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naitādṛśaḥ paro dharmo


yathā na paśu-hiṁsayā

A person fully aware of religious principles should never offer meat, eggs or fish in the śrāddha ceremony, and should not eat such things. The Supreme Lord is pleased by forest offerings and is never pleased when animals are killed.

|| 7.15.8 ||

naitādṛśaḥ paro dharmo

nṛṇāṁ sad-dharmam icchatām

nyāso daṇḍasya bhūteṣu

mano-vāk-kāyajasya yaḥ

There is no higher dharma than giving up violence to all living beings by mind, words and body for persons desiring proper principles.

There is no higher dharma than giving up violence (daṇḍasya).


|| 7.15.9 ||

eke karma-mayān yajñān

jñānino yajña-vittamāḥ

ātma-saṁyamane ’nīhā

juhvati jñāna-dīpite

Some jñānīs, having no material desires and knowing the truth about sacrifice, offer prescribed karmas into the fire of the controlled mind, illuminated by knowledge.

Those on the highest level reject external actions. Those who have no material desires (anīhāḥ) offer prescribed karmas (karma-mayān yajñān) into the control of the mind, illuminated by knowledge. This means they give up performance of karmas.

|| 7.15.10 ||

dravya-yajñair yakṣyamāṇaṁ

dṛṣṭvā bhūtāni bibhyati

eṣa mākaruṇo hanyād

ataj-jño hy asu-tṛp dhruvam

Upon seeing a person engaged in performing the sacrifice, animals to be sacrificed become extremely afraid, thinking, “This merciless performer of sacrifices, being ignorant of the truth about ātmā and simply in order to maintain himself, will kill us.”

“This cruel person, who does not know the truth about ātmā, will kill me(mā).” Śruti saysna taṁ vidātha imā jajānānyad yuṣmākam antaraṁ babhūva nīhāreṇa prāvṛtā jalpyāś cāsutṛp uktha śāsaś caranti: you do not know the person who has produced these creatures, who dwells within you and, surrounded by ignorance, uttering mantras to maintain themselves, the priests carry out their actions. (Ṛg Veda 10.82.7)

|| 7.15.11 ||


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