auryaṁ vīryaṁ dhṛtis tejas
śauryaṁ vīryaṁ dhṛtis tejas
tyāgaś cātmajayaḥ kṣamā
brahmaṇyatā prasādaś ca
satyaṁ ca kṣatra-lakṣaṇam
Bravery in battle, being unconquered, fortitude, conquering others, charity, controlling the bodily necessities, forgiveness, faithfulness the brahminical nature, joy and truthfulness—these are the symptoms of the kṣatriya.
|| 7.11.23 ||
deva-gurv-acyute bhaktis
āstikyam udyamo nityaṁ
naipuṇyaṁ vaiśya-lakṣaṇam
Devotion to the devatās, guru and Viṣṇu, endeavoring for advancement in religious principles, economic development and sense gratification, faith in the Vedas, and constant endeavor and skill—these are the symptoms of the vaiśya.
|| 7.11.24 ||
śūdrasya sannatiḥ śaucaṁ
sevā svāminy amāyayā
amantra-yajño hy asteyaṁ
satyaṁ go-vipra-rakṣaṇam
Offering obeisances to the higher classes, cleanliness, freedom from duplicity, service to one's master, performing sacrifices without uttering mantras, not stealing, speaking the truth and giving protection to the cows and brāhmaṇas—these are the symptoms of the śūdra.
|| 7.11.25 ||
strīṇāṁ ca pati-devānāṁ
tad-bandhuṣv anuvṛttiś ca
nityaṁ tad-vrata-dhāraṇam
To render service to the husband, to be always favorably disposed toward the husband, to be equally well disposed toward the husband's relatives and friends, and to follow the vows of the husband—these are the four principles to be followed by women who worship the husband.
The characteristics of chaste women are described in five verses. The husband should be worshipped (pati-devānām).
|| 7.11.26-27 ||