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na vadhyo mama sṛṣṭibhiḥ


yo 'sau labdha-varo matto

na vadhyo mama sṛṣṭibhiḥ


samasta-nigamān ahan

This demon received from me the benediction that he would not be killed by any living being within my creation. Proud of his austerity, powers of yoga and strength, he destroyed the system set up by Vedas.

|| 7.10.28 ||

diṣṭyā tat-tanayaḥ sādhur

mahā-bhāgavato 'rbhakaḥ

tvayā vimocito mṛtyor

diṣṭyā tvāṁ samito 'dhunā

By great fortune, his great devotee son, a mere child, has now been released from death. By good fortune, now he has met you.

|| 7.10.29 ||

etad vapus te bhagavan

dhyāyataḥ paramātmanaḥ

sarvato goptṛ santrāsān

mṛtyor api jighāṁsataḥ

O Lord! You are the protector from all fear and destructive death for the person who meditates upon the form of Paramātmā.

You are the protector (goptṛ) from death (mṛtyoḥ).

|| 7.10.30 ||

śrī-bhagavān uvāca

maivaṁ vibho 'surāṇāṁ te

pradeyaḥ padma-sambhava

varaḥ krūra-nisargāṇām

ahīnām amṛtaṁ yathā

The Lord said: O powerful Brahmā born from the lotus! Just as it is dangerous to feed milk to a snake, so it is dangerous to give benedictions to demons, who are by nature cruel. Do not give them such benediction in the future.

|| 7.10.31 ||

śrī-nārada uvāca

ity uktvā bhagavān rājaṁs

tataś cāntardadhe hariḥ

adṛśyaḥ sarva-bhūtānāṁ

pūjitaḥ parameṣṭhinā

Nārada said: O King Yudhiṣṭhira! The Supreme Lord, who is normally invisible to all beings, after speaking in this way and being worshiped by Brahmā, disappeared from that place.

|| 7.10.32 ||

tataḥ sampūjya śirasā

vavande parameṣṭhinam

bhavaṁ prajāpatīn devān

prahrādo bhagavat-kalāḥ

Prahlāda, a portion of the Lord, then worshiped the Prajāpatis, Brahmā, and Śiva, and bowed down with his head.

|| 7.10.33 ||

tataḥ kāvyādibhiḥ sārdhaṁ


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