Look at the photos. Identify the crime, which they represent. What could be the punishment for it?What should you do to protect yourself from such crimes? 

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Look at the photos. Identify the crime, which they represent. What could be the punishment for it?What should you do to protect yourself from such crimes?



2. Spend 5 minutes to complete the table with the vocabulary you have known before. The first have been done for you.


Court Crime Criminal Punishment Evidence
lawyer murder murderer Death penalty fingerprints



Fill out the translation column.


Crime Definition Translation
abduction/kidnapping taking a person to a secret location using force  
armed robbery using a weapon to steal  
Arson setting fire to a place on purpose  
assault hurting another person physically  
attempted murder trying to kill someone (but failing)  
burglary, breaking and entering going into another person's home or business with force  
child abuse injuring a child on purpose  
domestic violence physical assault that occur within the home  
drug trafficking trading illegal drugs  
drunk driving driving after having too much alcohol  
Fraud lying or cheating for business or monetary purposes  
hijacking holding people in transit hostage (usually on a plane)  
murder/homicide taking someone's life through violence  
shoplifting stealing merchandise from a store  
smuggling bringing products into a country secretly and illegally  
speeding driving beyond the speed limit  
terrorism acts of crime against a group (political/religious) or another country  
Theft stealing  
Torture extremely cruel and unfair treatment (often towards prisoners)  
vandalism damaging public or private property (for example with spray paint)  
white collar crime breaking the law in business  


Punishment (example offence) Definition Translation
traffic ticket (speeding, parking) leaves marks on driving record/involves paying a fine  
license suspension (drunk driving) driving rights are removed for a certain period of time  
fine (hunting out of season) pay money as punishment for minor/petty crime  
house arrest (a young offender who is waiting to go to court) remain in one's home for a certain period of time  
community service (a youth that steals a car for the first time) do volunteer work such as teaching children about crime or cleaning up garbage  
jail time (man who assaults his wife) spend a certain amount of months or years locked away from society  
life in prison (a woman who commits homicide) spend the rest of one's life in prison with no chance of going back into society  


3. Complete the second table which gives the name of the crime, its definition, criminal and verb which is used to describe it. The first is done for you.


Crime definition criminal verb
murder Killing someone murderer murder
  Stealing something from a shop    

4. Complete the sentences below with the following words or expressions.

guilty • falsified • smuggled • sentenced • tried • innocent • arrested

mugged • break • vandalized • stole • robbed • trafficking • charged


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