-native proficiency in your source language(s); if you're starting from scratch, a few semesters of part-time language class won't be enough. As a point of reference, the U.S. Government's Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center offers a program to teach Middle Eastern languages to government employees, and the basic program involves 63 weeks of full-time study.
Many people wonder how to tell if their language skills are good enough to work as a translator. While there are various language testing services that can tell you where you stand, probably the easiest way to get a feel for your translation readiness is to translate something. Go on _______and find a legal document, newspaper article or press release in your source language, then try to translate it. Professional translators make constant use of ___________such as print and online dictionaries, terminology databases, etc., so when you look at your practice document, don't assume that you should be able to whip out a perfect translation on the spot. The key points are: can you understand this document on both a word-for-word and a conceptual level, and can you convey its meaning in your___________?
Translators today work in almost every conceivable language pair; while the market in the United States has historically been very strong in Western European languages such as French, German, Italian and Spanish, there is an increasing (and increasingly lucrative) market for translation in Asian and Middle Eastern Languages like Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and Kurdish; Central and Eastern European languages like Serbian, Czech, Slovene and Macedonian; as well as the "languages of smaller diffusion" like Nepali, Hebrew or Somali.
In most language pairs, ____________-available is proportionate to the number of translators in the language. While there is obviously a great deal of English to Spanish translation work in the U.S., there is a correspondingly large number of translators in this language combination: and while there may not be a great deal of work in Indonesian to English, there are also not many translators in this combination, resulting in a correspondingly small amount of competition for work.

While-reading activity
Read the following text.