Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VI. Complete the following sentences and translate them into Russian.


1.In the 21th century_______________is _____________________________.

2. E-mail is a means of _______________________________________________.

3. E-mail does not require a ___________________________________________.

4. E-mail is fast _____________________________________________________.

5. E-mails is typically shorter and_______________________________________.

6. ________________are less formal in style than__________________________.

7. The e-mail language is______________________________________________.

8. E-mail are designed for ______________and usually avoid________________.

9. E-mail message should be___________________________________________.

10. You can end your e-mail with_______________________________________.


Traditional business letter E-mail
SUNOIL Co., Ltd. 5 Hill St. Liverpool UK     Sender’s and receiver’s electronic addresses as well as date and subject heading are stated in special computer frames
Our ref. GF/323fl Your ref. 1-T/11
January 19, 20___
COOLGAS Co., Ltd. 23 Ground Road, Plymouth UK
Dear Mr White Mr White
Company's profile  
We have received your letter dated January 11. We appreciate your requesting information on our company. You will found our company’s profile enclosed herewith. Should you still have questions we could clarify them in person at the upcoming International Fair in Hamburg. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your e-mail asking for information on our company. I am sending you our company's profile. We are ready to answer all your possible questions if any. We can meet at the upcoming International Fair in Hamburg.
Yours sincerely Best wishes
John Black John Black Chief Executive Officer John Black

VIII. There are no universally accepted rules for writing e-mail, but there are some useful guidelines:

Rule The reason why it is useful
Create a subject line with impact. It is more likely that someone will read your e-mail.
Write short sentences. You do not need complex grammar or punctuation.
Keep paragraphs short. There is less chance the reader will miss anything.
Don't always trust your spell check. It cannot tell the difference between your and you're, or theirs and there's!
Put your signature on the message. It saves people scrolling down to see if there is more text.
Proofread the message before sending it. It creates a more professional image if there are no silly errors.
Use headings, bullets and numbering. These will guide the reader and make the message easier to grasp.
Do not mention any confidential or secret information. E-mails are not safe from intruders and hackers and can be opened by some special services.
With a new partner be rather formal. You cannot abandon the basic principles of business writing. Only gradually you may turn to more friendly informal style.


IX. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-mails?

2. Are e-mail letters as formal in style as ordinary letters?

3. Are there any rules for writing e-mails?

4. How does carelessness in composing e-mails affect the impression the receiver gets of the sender?

X. Study the notes, writing patterns.


1. Date – дата письма. Дата проставляется вашим компьютером автоматически – следите за тем, чтобы внутренние часы вашего компьютера шли правильно. Иначе могут возникнуть проблемы с сортировкой писем в хронологическом порядке.

2. Subject line – тема письма. Всегда заполняйте графу «Тема». Это даст адресату представление о содержание письма и облегчит ему сортировку писем.

3. With a new partner be rather formal… Следует помнить, что нельзя игнорировать основные принципы написания деловых писем, даже если вы пользуетесь электронной почтой. При переписке с новым партнером необходимо сохранять формальный стиль. Переход к менее формальному стилю должен осуществлять постепенно, по мере развития отношений с деловым партнером.


1. If you have any questions, let me know. Если у Вас есть вопросы, обращайтесь, пожалуйста.
2. I am writing to confirm our appointment on October 8th. Подтверждаю нашу встречу 8 октября.
3. If I can be any further assistance, please do contact me again. Если Вам понадобиться моя помощь, свяжитесь, пожалуйста, со мной еще раз.
4. …let me just say that it was a very great pleasure meeting you… …позвольте заверить Вас, что мне было крайне приятно встретиться с Вами…


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