Exercise 9. Is it true or false? 

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Exercise 9. Is it true or false?


1. The main goal of the health care system in Ukraine is to treat infectious diseases.

2. There are no free emergency services in Ukraine.

3. If an accident has happened you should dial 103.

4. Ukrainian health care pays great attention to the health of mother and child because of bad condition of environment.

5. Many people in Ukraine prefer private hospitals and polyclinics nowadays.

6. Ukrainian health care pays great attention to the prophylaxis of different diseases.

7. A lot of efforts are taken for popularization of medical science among the population.

8. It is obvious for doctors to know how to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into your native language. Pay attention to the Passive Voice:

E.g.: Present Simple Passive - Patients are examined by the doctor.

Пацієнти огладаються лікарем.

Past Simple Passive - Patients were examined by the doctor yesterday

Пацієнти були оглянуті лікарем вчора.

Future Simple Passive - Patients will be examined by the doctor next week.

Пацієнти будуть оглянуті лікарем на наступному тижні.

1. Old methods of treatment were supplanted by the new ones.

2. A network of children hospitals will be opened next year.

3. Diagnosis is made with the help of blood analysis.

4. An emergency was called because of an accident.

5. A lot of efforts are concentrated on Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

6. The patient with pneumonia will be delivered to the hospital in an hour.

7. An unfavorable prognosis was made by the doctor.

8. Preventive measures are taken to exclude infectious disease.

Exercise 11. Change the following into Passive Voice:

1. The doctor examines the patients everyday.

2. We inherited the health service system from the former states.

3. People prefer state hospitals and polyclinics.

4. Dentist equipped his new dental room with modern apparatus.

5. Ukrainian Constitution guarantees the rights for health protection.

6. The government will open a new maternity home next month.

7. Somebody called in an ambulance.

8. They will create a network of consulting rooms soon.


Exercise 12. Translate the sentences using Passive Voice:

1. Перші ознаки захворювання були визначені вчасно.

2. Багато уваги приділяється популяризації медичної освіти в даний час.

3. Зусилля будуть сконцетровані на проблемах педіатрії та акушерства.

4. Права громдян на здорове навколишнє середовище гарантується Конституцією України.

5. Ряд різних процедур використовують для того, щоб поставити правильний діагноз.

6. Навички діагностувати на ранніх стадіях та лікувати хвороби вимагаються від сучасного лікаря.

7. Профілктичні заходи будуть прийняті найближчим часом.

8. Операцію закінчать о 10 годині.


Exercise 13. Open the brackets using the correct tense form:

1. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a short man (to open) the door and (to ask) for help.

2. The patient was restless, irritable; he (to suffer) from headache.

3. On leaving the hospital, the man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure) him of his disease.

4. Medical insurance (to be) not obvious in our country.

5. The doctor (to study) the patient’s sensitivity to penicillin before the treatment (to begin).

6. He (to be) here five minutes ago, but you (to be out).

7. He (to work) a lot and (to want) to show his teacher that he (to improve) his knowledge in Biology.

8. The nurse already (to give) an injection of the nicotine acid.


Exercise 14. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. General, Independent, Student health insurances are introduced in France.

2. Health insurance is used by 85% of population in Germany.

3. The first health insurance was created in 1883 in Germany.

4. Billions will be earned from selling health insurances in future.

5. Employees and General health insurances are guaranteed in Japan.

6. Medical expenses are guaranteed by health insurance.

7. 104 billon dollars were earned in the UK from selling health insurances in 2007.

8. Health insurances will be used by all the people in the nearest future.

Exercise 15. Fill in the table:

1. History of the Health Care System in Ukraine  
2. The main tasks    
3. The most acute problems of its concern  
4. The basic units    
5. The main requirements for a modern doctor  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студента (СРС)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення: сільські, районні і обласні поліклініки; спеціалізуватися на лікуванні; приватна служба швидкої допомоги; страхова та сімейна медицина; бути укомплектованим сучасною апаратурою; профілактична та лікувальна медицина; пологовий будинок; здорове навколишнє середовище; охорона здоров'я; справлятися з хронічними захворюваннями.   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: What is the most distinctive feature of health service in Ukraine? What are the basic medical units in Ukraine? What does the Constitution of Ukraine concerning health service guarantee? Why are the problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology especially acute now? What basic skills should a doctor in modern society have?   III. Розкрийте поняття: Система охорони здоров'я в Україні

