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Make a list of 5-10 questions and discuss it in pairs.Содержание книги
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![]() While-reading activity 1. Read the blog entry‘Electronic books or paper books?’. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ebooks according to the writer?
Post-reading activity 1. Read the blog entry again and match the underlined parts of the text with these words and expressions: 1. As well as this _ also ________ 2. But _____________________ 3. However _________________ 4. In conclusion ______________ 5. Nowadays ________________ 6. On the one hand ____________ 2. Read the comments section. Which person… 1 …likes ebooks because they are small ?__ Sarah __ 2 …is worried about the environment?__________ 3 …thinks ebooks are only for peole with a lot of money?__________ 4 …doesn’t pay to download ebooks? __________ 5 …doesn’t like ebooks because they cost a lot of money?__________ 6 …thinks nobody will read traditional books in the future?__________ 7 …is worried about his job?__________ 3. Match the descriptions with the words in italics in ‘Blog comments’. 1. Very good _________________ 2. Bad _________________ 3. There is nothing negative _________________ 4. I’m going to continue using _________________
1. Make up a situation using the following interview instructions:
Student A (Journalist of Times Magazine): You are the journalist. You know that Mars One is a non-profit foundation with the goal of establishing a permanent human settlement on Mars. You also know that Mars One Spaceship is a one way ticket. They can’t come back from Mars. You think these finalists who want to take part in this project are crazy but at the same time you admire them. You have many questions to these finalists. In particular: 1. How long does it take to get to Mars? 2. How did you find out about Mars One Project? 3. Why do you want to go to Mars? 4. What will you eat on Mars? 5. What are the requirements for Mars One project applicants? 6. Right now, you are a senior interpreter in a foreign company and you also have a degree in Translation Studies. Is there a particular trait or talent you possess that you think would be valuable to the mission?
7. Since you won't be able to ever return to Earth, how are you preparing for the idea that you could possibly spend the rest of your life on Mars? 8. Besides family and friends, what would you miss the most about home? 9. How did your parents react to the idea of you leaving, never to return? 10. According to an MIT study, there is a possibility that the first crews traveling to Mars will suffocate in 68 days. Does that hinder your desire to participate? 11. Did you think about space radiation? 12. How would you cope with psychological challenges on Mars? (Student B) Interviewee: You are one of the 700 finalists who will be the first group of humans to attempt starting a civilization on Mars. Participating in this project you will be able to realize your dream. Since childhood ages you were curious about space travelling, you wanted to find out whether there is a life on Mars. You firmly believe that sending people to Mars is 'the next giant leap for mankind'. You consider that this mission will jumpstart massive developments in all kinds of areas, a few examples being in recycling, solar energy, food production and the advancement of medical technology.
1. Write a letter to an Internet expert. Ask him/her three questions about the Internet. Give him/her three of your ideas on how to make it better in education process.
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