tat te 'rhattama namaḥ stuti-karma-pūjāḥ
tat te 'rhattama namaḥ stuti-karma-pūjāḥ
karma smṛtiś caraṇayoḥ śravaṇaṁ kathāyām
saṁsevayā tvayi vineti ṣaḍ-aṅgayā kiṁ
bhaktiṁ janaḥ paramahaṁsa-gatau labheta
O Lord worthy of worship! The six parts of bhakti are offering respects, praising you, deity worship, menial service, remembering your lotus feet and hearing about you. How can a person attain prema without these six types of bhakti to you, who also award liberation to the jñānīs?
This summarizes his prayers. Since one cannot know you by study and other methods, giving up efforts to know you, one should strive to perform sādhana for prema to you. This is the essence of all human goals. O Lord most worthy of worship! Offering respects to you, offering praises, deity worship, menial services to you, remembering your lotus feet, hearing about you—without these these six aṅgas of bhakti, how can one attain prema? Without these, one cannot attain prema to you, who award liberation to the jñānīs (parama-haṁsa-gatau). By bhakti-miśra-jñāna, they attain liberation only. Therefore, since it the root of all success, give everyone service of the six aṅgas which will produce prema. If that is difficult, then give them liberation, and free them from suffering in saṁsāra. But I have been successful in service to your devotee. I do not worry.
|| 7.9.51 ||
śrī-nārada uvāca
etāvad varṇita-guṇo
bhaktyā bhaktena nirguṇaḥ
prahrādaṁ praṇataṁ prīto
yata-manyur abhāṣata
Nārada said: Thus, Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, having no material qualities, whose qualities were described by his devotee with devotion, being pleased with his surrendered devotee, gave up his anger and spoke.
Nirguṇaḥ means without material qualities. Prahlāda praised Nṛsiṁha’s spiritual qualities like mercy. Nṛsiṁha had uncontrollable anger that Prahlāda’s father was attacking him. He gave up that anger on seeing the bliss of Prahlāda.
|| 7.9.52 ||