dharmaṁ pāramahaṁsyaṁ vai
dharmaṁ pāramahaṁsyaṁ vai
muneḥ śrutvāsureśvaraḥ
pūjayitvā tataḥ prīta
āmantrya prayayau gṛham
Nārada said: After Prahlāda Mahārāja, the King of the demons, heard about the path of the paramahaṁsa, he worshiped the saint, took his permission, and then left for his home.
Thus ends the commentary on the Thirteenth Chapter of the Seventh Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Fourteen
Duties of the Householder
|| 7.14.1 ||
śrī-yudhiṣṭhira uvāca
gṛhastha etāṁ padavīṁ
vidhinā yena cāñjasā
yāyād deva-ṛṣe brūhi
mādṛśo gṛha-mūḍha-dhīḥ
Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira said: O great sage! Please explain how we who are staying at home without knowledge of the goal of life may also easily attain liberation, according to the instructions of the Vedas.
Having described the three āśramas of renunciation, Nārada explains in the Fourteenth Chapter the path of the householder engaged in worldly activity according to time and place. Can one attain liberation, the result of the paths of renunciation by the path of enjoyment, if the path of enjoyment leads to birth and death? The King asks Nārada to begin describing the path of enjoyment for a person qualified for the householder, after having spoken of brahmacārī, vanaprastha and sannyāsī life, all involved in renunciation.
|| 7.14.2 ||
śrī-nārada uvāca
gṛheṣv avasthito rājan
kriyāḥ kurvan yathocitāḥ
vāsudevārpaṇaṁ sākṣād
upāsīta mahā-munīn
Nārada said: O King! A person situated in household life, performing his prescribed duties as an offering to Vāsudeva, should worship the great devotees.
Performing his actions as an offering to Vāsudeva he should worship the devotees.
|| 7.14.3-4 ||
śṛṇvan bhagavato ’bhīkṣṇam