Make a list of 5-10 questions according to the texts and discuss the questions in pairs. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Make a list of 5-10 questions according to the texts and discuss the questions in pairs.



Imagine that you want to get together with a few new friends from out of town next weekend. What two or three leisure or recreational activities would you consider doing to introduce your friends to your city? Use the Internet to plan your day and look up the cost, operating hours, and location of each activity you plan. Discuss your results.

2.You are going on vacation to New York City for one week, but before you go, you want to plan your leisure activities. Use the Internet to find information and then plan your week. You should look up details on times, cost, transportation, and other relevant information:

  • an outing to the Statue of Liberty
  • a visit to a famous art museum
  • a night out to see a Broadway musical
  • dinner at a authentic local restaurant


Write an article about 180-250 words on the theme “Student life: Problems and Solutions”.

Article writing tips:


1. Heading: think of an interesting title.

2. Introductory paragraph linked to the title: to make the reader interested in the topic, try to use a question.

3. One or two more paragraphs: develop your main points.

4. A final paragraph: summarize the main points and give your concluding opinion or express your feelings.


Useful phrases


Rhetorical phrases:

Have you ever........?

What do you think about........?

Are you one of those people who thinks that......?

Are you one of those people who.......?

What would life be like if......?

Will the future bring us.....?

Introducing your first point:


In the first place

First of all

The first thing to consider is

One thing to consider is

To begin with

Introducing more points:


Another consideration

Yet another consideration

Another thing to consider is

Added to that

Apart from that

In addition to this

Introducing your final points:

In conclusion

To conclude

To sum up


Introducing your opinion:

I think

In my opinion

Personally I believe that

In my view

If you ask me

To my mind





1. Look at the opening pictures:

· What do you see?

· Can you give your own definition for each item?

· What is multimedia?


Pre-listening activities

Read the words and word combinations and discuss in pairs how these words can be related to the theme “e-books”.

movie fan studying English initiative Hollywood diagrams valuable tool selection digital distribution details enjoyment classis movies coincides with

While-listening activities


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