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vivitsur idam aprākṣīn


pādayoḥ śirasā spṛśan

vivitsur idam aprākṣīn

mahā-bhāgavato 'suraḥ

Worshipping him, offering respects, and touching his feet with their heads, people born in that place desired to know who he was. Prahlāda spoke to him as follows.

People, the people born in that place, wanted to know who he was.


|| 7.13.16-17 ||

bibharṣi kāyaṁ pīvānaṁ

sodyamo bhogavān yathā

vittaṁ caivodyamavatāṁ

bhogo vittavatām iha

bhogināṁ khalu deho 'yaṁ

pīvā bhavati nānyathā

You have a fat body like one who endeavors for enjoyment. A man who endeavors becomes wealth. The wealthy man enjoys. The enjoyer becomes fat. It does not happen otherwise.

Pīvānam means fat. “You cannot say that your body has become fat simply by nature.” Those who endeavor become wealthy. Those who become wealthy enjoy. Those who enjoy become fat. One becomes fat by endeavor, not naturally.


|| 7.13.18 ||

na te śayānasya nirudyamasya

brahman nu hārtho yata eva bhogaḥ

abhogino 'yaṁ tava vipra dehaḥ

pīvā yatas tad vada naḥ kṣamaṁ cet

O brāhmaṇa! Since you are lying down, doing nothing, you certainly have no money and thus clearly have no enjoyment. Since you have fat body, but do not enjoy, kindly explain how you are fat, if we are fit to hear.

“You are just guessing that I must be endeavoring, based on the logic that if fat Devadatta does not eat in the day, he must eat at night.”  Nu means certainly. Ha means “it is clear.” By his effulgence Prahlāda understands he is a brāhmaṇa.

|| 7.13.19 ||

kaviḥ kalpo nipuṇa-dṛk

citra-priya-kathaḥ samaḥ

lokasya kurvataḥ karma

śeṣe tad-vīkṣitāpi vā

Though wise, capable, astute, capable of speaking nicely and equiposed, you lie down, looking at people performing actions with disgust, or perhaps curiosity. 

“Why do you conclude this?” I desire the nectar of your words to make myself successful, since you seem to be endowed with wisdom, capability, astuteness, and other qualities by seeing your auspicious bodily features. You lie down, while looking at people engaged in actions with disgust, or perhaps looking at them out of curiosity. 

|| 7.13.20 ||


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