Урок шестой (the Sixth lesson) 

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Урок шестой (the Sixth lesson)



Grammar: 1. Предпрошедшее время (Past Perfect).

· Согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses).

· Будущее время в прошедшем (F'Uure in the Past).

· Уступительные придаточные предложения.

Revision: 1. Времена.

2. Глаголы to say, to speak, to tell.





Techmachimport got instructions to buy chemical equipment abroad. With this in view1 Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport went on business to Great Britain to place an order with a British firm.

He phoned the Intourist booking-office to book a seat for a plane to London. He found out that there were flights daily and that it would take him three and a half hours to get to London.

Mr. Kozlov booked a seat for the TU-154 jet-liner. The next morning he had arrived at Sheremetievo airport by seven o'clock, an hour before the plane took off.

After the clerk had registered his ticket and passport Kozlov filled in a declaration and went to the waiting-room. There were a few passengers there.

They were all waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. In ten minutes they heard the announcement, "Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flight 31?"2

When Mr. Kozlov got on the plane, the stewardess showed him his seat.

At eight o'clock the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed3, the passengers felt well. At 11.30 a.m.4 the plane landed at London airport.



Mr. Kozlov is going through the Customs at London airport.

Customs Official: Is this your suit-case, sir?

Kozlov: Yes, that's right.

Customs Official: Will you, please, open it?

Kozlov: Certainly.

Customs Official: Have you any things to declare?

Kozlov: No, I don't think so, though I have some cigarettes for

my own use.
Customs Official: How many packets of cigarettes have you got?
Kozlov: Oh, I've got only three packets. I believe they'll be duty


Customs Official: Yes, of course5. Have you got any presents or any things

liable to duty?
Kozlov: No, I haven't.

Customs Official: Well, thank you, sir.
Kozlov: Thank you.



· with this in view—с этой целью

· "Attention, please. Will passengers for London join flight 31?" — Вни­мание. Просим пассажиров пройти jk самолету, который летит рейсом 31.

· at a high speed — с большой скоростью

· at 11.30 a.m. — в 1L30 утра.

a.m. = ante meridium — время с 12 часов ночи до 12 дня p.m. = post meridium — время с 12 дня до 12 ночи

5. Yes, of course. — Да, конечно.


Суффикс tion употребляется для образования существи­тельных от г лаголов:

to instruct указывать — instruction указание

to translate переводить — translation перевод to declare декларировать — declaration декларация



instruction n   инструкция, указание
to give instructions   давать указания
to get instructions   получать указания
The director gave us all the necessary   Директор дал нам все необходимые
instructions.   указания
Chemical adj   химический
abroad adv   за границу, за границей
to be abroad   быть за границей
to go abroad   ездить за границу
to come from abroad   приезжать из-за границы
I have never been abroad.   Я никогда не был за границей.
My friends haven't come from abroad yet.   Мои друзья еще не приехали из-заграницы.
to go on business   ездить в командировку
Some of our engineers are going on business to France soon     Несколько наших инженеров поедут во Францию в командировку.
to place an order   размещать заказ
Techmachimport is placing an order for chemical equipment with a British firm.   «Техмашимпорт» размещает заказ на химическое оборудование у английской фирмы.
booking-office п   билетная касса (на вокзале, в аэро­порту и т. п.)
to book v   заказывать (билет)
in advance.We usually book tickets for the theatre   Мы обычно заказываем билеты в театр заранее (предварительно).
seat п   место (в театре, поезде и т. п.)
to book a seat   заказывать (место)
performance.   воскресный спектакль.
plane п   самолет
to find out v   выяснять, узнавать
I must find out where he lives   Я должен узнать, где он живет.
flight л   1. полет
Tell us about your first flight to London.   Расскажите нам о своем первом по­ лете в Лондон.
    2. рейс
Have you got any tickets for flight 657?   у вас есть билеты на рейс 657
daily adv, adj   ежедневно, ежедневный
We receive two newspapers daily.   Мы ежедневно получаем две газеты.
The "Pravda" is a daily newspaper.   «Правда» — ежедневная газета.
it takes...   уходить, требоваться (о времени)
It took us two days to do the work.   у нас ушло два дня на то, чтобы сделать эту работу.
to get to v   добираться до, доехать до
It takes me half an hour to get to my office   меня уходит полчаса на то, чтобы доехать до места работы.
jet-liner п   реактивный, пассажирский самолет
to arrive v   прибывать
to arrive in a country   прибыть в страну,
to arrive in a city   в большой город  
But:   Но:
to arrive at a village   приехать в деревню,
to arrive at a town   в небольшой город
The businessmen will arrive in Moscow tomorrow morning.   Представители фирмы прибудут в Москву завтра утром.
We arrived at the village at 8 o'clock.   Мы приехали в деревню в 8 часов.
The mail hasn't arrived yet.   Почта еще не пришла.
airport п   аэропорт
There are some airports in Moscow.   В Москве несколько аэропортов.


