English in the press British or American? Find out whether these extracts deal with a British or an American issue. 

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English in the press British or American? Find out whether these extracts deal with a British or an American issue.


Worksheet no. 2

Mainly from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The New York Times

The New York Times (NYT) is an American daily newspaper, founded and continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851. The paper's motto, "All the News That's Fit to Print", appears in the upper left‐hand corner of the front page. Its website has adapted it to "All the News That's Fit to Click"

The Independent

The Independent is a British national morning newspaper published in London by Independent Print Limited. It was launched in 1986 and is one of the youngest UK national daily newspapers. The Independent is regarded as coming from the centre‐left, on culture and politics, but tends to take a more pro‐market stance on economic issues.

The Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper published in Los Angeles, California, since 1881. It was the largest metropolitan newspaper in circulation in the United States in 2008 and the fourth most widely distributed newspaper in the country.

The Guardian

The Guardian is a British national daily newspaper. Founded in 1821, it was known as The Manchester Guardian until 1959. From its beginnings as a local paper it has grown into a national paper associated with a complex organizational structure and an international multimedia and web presence.

BBC News

BBC News is an operational business division of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs. The department is the world's largest broadcast news organization and generates about 120 hours of radio and television output each day, as well as online news coverage.


The Cable News Network (commonly referred to by its initials, CNN) is an American basic cable and satellite television channel.


Time is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. It was founded in 1923. A European edition (Time Europe, formerly known as Time Atlantic) is published in London and also covers the Middle East, Africa and, since 2003, Latin America. An Asian edition (Time Asia) is based in Hong Kong. Time has the world's largest circulation for a weekly news magazine, and has a readership of 25 million, 20 million of which are in the US.

Associated Press

The Associated Press (AP) is an American multinational non‐profit news agency headquartered in New York City. The AP is owned by its contributing newspapers, radio and television stations in the United States, all of which contribute stories to the AP and use material written by its staff journalists.

The Economist

The Economist is an English‐language weekly newspaper owned by The Economist Newspaper Ltd. and edited in offices in London. About two‐thirds of the 75 staff journalists are based in London, although The Economist has a global emphasis and scope. The Economist claims that it "is not a chronicle of economics".

The Washington Post

The Washington Post (WP) is an American daily newspaper. It is the most widely circulated newspaper published in Washington, D.C., and was founded in 1877, making it the area's oldest extant newspaper. Located in the capital city of the United States, the newspaper has a particular emphasis on national politics.

VOA news

Voice of America (VOA) is the official external broadcast institution of the United States federal government. VOA provides programming for broadcast on radio, TV and the internet outside of the U.S., in 43 languages. VOA produces about 1,500 hours of news and feature programming each week for an estimated global audience of 123 million people.

The International Herald Tribune

Daily newspaper published in Paris. It has long been the staple source of English‐language news for American expatriates, tourists, and businesspeople in Europe. The New York Times Co. became the full owner in 2003.

Sky News

On 8 June 1988, Rupert Murdoch announced to the British Academy of Film and Television Arts that he would provide a new television news service. Sky News started broadcasting at 6 pm on 5 February 1989. Having launched

as a 24‐hour television news channel, Sky News has also grown into a digital operation through its website and mobile apps.


This is a website for learning English with full lesson plans, activities, questions, etc. revolving around current events. It is looked after by Sean Banville, who has been teaching English since 1989. He started in Thailand and then taught in Turkey, the UAE and Japan. He holds a Master’s degree in TEFL/TESL from Birmingham University.


ELLLO stands for English Language Listening Lab Online. It is a collection of over 1,000 listening activities that students can view free via the internet. Most listening activities come with a downloadable MP3 audio file, transcript and interactive quiz. ELLLO offers a variety of listening activities that each target a specific listening skill, need or interest. ELLLO is the work of Todd Beuckens who is a full‐time English teacher based in Japan, but born and raised in California. He later attended the University of California at Davis, majoring in Economics.



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