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ya etat puṇyam ākhyānaṁ


ya etat puṇyam ākhyānaṁ

viṣṇor vīryopabṛṁhitam

kīrtayec chraddhayā śrutvā

karma-pāśair vimucyate

One who, after faithfully hearing, chants this narration filled with the omnipotence of Viṣṇu is certainly liberated from material bondage.

|| 7.10.47 ||

etad ya ādi-puruṣasya mṛgendra-līlāṁ

daityendra-yūtha-pa-vadhaṁ prayataḥ paṭheta

daityātmajasya ca satāṁ pravarasya puṇyaṁ

śrutvānubhāvam akuto-bhayam eti lokam

One who reads this story of Nṛsiṁha killing the king of the demons with attention, after hearing the pure love of Prahlāda, greatest of devotees, attains the planet of no fear.

|| 7.10.48 ||

yūyaṁ nṛ-loke bata bhūri-bhāgā

lokaṁ punānā munayo 'bhiyanti

yeṣāṁ gṛhān āvasatīti sākṣād

gūḍhaṁ paraṁ brahma manuṣya-liṅgam

You Pāṇḍavas are most fortunate in this world. Sages who purify the planets come and visit your houses because the Supreme Brahman personally resides your houses in a human form.

Oh! Prahlāda was fortunate to see the Lord. But we are unfortunate! In this way Yudhiṣṭhira lamented. Nārada replied. You are more fortunate than Prahlāda, than me, his guru, than other devotees, than previous members of your dynasty like Yadu and Puru, than the sages like Vaśiṣṭha, Marīci and Kaśyapa, and than Brahmā and Śiva. You are most fortunate among all jīvas. The sages who purify the planet by showing themselves come to your house to make themselves successful (abhiyanti), because secretly, taking the human form, the Param Brahman always resides (āvasati) in your houses without your calling him, because he is attracted to you. He does not personally live in human form in the houses of Prahlāda and others. And the sages do not come to see him in order to become successful.


|| 7.10.49 ||

sa vā ayaṁ brahma mahad-vimṛgya-



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