Health Service in Great Britain and the USA


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

arrange, v [ə'reɪndʒ] домовитися, організувати (напр., зустріч)
at the expense [æt ði: ɪk’spens] за рахунок коштів
blind, adj [blaɪnd] сліпий, незрячий
by appointment only [baɪ ə’pɔɪntmənt ˈəʊnli] тільки за попереднім записом
dependent children [dɪˈpendənt ˈʃɪldrən] діти-утриманці
disability, n [‚dɪsə'bɪlətɪ] інвалідність
disposal, n [dɪ’spəʋzəl] розпорядження
force, v [fɔ:rs] змусити
highly skilled [ ˈhaɪli skɪld] висококваліфікований
inoculation, n [ɪ‚nɒkjə’leɪʃən] щеплення
insurance, n [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] страхування
intensive care unit [ɪnˈtensɪv keə ˈjuːnɪt] відділення інтенсивної терапії
medical records system [ˈmedɪkəl rɪˈkɔːdz ˈsɪstəm] система медичної документації
place of employment [ˈpleɪs ɒv ɪm’plɔɪmənt] місце роботи
resident, n ['rezɪdənt] ординатор
retirement benefits [rɪ’taɪəmənt ˈbenɪfɪts] пенсійна допомога
staffed by [sta:ft baɪ] укомплектований
well-off people [ˈwelˈɒf ˈpiːpəl ] забезпечені люди

Exercise 2. Learn the following abbreviations, their explanation and translation:

DS - the Dental Service (Стоматологічна допомога)

FDS - the Family Doctor Service (Служба сімейних лікарів)

GP - General Practitioner (Практикуючий лікар)

NHS -the National Health Service (Державна служба охорони здоров’я)

PhS - the Pharmaceutical Service (Фармацевтична служба)

PS - the Practitioner Services (Служба лікарів загальної практики)

Exercise 3. Pronounce the words below correctly:

Th - [Ө]: health, throat, authorities, ophthalmology, mouth, month, breath, death, through, method, length, therapy, orthopedic, pathology, thesis

Ch - [ʧ]: children, charge, choose, which, each, much, touch, teacher, change, such, rich


Exercise 4. Read the word-combinations and translate them into English:

Health: poor health, in good health, mental health, public health, health service, a health worker, health insurance, to affect health

Treatment: free medical treatment, to provide a proper treatment, the treatment for cancer, the treatment of the broken arm, to pay for treatment

Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian:

Emergency medical treatment, a visitor from abroad, private hospitals, Family Doctor Service, to prefer to be private patients, primary medical care, to provide consultant services in surgery, a definite time to attend a specialist, the medical institution, US Public Health Service, to receive pay directly from the patient, government-financed hospitals, consulting physicians, and highly skilled nurses, emergency units, the cost of medical care, health insurance, life insurance, disability protection and retirement benefits, to develop the medical care programs, free medical care for the poor, disabled and dependent children, partially free medical care.

Exercise 6. Read the text and be ready to discuss it:

Health Service in Great Britain and the USA

Great Britain

The National Health Service Act was passed through the Parliament in 1946 and introduced into practice in 1948.

Most medical treatment in Great Britain is free but charges are made for drugs, spectacles, and dental care. Free emergency medical treatment is given to any visitor from abroad who becomes ill while staying in the country. But those who come to the UK especially for treatment must pay for it.

NHS provides free medical treatment both in hospitals and outside. It consists of three main parts: the general practitioner (including dental) services; the hospital and specialist service; local health authorities services.

People are free to choose any medical service or any doctor. In big towns there are some private hospitals. Many well-off people prefer to be private patients. In fact, 97% of the population uses NHS. The practitioner services consist of the Family Doctor Service, the Dental Service, and the Pharmaceutical Service. All these services provide the patient with individual medical care that he needs.

Besides numerous hospitals there are more than 150 health centers in the UK. They contain all the special diagnostic and therapeutic services which doctors need, such as electrocardiography, X-ray, physiotherapy, good administrative and medical records system. The resources of health centers are at the disposal both of hospital and family doctors. Health centers are the basis of primary care.

