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yas tv icchayā kṛtaḥ pumbhir


yas tv icchayā kṛtaḥ pumbhir

ābhāso hy āśramāt pṛthak

sva-bhāva-vihito dharmaḥ

kasya neṣṭaḥ praśāntaye

Ābhāsa refers to concocting devatā worship different from what is recommended in one’s āśramas. Can dharma performed according to one’s nature not produce relief from distress?

Ābhāsa is creating some form of devatā worship by one’s imagination. Cannot dharma performed according to one’s nature, not just on birth, bring relief from distress?

|| 7.15.15 ||

dharmārtham api neheta

yātrārthaṁ vādhano dhanam


mahāher iva vṛttidā

Even a poor man should not strive for wealth in order to execute acts of dharma or maintain his body. Desirelessness gives livelihood to the person who does not act for such wealth, and who is similar to a python.

A poor person should not desire money for maintaining his body. He should not strive for wealth. For one who does not desire, the condition of being niṣkāma or not acting produces his means of livelihood. Mahāheḥ means a python.

|| 7.15.16 ||

santuṣṭasya nirīhasya

svātmārāmasya yat sukham

kutas tat kāma-lobhena

dhāvato ’rthehayā diśaḥ

Where is the happiness of the desireless, satisfied ātmārāma for a person who runs in all directions with a desire for wealth, out of lust and greed?

|| 7.15.17 ||

sadā santuṣṭa-manasaḥ

sarvāḥ śivamayā diśaḥ


yathopānat-padaḥ śivam

One who is always self-satisfied has auspiciousness everywhere, just one who has shoes is protected from thorns and rocks.


For one who has shoes on his feet, there is protection from thorns.

|| 7.15.18 ||

santuṣṭaḥ kena vā rājan

na vartetāpi vāriṇā


gṛha-pālāyate janaḥ


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