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sa dvijo 'jo jagāda yam. ijyādhyayana-dānāni. vihitāni dvijanmanām. janma-karmāvadātānāṁ. kriyāś cāśrama-coditāḥ. Those who without fail perform the saṁskāra


sa dvijo 'jo jagāda yam


vihitāni dvijanmanām


kriyāś cāśrama-coditāḥ

Those who without fail perform the saṁskāras and are thus approved by Brahmā are dvijas, or twice-born. Such brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyas, purified by their family traditions and by their behavior, should worship the Lord, study the Vedas and give charity. They should follow the principles of the four āśramas.

In speaking about varṇas, first the characteristics of the second born are described. He is called second born who has performed samskāras starting with garbhādhāna using mantras.[116] If the continuity of saṁskāras is broken, the person is a dvija-bandhu. Brahmā prescribed this for the second born at the beginning of creation. This means that birth from a pure mother and father is the chief characteristic of the second born.

|| 7.11.14 ||



rājño vṛttiḥ prajā-goptur

aviprād vā karādibhiḥ

For a brāhmaṇa there are six occupational duties. A kṣatriya should not accept charity, but he may perform the other five of these duties. A king or kṣatriya is not allowed to levy taxes on brāhmaṇas, but he may make his livelihood by money from his other subjects.

Now Nārada describes the occupations of the four varṇas in seven and a half verses. For the brāhmaṇa, six activities are prescribed (vihitāni, the verb, is in the previous verse). Three items of livelihood are: study of the Vedas, worship and accepting charity.[117] Manu says:


saṇṇān tu karmaṇām asya trīṇi karmāṇi jīvikā

yajanādhyāpane caiva viśuddhāc ca pratigrahaḥ


Among the six activities, three are livelihood: worship, teaching of the Vedas and accepting charity from a pure person.


The kṣatriya (anyasya) cannot accept charity. As emergency the kṣatriya can use teaching Vedas and performing worship for others as a livelihood. Accepting charity is forbidden for the kṣatriya even in emergency situations. Offerings of respect given by the person he protects are the livelihood of the kṣatriya. Or he can levy taxes, fines or custom duty for a livelihood.

|| 7.11.15 ||


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