There are centers which provide consultant services in general medicine and surgery, ear-nose-throat diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry and orthopedics. All consultations in the center are by appointment only. The patient is given a definite time to attend. Each doctor decides for himself how many patients he can examine for an hour. The patient is the most important person in the health center and all the efforts of doctors are directed to help him as much as possible.


The Health Care System in the USA is organized in three levels: family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the US Public Health Service.

A family or private doctor gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In case when professional service and care is needed the family doctor arranges for the specialist or a hospital for his patients. The family doctor receives pay directly from the patient. Most physicians have private practice.

But many Americans have no family doctor and they come directly to the hospitals for their medical needs. There are government-financed and private hospitals. The patients are admitted to hospitals or clinics staffed by consulting physicians, residents, interns and highly skilled nurses.

Most hospitals have at least the following major medical departments or units: surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and general medicine. Emergency units are very special in the hospitals. Emergency patients acquire immediate attention.

The cost of medical care in the USA is very high. Most of the population (75%) have their health insurance, life insurance, disability protection and retirement benefits at their place of employment.

The great cost of medical care in the country and a great number of people who couldn’t pay for it had forced the federal government to develop two programs – Medicaid and Medicare. Medicaid is a federal-state program providing free medical care for the poor, the blind, disabled and dependent children. Medicare is a federal program providing partially free medical care for the elderly people over 65 at the expense of health insurance and the government.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. What medical services operate in Great Britain?

2. How can people choose the medical service and a doctor in Great Britain?

3. What do the practitioner services consist of?

4. What is the role of health centers in the health service system in Great Britain?

5. What services do health services provide?

6. How can the patients receive a consultation of a specialist in Great Britain?

7. How is the American Health Care System organized?

8. How does a family doctor work?

9. How is the work of family doctors paid?

10. What kinds of hospitals are there in the USA?

11. What major medical departments do most American hospitals have?

Exercise 8. Match the words with their definitions:

1. intern 2. resident 3. obstetrician 4. nurse 5. physician 6. ophthalmologist 7. psychiatrist 8. orthopedists a) a medical specialist in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth; b) a specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal system; c) a professional who practices medicine; d) a young doctor undergoing specialization; e) a person educated and trained to care for the sick or disabled; f) a specialist in the treatment of mental disorders; g) a young doctor who is completing his training in a hospital acting as an assistant physician; h) a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye.


Exercise 9. Read the following statements. Agree or contradict them. Compare your opinion with the information from the text:

1. Most of the hospitals in Great Britain are private.

2. Health service in Britain is free for everybody, even foreigners.

3. Foreigners can’t receive any free medical service.

4. Family doctors cannot use the resources of health centers.

5. The doctor is the most important person in the health center.

6. The American and Britain health care systems are similar.

7. The price of medical care in the USA is very expensive.

8. Local health authority service provides not only therapy but prophylaxis as well.

Exercise 10. Substitute the words and phrases in bold type by close in their meanings from the text:

1. The National Health Service Act was put into practice in 1948.

2. People pay for medicines, glasses, and stomatological service in Great Britain.

3. Foreigners are given free urgent care if necessary.

4. Some rich people prefer the private health services.

5. Health centers give possibility for hospital doctors and general practitioners to use their facilities.

6. Urgent patients get care without delay.

7. A family gives his patients regular inspection and vaccination.

8. The hospitals are stuffed by very experienced nurses.


Exercise 11. Translate into English:

Державна служба охорони здоров’я, безкоштовне лікування, служба лікарів загальної практики, практикуючий лікар, стоматологічна допомога, забезпечені люди, основа первинної медичної допомоги, захворювання вухо-горло-ніс, консультація спеціаліста тільки за попереднім записом, система охорони здоров’я в США, приватні медичні заклади, отримувати платню безпосередньо від пацієнта, фінансовані урядом лікарні, сімейні лікарі, консультуючі лікарі, ординатори та інтерни, відділення інтенсивної терапії, медичне страхування та страхування життя, незрячі та інваліди


Exercise 12. Compare the American and British health care systems:

  USA Great Britain
Are the most of health services private or state?    
Is the basic health care free for citizens?    
Are people free to choose their doctor?    
Which system ensures greater social protection?    



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