Урок второй (the second lesson) 

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Урок второй (the second lesson)

Grammar: 1. Конструкция there is/are в настоящем и прошедшем


2. Количественные прилагательные many, much, few,

3. Наречия much, little.

4. Объектный падеж личных местоимений.

Revision: 1. Притяжательные местоимения.

2. Повелительное наклонение.





There are a lot of modern buildings in new districts of Moscow now But many years ago there were only small villages there.

Mr. Bunin lives in a new block of flats. He has a three-room flat. His living-room is large and comfortable. There is a big window in it. To the right of the window there is a sofa and a standard lamp. To the left of the window you see a piano. Air. Bunin likes music very much. He plays the piano well. The book-case is near the door. Mr. Bunin has a lot of Russian and English books. The television-set is in the right-hand corner of the room. Near it there are two easy-chairs and a little table with news­papers and magazines on it.

Mr. Bunin's bed-room is not very large. There are few things in it: two beds, a dressing-table and a wardrobe.

His children's room is very light. There is a lot of sunshine in it. There is not much furniture there. You see two small beds, a desk and two chairs. The children's books are on the shelves.



Camp: Hallo. Is that Machinoexport?

Secretary: Yes, it is.

Camp: This is Camp speaking. I'd like to speak to Mr. Bun in. Is he

in now?

Secretary: Yes. Just a moment,1 please.

Bunin: How do you do,2 Mr. Camp.

Camp: How do you do, Mr. Bunin. I'd like to meet you and discuss

our enquiry for boilers.

Bunin: Very good. Come and see us3 tomorrow morning,4 please.



Just a moment — Сию минуту, одну минуту.

How do you do — Здравствуйте.

Это обычная форма официального приветствия.

· Come and see us — Заходите к нам, приходите к нам.

· tomorrow morning — завтра утром.

Это словосочетание всегда употребляется без предлога в отличие от in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon.

Аналогично образуются следующие сочетания:

tomorrow morning завтра утром; tomorrow afternoon завтра днем; yesterday morning вчера утром; yesterday afternoon вчера днем.



Second пит   второй (порядковое числительное)
the second lesson   второй урок
the second text   второй текст
a lot я   много, множество
Не has a lot of time.   У него много времени.
Не has a lot of books.   У него много книг
a lot adv   много
Не studies a lot.   Он много занимается.
modern adj   современный
building и   здание
This is a good building.   Это хорошее здание
newjnju:] adj   новый
Is it a new book?   Это новая книга?
district   район (города)
We live in a new district of Moscow.   Мы живем в новом районе Москвы,
many pron   много, многие (употребляется с ис­числяемыми существительными)
Do you know many engineers at the ministry?   Знаете ли вы многих инженеров в министерстве?
village п   деревня
My friend's parents live in a village.   Родители моего друга живут в деревне.
block of flats   многоквартирный жилой дом
Do you live in a block of flats?   Вы живете в многоквартирном доме?
living-room   гостиная
Our living-room is very large   Наша гостиная очень большая,
comfortable adj   удобный, комфортабельный
Your room is very comfortable   Ваша комната очень удобна.
big adj   большой
Window л   окно
There are two windows in our room.   В нашей комнате два окна.
right adj   правый
to the right of...   направо от...
I see a desk to the right of the window.   Я вижу стол направо от окна.
left adj   левый
to the left of   налево от...
There are two chairs to the left of the desk   Налево от стола стоят два стула.
standard lamp л   торшер
piano л   пианино
to like v   любить, нравиться
Children like milk.   Дети любят молоко.
I like my friend's children very much.   Мне очень нравятся дети моего друга.


После глагола to sее в значении «любить делать что-либо» употребляется герун­дий — неличная форма глагола. Она образуется от инфинитива глагола без частицы to и суффикса -ing, герундий переводится на русский язык инфинитивом. Это соче­тание передает постоянное действие, характеризующее подлежащее.

