dvau daive pitṛ-kārye trīn 

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dvau daive pitṛ-kārye trīn


dvau daive pitṛ-kārye trīn

ekaikam ubhayatra vā

bhojayet susamṛddho ’pi

śrāddhe kuryān na vistaram

In offering oblations to the devatās, one should invite only two brāhmaṇas, and in offering oblations to the forefathers, one may invite three brāhmaṇas. Or, in either case, only one brāhmaṇa will also suffice. Even though one is wealthy, he should not endeavor to invite more brāhmaṇas.

Vistaram means “many recipients.”

|| 7.15.4 ||


dravya-pātrārhaṇāni ca

samyag bhavanti naitāni

vistarāt sva-janārpaṇāt

If one arranges to feed many brāhmaṇas or relatives during the śrāddha ceremony, there will be discrepancies in the time, place, respect, eligible persons and ingredients.

If many relatives are invited, the respect to the Pitṛs will be overlooked.

|| 7.15.5 ||

deśe kāle ca samprāpte

muny-annaṁ hari-daivatam

śraddhayā vidhivat pātre

nyastaṁ kāmadhug akṣayam

At a suitable auspicious time and place, one should with faith offer food which has been offered to the deity to a suitable person. This will be the cause of everlasting benefit.


Muny-annam is forest food or food gained by proper means. It should first be offered to Viṣṇu. Then it is given to the Pitṛs. Then it is given to suitable person.

|| 7.15.6 ||


ātmane sva-janāya ca

annaṁ saṁvibhajan paśyet

sarvaṁ tat puruṣātmakam

Offering prasāda to the devatās, the saintly persons, one’s forefathers, the people in general, one’s family members, one’s relatives and one’s friends, one should see them all as devotees of the Supreme Lord.

|| 7.15.7 ||

na dadyād āmiṣaṁ śrāddhe

na cādyād dharma-tattvavit

muny-annaiḥ syāt parā prītir


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