prahrāda bhadra bhadraṁ te
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
prahrāda bhadra bhadraṁ te
prīto 'haṁ te 'surottama
varaṁ vṛṇīṣvābhimataṁ
kāma-pūro 'smy ahaṁ nṛṇām
The Lord said: O Prahlāda, most gentle devotee! Best in the family of the demons! Good fortune unto you. I am pleased with you. Please ask for a cherished benediction. I am full of the desires of men.
Please ask for a benediction. What reservation can there be in the Lord who has affection for his servant, and is the pinnacle of generosity? I am full of men’s aspirations, one of which you can ask from me. I exist as a river of all goals of human endeavors, and I possess liberation as one of those. It should be understood that the jīvas of whom Prahlāda was thinking would be liberated at that time, but because of the infinite number of jīvas, the universe would then become full of other jīvas.
|| 7.9.53 ||
mām aprīṇata āyuṣman
darśanaṁ durlabhaṁ hi me
dṛṣṭvā māṁ na punar jantur
ātmānaṁ taptum arhati
My dear Prahlāda, may you live long! After seeing me, which is rare for those who do not please me, a person will not suffer again from unfulfilled desires.
Aprīṇataḥ means be aprīṇayatah (who do not please me). One who sees me will not lament for unfulfilled desires.
|| 7.9.54 ||
prīṇanti hy atha māṁ dhīrāḥ
sarva-bhāvena sādhavaḥ
śreyas-kāmā mahā-bhāga
sarvāsām āśiṣāṁ patim
Fortunate Prahlāda! The wise devotees, desiring the highest benefit, please me in all different rasas, for I am the master of all blessings.
Prīṇanti should be prīṇayanti (they please me.) Or if prīṇanti is accepted literally then the meaning is “they are satisfied with me in all types of rasas.”
|| 7.9.55 ||
śrī-nārada uvāca
evaṁ pralobhyamāno 'pi
varair loka-pralobhanaiḥ