He likes reading.   Он любит читать.
music и   музыка (с неопределенным артиклем не употребляется)
I like music.   Мне нравится музыка.
much adv   много
We speak English very much   Мы очень много говорим поанглийски.
much adj   много (употребляется только с неисчисляемыми уществительными)
I have very much work today.   У меня сегодня очень много работы.
to play v   играть


После глагола to play в значении «играть на музыкальном инструменте» предлог не употребляется, перед названием инструмента всегда употребляется определенный артикль.

My son plays the piano.   Мой сын играет на рояле
book-case я   книжный шкаф
near prep   близко от, рядом с, недалеко от
I live near my office.   Я живу недалеко от своего учреждения.
door   дверь
television-set   телевизор
hand л   рука
corner n   угол
in the corner   в углу
in the right-hand (left-hand) corner   в правом (левом) углу
There was a book-case in the left-hand   В левом углу комнаты стоял
corner of the room.   книжный шкаф.
easy-chair   кресло
easy adj   легкий (по трудности)
This text is easy.   Этот текст легкий.
little adj   маленький, небольшой, мало (употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными)
Do you see a little table near the sofa?   Вы видите небольшой столик около дивана?
little adv   мало, немного
Не plays the piano very little now.   Он теперь мало играет на рояле.
with prep   с
I live with my parents.   Я живу с моими родителями.
newspaper   газета
magazine   журнал
bed-room   спальня
few adj   мало (употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными)
thing п   вещь
bed п   кровать
dressing-table   туалетный стол
wardrobe   гардероб
light adj   светлый
sunshine   солнечный свет(с неопределенным артиклем не употребляется)
Is there much sunshine in that room?   В той комнате много солнца?
furniture   мебель (с неопределенным артиклем не употребляется)
We haven't much furniture   У нас в комнате немного мебели.
This is modern furniture.   Это современная мебель.
to be in v   присутствовать, быть дома
Is Mr. N. in?   Господин H. у себя?
to meet v   встречать, встречаться с

После глагола to meet в значении «встречаться с кем-либо» предлог не уиотреб-ляется.

We meet him етегу day.   Мы встречаемся с ним каждый день.
meeting л   собрание
to speak at the meeting   выступать на собрании
Не often speaks at our meetings.   Он часто выступает на наших собраниях.
to discuss v   обсуждать
We discuss a lot of questions at the lessons.   Мы обсуждаем много вопросов на уроках.
enquiry   запрос
We have your enquiry forcoffee.   У нас есть ваш запрос на кофе.
boiler   котел
tomorrow adv   завтра
whom   кого, кому  


Grammar Exercises there is/are

I. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе, сделав все
необходимые изменения:

1. There is a brown desk in this room. 2. There is a fork and a knife

on the table. 3. There is a blue sofa in his room. 4. There was a telex on

Mr. Zotov's desk. 5. Thefe is a good exercise in this lesson. 6. There

was an English book on the shelf. 7. There is a large kitchen in our flat.

8. There is a man and a woman in the room.

II. Составьте предложения, пользуясь следующими таблицами:

1. There is a watch on the table.

are a fork

two knives three spoons a tea-pot

2. Is there a bag on the desk?
Are a pen

two books
! letters

3. There I are no telexes on the table.

! is bag

i was letters

{ were book

4. There aren't many economists in our office.

weren't three engineers
two telephones

five secretaries

5. What is there on the shelf?

was on the desk?

on the plate? in the room? in the kitchen?

Ш. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. There is a little girl in the room. 2. There was a telex on the table. 3. There are students there. 4. There were forks on the table. 5. There are telexes on the desk. 6. There were women in the room. 7. There are fifty children at the nursery-school.

IV. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в соответствующей форме:

1. There... only a Russian book on the table but there... no English book on it. 2. There... 15 lessons in our English book. 3. There... six hundred workers at this factory last year. Now there... seven hundred workers there. 4.... there a nursery-school in your house? Yes, there I take my son there. 5. There... forks, spoons and knives on the table but there... no cups on it. 6.... there cheese and ham on the table now? Yes, there.... 7. There... a letter on this table. Where is it now? 8.... there a bath-room in Ann's flat? Yes, there.... 9. There... no shelf in my room. Now I have a good shelf. 10. There... a tea-pot and three cups on the table.

V. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. There are students in this room (1). 2. There were English books on the shelf (2). 3. There is a woman in the kitchen (1). 4. There was a watch on the table. (1). 5. There are good texts in this book (2).

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is there a book on the table? 2. Are there students in the room? 3. Were there pupils or students in this room yesterday? 4. Were there six or seven engineers in our office last year? 5. What's there in this room? 6. Who's there in that room now? 7. Is there a bath-room in your flat? 8. Are there letters and telexes on your desk? 9. What's there in your bag? 10. What's there on your desk?

VII. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Наша квартира большая. В ней две комнаты и кухня. 2. — Что на столе? — На столе ручка и карандаш. 3. В нашей семье трое детей. У нас два сына и дочь. 4. В прошлом году в нашей кон­торе было пять инженеров, два экономиста и секретарь. 5. — В ва­шей конторе есть молодые инженеры? — Да. В нашей конторе трое молодых инженеров, б. На моем столе нет десяти писем. Там только восемь. 7. — Какие карандаши на столе? — Там красные и синие карандаши. 8. Вечером в парке не было детей. 9. У меня есть книги. На столе книги. Книги не на столе, они на полке. 10. У нас есть дети. В комнате дети. Дети сейчас в комнате. 11. У г-на Смир­нова две комнаты. В его квартире две комнаты. Эти комнаты боль­шие. 12. У нас есть хороший врач. На заводе есть врач. Врача сей­час нет. Он на заводе.

many, much, little, few

VIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. There are a lot of institutes in Moscow. 2. There is a lot of coffee in the coffee-pot. 3. Many engineers of our office study English now. 4. We haven't many English letters today but we have a lot of telexes. 5. We haven't much ham but we have a lot of cheese. 6. There were very many telexes on this table in the morning. Where are they now? 7.1 have very much work to do today. 8. Few students have lessons in the evening at our Ministry. 9. I know few engineers of that office. 10. Nick has very little time today.

11. Our students study a lot. 12. They write very little at their English lessons
but speak very much. 13. She doesn't translate much in her office. 13. Does
your father know much about old Moscow?

IX. Заполните пропуски словами many, much, a lot, few, little, a lot of:

1. There were... large houses in old Moscow. 2. My mother-in-law is a teacher. She has... pupils. 3.... people live in the country. My parents live there too. 4. We have... time. But there is still... work to do. 5. There was... milk in his tea. 6. Our students write... exercises at the les­son, but they write... exercises at home. 7. My friend reads... English books. 8.... children go to nursery-schools now. My son also goes to the nursery-school. 9. There are... boys, but... girls at our Institute. 10. Does your brother work...? No, he doesn't. He works... now. 11. Do you read... at the lesson? Yes, we do. 12. Our students don't speak Russian... at the lesson. They speak English.... 13. We read..., but write... at the lesson. 14. Pavlov is a good student. He studies... and knows.... 15. He knows.-.. English words. He reads....

X. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Эти экономисты сейчас много работают. 2. В Киеве было мало заводов в 1945 году. 3. У нас мало сыра сегодня. 4. Мои дети не пьют много кофе. 5. В чайнике немного чаю. 6. Многие люди пьют кофе за завтраком. 7. Много было студентов на уроке в прош­лую среду? 8. В этом доме немного трехкомнатных квартир. 9. Мой сын мало читает по-английски. 10. В нашей конторе работает мало экономистов. 11. К сожалению, у меня сейчас очень мало времени.

12. В нашем министерстве работает много хороших инженеров.

Объектный падеж личных местоимений

XI. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном па­
деже и в соответствующей форме:

1. Translate this letter into Russian. 2. Answer these questions, please. 3. Give Mr. Petrov this book, please. 4. He reads books in the evening. 5. He does not know Nina. 6. Give me and my friends these books. 7. Take the books off the shelf. 8. Do you see Pete every day? 9. Does she know Ann and Mike? 10. Look at your watch, please.

