When one has the capacity for gathering all items, one should perform sacrifice according to the rules with offerings.
When one has the capacity for gathering all items, one should perform sacrifice according to the rules with offerings.
|| 7.14.17 ||
na hy agni-mukhato ’yaṁ vai
bhagavān sarva-yajña-bhuk
ijyeta haviṣā rājan
yathā vipra-mukhe hutaiḥ
O King! The Supreme Lord, enjoyer of all sacrifices, is not worshipped by offerings to the fires as much as he is worshiped by offerings in the mouths of the brāhmaṇas.
One should not be too attached to performing sacrifices. The Lord is not worshiped as much by offerings to the mouth of the fire as he is worshipped by offerings of food to the mouth of the brāhmaṇa.
|| 7.14.18 ||
tasmād brāhmaṇa-deveṣu
martyādiṣu yathārhataḥ
tais taiḥ kāmair yajasvainaṁ
kṣetra-jñaṁ brāhmaṇān anu
Worship the Supreme Lord, knower of the field, according one’s ability, by offering various objects to brāhmaṇas, who are devatās, and then to ordinary humans.
Worship the Supreme Lord, knower of the field, by offering foods to the brāhmaṇas who are devatās, and after the brāhmaṇas, to other humans. Another version has brāhmaṇānanam, the Lord whose mouth is the brāhmaṇas.
|| 7.14.19 ||
kuryād apara-pakṣīyaṁ
māsi prauṣṭha-pade dvijaḥ
śrāddhaṁ pitror yathā-vittaṁ
tad-bandhūnāṁ ca vittavān
A brāhmaṇa who is sufficiently rich must offer oblations according to his means to the forefathers during the dark-moon fortnight in the month of Bhādra.
Prauṣthā-pade means “in Bhādra month.”
|| 7.14.20-23 ||
ayane viṣuve kuryād
vyatīpāte dina-kṣaye
candrādityoparāge ca
dvādaśyāṁ śravaṇeṣu ca
tṛtīyāyāṁ śukla-pakṣe
navamyām atha kārtike
catasṛṣv apy aṣṭakāsu
hemante śiśire tathā
māghe ca sita-saptamyāṁ
rākayā cānumatyā ca