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kuryāt sarvātmanaiteṣu


ta ete śreyasaḥ kālā

nṝṇāṁ śreyo-vivardhanāḥ

kuryāt sarvātmanaiteṣu

śreyo ’moghaṁ tadāyuṣaḥ

All of these special times increase auspiciousness for humanity. One should perform actions at these times. This will produce unfailing success in the whole of man’s life.

Performing acts of dharma, not just śrāddha rites at these times produces auspicious effects. One should perform auspicious acts at these times and the (tadā) one will have unfailing success (amogham) in one’s life.


|| 7.14.25 ||

eṣu snānaṁ japo homo

vrataṁ deva-dvijārcanam


yad dattaṁ tad dhy anaśvaram

During these times, if one bathes in a sacred place, if one chants, offers fire sacrifices or executes vows, or if one worships the Supreme Lord, or gives offerings to the brāhmaṇas, the forefathers, the devatās and living entities in general, one attains permanent benefit.

|| 7.14.26 ||

saṁskāra-kālo jāyāyā

apatyasyātmanas tathā

preta-saṁsthā mṛtāhaś ca

karmaṇy abhyudaye nṛpa

O King Yudhiṣṭhira! At the time prescribed for saṁskāras for one’s self, one’s wife or one’s children, or during funeral ceremonies and annual death ceremonies, one obtains great benefit by performing them at the times mentioned above.


At the time of saṁskāras for the wife such as puṁsavana, or for the children, such as jāta-karma, or for oneself, such as initiation, into sacrifice, at the time of burning the body (preta-saṁsthā) and yearly śrāddhas, there will be great benefit by using those auspicious times.



|| 7.14.27-28 ||

atha deśān pravakṣyāmi


sa vai puṇyatamo deśaḥ

sat-pātraṁ yatra labhyate

bimbaṁ bhagavato yatra

sarvam etac carācaram


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