XII. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Это книги твоего брата. Не бери их. 2. — Вы изучаете англий­ский язык или вы знаете его? — Я изучаю английский язык. 3. Возьмите это письмо и переведите его с английского на русский язык, пожалуйста. 4. Дайте нам письма и телексы. Они на столе г- на Семенова. 5. — Ваша сестра знает моего друга? — Да. Она знает его очень хорошо, б. Это хорошие упражнения. Сделайте их дома. 7. Возьмите эту английскую книгу и прочитайте из нее пять страниц. 8. — Где мои карандаши? — Они на столе. — Возь­мите их со стола. 9. Наш преподаватель задает нам много вопросов на уроках. 10. Моя мать живет за городом. Мы часто ездим наве­щать ее.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. There are new blocks of flats in every district of Moscow. 2. Ann likes playing the piano very much. 3. Our living-room isn't large but comfortable and light. 4. There isn't much furniture in my bed-room. 5. There are desks to the left and to the right of the door in our office. 6. Whom did you discuss the enquiry for boilers with?

XIV. Составьте предложения по образцам:

1. То the right of the window there is a book-case. 2. To the left of the window you see a wardrobe. 3. He likes reading very much. 4. There are a lot of things on the table. 5. There is not much sunshine there. 6. We like your new flat very much. 7. There are few old houses in our district.

XV. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. My sister plays the piano well (2). 2. We live in a new block of flats (3).. 3. He was born in a village (2). 4. My parents have a flat in a new district (2). 5. He sometimes gives me English books (3). 6. There is a television-set in the right-hand corner (1). 7. There were old small houses in the district six years ago (2). 8. Nina's brother has a piano (3). 9. The dressing-table is near the window (2). 10. I'd like to discuss the enquiry tomorrow (2).

XVI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме, и перескажите

I often (to go) to see my friend's family. My friend's name (to be) Peter Smirnov. He (to be) an engineer. He (to work) at a factory. He (to have) a large family: a wife and three children. His parents (to live) with them too. Now they (to have) a comfortable flat in a new block of flats. Peter's old

flat (to be) not very good. There (to be) only two rooms in it. It (to be) in a small house in the country. There (to be) three rooms in Peter's new flat. The rooms (to be) very light. There (to be) a lot of sunshine in this flat. It (to be) in anew district of Moscow. Many years ago there (to be) only a small village there.

XVII. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо, и перескажите



I have.-'.. friend. His name is Oleg Mitin. He is married. He has... wife,... son and.'.. daughter. Gleg and his family live in... new block of flats now. Their old flat was small. Now they have... three-room flat in... modern house. They like their flat very much. There is... living-room,... bed-room and... children's room in Oleg's new flat....living-room is large but there is not much furniture in this room.... furniture is

good and modern. I like their furniture very much. To,,., left of.. „ door you see... sofa and... television-set. Near.., window there is..; piano and four easy-chairs. Oleg's children play... piano in... living-room but they do... lessons in their room......, children's room is not large but

it has... large window and there is... lot of... sunshine in it..,*... chil­dren's beds are to... right and to … left of.... window and their desk is at

... window. Near... door there is... small wardrobe.... children have

not many books and there is no book-case in their room.

XVIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами и перескажите текст:

1. My sister Ann lives... Minsk. There are a lot... modern buildings
... Minsk now. My sister has a nice two-room flat... a new district
... Minsk. She lives there... her husband and son. Her husband is an
engineer... a factory, their son is a pupil.

There is a living-room and a bed-room... my sister's flat. Her living-room is light and comfortable... two windows... it. There is a lot... furniture... her living-room. There is a sofa, a standard lamp, a piano, two easy chairs and four chairs... it. There is also a book-case... the right... the door and a television-set... the left-hand corner... the room. My sister likes sitting... the sofa... the evening and reading a book.

My sister's bed-room is not large. There are few things... it: a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and an easy chair.

They'd like to discuss their enquiry... boilers... us.

We usually speak English... our teacher... the English lessons.

Do you translate a lot... Russian... English... home?

XIX. Замените выделенные существительные притяжательными местоиме­
ниями в соответствующей форме:

1. This is Mr. Sedov's house. 2. Ann's parents live in a new block of flats. 3. There is a window near Mike's bed. 4. The children's room is light and comfortable. 5. These women's children are at the nursery-school. 6. There's not much furniture in my sister's living-room, 7. This is Ami's watch.

