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An example of a clause in a contract providing for Arbitration in a thrid country


Any dispute difference arising out of or in connection with the present contract is to be settled, without recourse to Courts of Law, by an Arbitration Tribunal in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Arbitration Tribunal shall consist of two Arbitrators and an Umpire.

The party giving notice of arbitration shall notify the other party by registered letter stating the question at the issue and giving the name and address of its Arbitrator. Within … days of receipt of such a letter, the other party shall inform the first party, also by registered letter, of the name and address of its Arbitrator, and if it does not do so, its Arbitrator shall be appointed by the President of the Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm at the request of the party giving notice of arbitration. Hence, the appointment is left to the discretion of the President.

The two arbitrators are to choose an Umpire within… days of the appointment of the second Arbitrator. Should the Arbitrators fail to agree upon an Umpire, the Umpire shall be appointed by the President of the Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm, Sweden, within … days after receipt in Stockholm of such an application made by either of the parties.

The award shall be issued on the basis of the present contract and legal regulations to be used in accordance with the principles of international law.

The award shall state the reasons for the decision, indicate the composition of the Arbitration Tribunal, the date and place of the decision and the allocation of costs and expenses of the arbitration between the parties.

Both parties shall accept the award of the Arbitration Tribunal as final and binding upon them.


IV. Answer the following questions.

1. What is claim?

2. In what case may a claim arise?

3. In what case are the parties to the contract entitled to reject a claim?

4. What is a Letter of Complaint?

5. What is an unjustified complaint?

6. What does an amicable settlement of the claim imply?

7. What are Points of Claim?

8. What documents are needed for filing Points of Claim with Arbitration Court?

9. Which party should appoint an Arbitrator and an Umpire?

10. Why are the cases entrusted to a sole Arbitration?

11. Who covers the expenses of the arbitration proceedings?

12. Can the parties to a contract apply to Courts of Law?

13. Do the parties to the contract have the right to submit the matter to the Court of Appeal?


V. Study the notes and writing patterns.


The Arbitration vs arbitration - написание с большой буквы и, как правило, с определенным артиклем the Arbitration означает судебную инстанцию, проводящую арбитраж, например Арбитражный суд.

Слово arbitration подразумевает обычно процесс арбитражного производства.



1. Hereby we make a claim on you for damages. Настоящим мы предъявляем Вам претензию о возмещении убытков.
2. The claimant and the respondent have come to an amicable settlement of the claim in questions. Истец и ответчик пришли к дружественному урегулированию вышеупомянутого спора.
3. We intend to refer the dispute for consideration to the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia. Мы намерены передать спор на рассмотрение в Арбитражный Суд Торгово-Промышленной Палаты России.
4. The decision/award of the arbitration is final and binding on both parties. Решение арбитража является окончательным и обязательным для всех сторон.
5. No claim may arise out of or in connection with this clause of the contract. Истец не имеет права предъявлять претензию, вытекающую из или в связи с данным пунктом контракта.
6. The appointment of the umpire is left to the discretion of the President of the Arbitration Court. Назначение суперарбитра является прерогативой/остается на усмотрение председателя Арбитражного суда.
7. On filing Points of Claim the claimant shall make payment in advance on account of the fee to cover the expenses of the arbitration proceedings. По представления искового заявления истец должен внести авансовый платеж в счет покрытия расходов на ведение арбитражного производства.
8. The party to the contract has infringed the terms of the contract. Эта сторона нарушила условия контракта.
9. Complaints and claims may arise in connection with inferior quality, late delivery or non-delivery and in many other cases. Жалобы и претензии могут возникнуть в связи с низким качеством товара, недопоставкой или непоставкой товара, а также во многих других случаях.
10. The Seller holds the Buyer responsible for… Продавец считает Покупателя ответственным за…
11. The claimant may withdraw/abandon the claim. Истец может отозвать претензию.
12. The dispute was settled by arbitration. Спор был урегулирован в арбитражном порядке.
13. In case of arbitration each party should appoint in arbitrator. В случае арбитражного разбирательства каждая сторона должна назначить своего арбитра.
14. An umpire’s decision is final and binding upon both parties. Решение суперарбитра является окончательным и обязательным для обеих сторон контракта.
15. Arbitration clauses provide for all disputes and differences to be settled by arbitration held… Арбитражные оговорки предусматривают разрешение споров и разногласий в арбитражном порядке в …
16. The claimant submits the disputes for arbitration by filing Points of Claim with… Истец передает спор в арбитраж путем представления искового заявления в …


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