There are many types of sports. Can you name some sports in these categories? Use the words from chart below. 

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There are many types of sports. Can you name some sports in these categories? Use the words from chart below.

  indoor sports   outdoor sports   water sports   winter sports   Summer sports   board games   team games



swimming water polo Diving kayaking archery boxing
fencing judo Football volleyball tennis badminton
basketball table tennis Cycling polo shooting rowing
motor racing skating Sailing chess    


5. Match the definitions with the words above:


1.You need very fast cars. 2.This sport involves two teams of eight people and a boat.
3.This game is played with a king, a queen, bishops and knights. 4.For this sport you need a thin sword.
5.To play this game it helps if you are tall. 6.The other name for this game is ping pong.
7.For this game you need a big ball and a net.10. You do this with a gun. 8.For this you need a bow and arrow.
9.This is a winter game. 10.Two or four people play this game using rackets.
11.For this sport you need very big gloves.14. You do this in the Tour de France. 12. If you are very good, you wear a black belt.
13.You play this game with a shuttlecock – a little ball with feathers on. 14. This water sport comes from Greenland and the word from Eskimo.
15. In this water sport boys wear trunks. 16. For this water sport you use the wind.
17. This is a water sport using a ball. 18.For this you need a horse and a ball.
19. For this water sport you need a very deep pool. 20. You play this game with 11 players in each team.

Have you tried any of the sports above? Which did you like/dislike and why?

Decide whether these statements are true or not. Write T if they are true or F if they are false. If they are false, correct them.


1. Some sports make you feel hungrier than others.

2. Swimming and walking make you feel very hungry.

3. Running on a hot day makes you feel hungry.

4. Whether sports make you feel hungry or not depends on a hormone.

5. Thin people are better at running.

6. Body fat protects you if you are swimming in cold water.



7. Find words in the text with the following meaning:

  1. doing sport
· hunger
  1. make, are the reason why
· react, answer
  1. units of energy
· be at an advantage with
  1. want something very much

Find words in the text to complete the sentences. You may need to change the form of the verbs.


1. John put the full glass on the table very ………………………..

2. Kylie was ………………………. so she ate the whole chocolate bar.

3. Good runners ………………………. to be thin.

4. The new law has had a big ………………………. on crime.

5. Pete and Sue are ……………………….: they are cousins.

6. The pop group ………………………. very well.

Pre-listening activities

1. Explain the differences between these words and translate them into Kazakh/Russian:

· walk/ run/ jog

· obese/ fat /overweight

· disease/ illness/ problem

fit healthy well

2. The title of this article is ‘Getting fit without exercise’. Looking at just the title, do you think these statements will be true or false?

1. Scientists have developed a drug which will make people fit without doing any exercise at all.

2. Mice on this drug were able to run faster than mice without the drug.

3. The drug only works if the mice do regular exercise.

4. The scientists say this drug is better than taking exercise.

5. The drug is available in shops from next week.


While listening activities

3. Now listen to the article and check your responses.

Post-listening activities


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