XX. Выберите подходящие местоимения:

1. (I, me, ту) parents are old people. (They, them, their) are retired. (They, them, their) have a house in the country. (They, them, their) house is small. (I, me, my) usually go to see (they, them, their) on Sunday. 2. (I, me, my) brother and (he, him, his) family live in Kiev. Sometimes (I, me, my) go to Kiev and see (they, them, their). 3. (We, us, our) students study a lot. (They, them, their) have four lessons every week. (They, them, their) lessons begin at 8 o'clock in the morning. At the lessons (they, them, their) teacher asks (they, them, their) a lot of questions and the students answer (they, them, their). 4. (I, me, my) elder sister has a new flat now. (She, her) flat is very good. (She, her) likes (it, its) very much. 5. (We, us, our) have a children's room. (It, its) windows are large and (it, its) is very light. (We, us, our) children like (they, them, their) room. (They, them, their) usually study and play in (it, its). 6. Mr. Dedov is (we, us, our) student. (I, me, my) know (he, him, his) well. (1, me, my) see (he, him, his) at (we, us, our) lessons. (He, him, his) English is good and (I, me, my) speak only English to (he, him, his). l Mr Dedov has a lot of English books. (He, him, his) gives (I, me, my) (he, him, his) books to read. 7. (I, me, my) have a little daughter. (She, her) name is Nina. (She, her) is five years old. (She, her) is a nice girl. (I, me, my) like playing with (she, her). Every day (I, me, my) take Nina to the nursery-school. (She, her) nursery-school is near (we, us, our) house.

XXI. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя притяжательные местоимения или
существительные в притяжательном падеже:

1. In whose family are there two children? 2. Whose parents were workers? 3. Whose mother-in-law lives in Kiev? 4. Whose parents live in the country? 5. Whose friend was a student last year? 6. In whose flat is there much sunshine? 7. In whose flat is there new furniture? 8. Whose watch is this? 9. On whose desk are there many newspapers and magazines? 10. Whose children play the piano? 11. Whose questions do you answer at the lessons? 12. Whose day off is Monday? '

XXII. Поставьте следующие повелительные предложения в отрицательную

1. Take these newspapers and magazines off the desk. 2. Discuss this question today > please. 3. Give me that enquiry for boilers. 4. Telephone me at two o'clock, please. 5. Do these exercises at home. 6. Put the news­paper into the book-case. 7. Close the piano, please.

XXIII. Заполните пропуски глаголами to speak, to tell в соответствующей фо рме:

1. Many engineers of our office... English well. 2.... us about your family. 3. He often... us about his work. 4. Don't... Russian at your English lessons. 5. He... a lot but does very little. 6.1 don't like... at the meetings. 7. My wife often... to her friends about music. 8. I'd like... to my secretary about it.

XXIV. Составьте предлежения со следующими словосочетаниями:

· much (little) sunshine, many students, much furniture, a lot of buildings, few magazines, a lot of newspapers.

· to read a lot, to write very little, to speak a lot, to like very much, to work very much, to know a lot, to translate very little.

XXV. Переведите на английский язык:

1. — У тебя много или мало английских журналов? —У меня мало журналов, но много газет. 2. — Кто играет на рояле в вашей семье? — Моя жена хорошо играет. — А вы играете на рояле? — Да. Я тоже очень люблю играть на рояле. 3. — У вас есть телеви­зор? — Да. Он стоит в правом углу гостиной. 4. — Что находится слева от окна в вашей комнате? — Гардероб. Около него стоят диван и торшер. 5. В детской комнате нет книжного шкафа. Там есть только две книжные полки. На них много детских книг. Мои дети изучают английский. Они много читают. Они любят чи­тать английские книги, б. В спальне Майка мало вещей: две кро­вати, туалетный столик и кресло. 7. Два года тому назад в этом районе не было новых зданий. 8. — Это фирма «Браун и Ко.»? Я хотел бы поговорить с г-ном Брауном. — Одну минуту. Простите, господина Брауна сейчас нет. Позвоните ему в два часа, пожалуй­ста, или приходите завтра утром. 9. Г-н Кент, я хотел бы встретить­ся с Вами завтра утром и обсудить наш запрос на котлы. 10. Мне очень нравится гостиная в квартире моей сестры. Она небольшая, но очень светлая и уютная. В ней всегда много солнечного света.


Speech Exercises

XXVI. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

XXVII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий

1. Do you live in Moscow? 2. In what district dp you live? 3. Have you a flat in a new block of flats or in an old house? 4. Is your flat comfortable?

1. Have you a two-room flat or a three-room flat? 2. Is your living-room large or small? 3. What things are there in your living-room? 4. Is there a lot of sunshine in it? 5. When is there sunshine in your living-room?

1. Where do your parents live? 2. Are they old people? 3. How old is your father? 4. When was your mother born? 5. Are they retired now?

6. What flat have they? 7. Is it in a new block of flats?

1. Is your room large and light? 2. Are there two windows in your room? 3. What is there near the window in your room? 4. Is there a sofa in your room? 5. Have you a piano? 6. Who plays the piano in your family?

7. Have you a television-set? 8. Where is your television-set?

1. Is there a bed-room in your flat? 2. Is there a lot of sunshine in your bed-room? 3. Have you a dressing-table? 4. Where is the dressing-table? 5. Is there a wardrobe in your bed-room?

XXVIII. Прочитайте и перескажите следующий текст:

I am an engineer. I am 25 years old. I work at a Ministry.

I am married, but I have no children. My wife is a teacher. She has a lot of pupils at school.

I live near the Ministry in a new block of flats. I have a one-room flat. It is very comfortable. There is a small kitchen and a bathroom in my flat. It is a modern flat. Our room is large and lights There are two big windows in it. The walls of our room are blue. The ceiling is white. The floor is brown.

There is a small table and a standard lamp near the sofa. To the left of the sofa there is a comfortable easy-chair. I often sit in it and read news­papers in the evenings. In the right-hand corner there is a book-case. A large side-board is near it.

We have a piano. My wife plays it very well. I also like music, but I don't play the piano.

a wall [wo=l] стена; a ceiling f'stliij] потолок;

a floor [fto:] пол; a side-board ['said bo:d] сервант

XXIX. Составьте ситуации или диалоги со следующими словами и словосо­

new districts, a lot, modern buildings, flats, many people, to live;

many years ago, small old houses, no television-set, no telephones, in those days;

a living-room; comfortable, light, to the right (left) of, in the right-hand corner, an easy chair, a television-set;

a bed-room, furniture, a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing-table, to the right (left) of, to like... very much;

to live, new district, block of flats, furniture, to like, modern;

a children's room, light, sunshine, a bed, a little table, in the left-hand corner, a wardrobe, a book-case, to study.

XXX. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. My flat. 2. My friend's flat. 3. My living-room. 4. New districts of Moscow. 5. My children's room.

XXXI. Выполните следующие задания:

Позвоните в Машиноэкспорт и спросите у секретаря, у себя ли господин Бунин. Скажите ей, что вы хотели бы поговорить с ним.

Позвоните господину Бунину и сообщите ему, что вы хотели бы с ним встретиться и оосудить запрос на котлы.

Позвоните своему другу и расскажите ему, что у вас теперь новая двухкомнатная квартира со всеми удобствами, в большом доме, в новом районе Москвы.

4. Расскажите своему другу при встрече, что ваши родители живут теперь не за городом, а в Москве. Скажите ему, что у них, хорошая солнечная комната и что у них новая мебель.

XXXII. Напишите сочинения на следующие темы, употребив слова и слово­сочетания.


a new district of Moscow, a large block of flats, a two-room flat, a living-room, a bed-room, a kitchen, a bath-room, light, windows, much, furniture, to the left, in the right-hand corner.


a son, a daughter, to go to school, to do well at school, to have a piano, to like... very much, to read, a lot, a children's room, furniture, com­fortable, to the left, a bed, a table, a book-case, a shelf, to play with their friends.


work, to begin, on Monday (Tuesday)..., to have lessons, during, to write, to translate, a letter, to speak to, an engineer, an economist, to dis­cuss, a lot of questions, every day, sometimes, to go to a factory.



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