Перед названиями аэропортов артикль не употребляется. London airport. Vnnkovo airport, Sberemetievo airport



before conj   до того как, прежде чем
We had come home before it got dark   Мы приехали домой, до того как стемнело.
to take off v   1. подниматься (о самолетах), выле- Тать 2. снимать (пальто, шляпу и т. д.)
The plane is taking off in five minutes   Самолет вылетает через 5 минут.
after conj   после того как
clerk п   служащий, клерк
to register v   регистрировать
The clerk registered my ticket for the plane.   Служащий (аэропорта) зарегистрировал мой билет на самолет.
passport п   паспорт
to fill in v   заполнять (бланк, декларацию и т. д.)
to declare v   Заявлять о вещах, запрещенных для ввоза и вывоза за границу
I have no things to declare.   У меня нет вещей, запрещенных для ввоза.
declaration л   декларация
I've signed the declaration.   Я подписал декларацию.
It is necessary to fill in a declaration   Необходимо заполнить декларацию,
when you go abroad.   когда вы едете за границу.
to wait v   ждать
Will you wait for me here?   Вы подождете меня здесь?
waiting-room ['weitin rum]   зал ожидания
There were a lot of people in the waiting-room.   В зале ожидания было много народу.
я few adj   немного, несколько (употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными)
I have few friends in Kiev.   У меня мало друзей в Киеве.
I bar* a few friends in Moscow.   У меня несколько друзей в Москве.
1*11 tell you я few words about my holiday.   Я расскажу вам в нескольких словах о своем отпуске.
a little асЦ   немного (употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными)
There is little bread cm the plate..   На тарелке мало хлеба.
There is a little bread on theplate. You may take some.   На тарелке есть немного хлеба. Вы можете взять
a little adv   немного
My sister speaks French a little.   Моя сестра немного говорит по-французски.
passenger   пассажир
announcement п ] объявление (устное, письменное или напечатанное)
to make an announcement   делать объявление
The director made an announcement that the talks would begin at 10to get on v   Директор сделал объявление о том что переговоры начнутся в 10 часов. садиться (на самолет, поезд и т. д.)
The passengers got on the plane 15minutes before the plane took off.   Пассажиры сели в самолет за 15 минут до вылета.
to get off v   выходить (из самолета, поезда и т. д.)
Are you getting off now?   Вы сейчас выходите?
stewardess   стюардесса
to show (showed, shown) v   показывать
Will you show me the way to the airport?   Покажите мне, пожалуйста,. Дорогу к аэропорту.
although, though conj   хотя, несмотря на то, что
Although it was cold we went skating.   Хотя было холодно, мы пошли катать­ ся на коньках.
to fly,flew, flown v   летать
I'd like to fly to Leningrad for a holiday.   Мне бы хотелось полететь в Ленинград на праздники.  
to feel (felt, felt) v   чувствовать
to feel well   чувствовать себя хорошо
to feel bad   чувствовать себя плохо
to feel fine   чувствовать себя прекрасно
I felt well after I had had a walk.   Я чувствовал себя хорошо после прогулки.
to land v   приземлиться
The plane landed at London airport at 10 o'clock.   Самолет приземлился в Лондонском аэропорту в 10 часов
Customs Office=Customs House л   таможня
to go through the Customs   проходить таможенный досмотр
All the passengers must go through the Customs when they go abroad   Все пассажиры должны проходить таможенный досмотр, когда они едут за границу.
Customs Official   служащий таможни
suit-case n   чемодан
for my own use   для личного пользования
These are things for my own use.   Эти вещи для моего личного ипользования.
packet п   пачка
a packet of cigarettes   пачка сигарет
to be duty-free   не подлежать обложению пошлиной
Some goods are not duly-free.   Некоторые товары подлежат обложению пошлиной.
present л   подарок
My friends hare made me a good   Мои друзья сделали мне хороший
Present   подарок
to be liable to duty   подлежать обложению пошлиной
What things are liable to duty?   Какие вещи подлежат обложению пошлиной?
bus п   автобус
by prep   на (видом транспорта)
to go by bus   ездить на автобуса (автобусом)
to come by bus   приезжать на автобусе
to go by plane   лететь самолетом
to get to... by bus   доехать до … автобусом
Can I get there by bus?   Могу я доехать туда автобусом?




Grammar Exercises

The Past Perfect Tense

I. Назовите три основные формы следующих глаголов:

to leave, to put through, to clear up, to export, to think, to let, to ship, to require, to go, to have, to get, to find, to swim, to spend, to hear, to listen, to sell, to buy, to bring, to come, to speak.

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. We had discussed all the questions when you telephoned us. 2. The
director of our office hadn't yet gone through all the cables and telexes when
the secretary brought him some letters from foreign firms. 3. Mr.

Kotov had left Kiev before I came there. 4. After they had had dinner they went for a short walk. 5. The firm had shipped the goods by the 20th of December. 6. I was in the Crimea last year. I had never been there before. 7. Yesterday I met Mr Petrov. I hadn't seen him since we left school.

III. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. They went for a walk after... 2. Before I went through the mail... 3. The firm signed a contract with us after... 4. Before we let the firm know our answer we... 5. When I came back from the lesson the director of the office... 6. Before we made an appointment with the businessmen we... 7. The sellers accepted our terms after... 8. Before we contacted the firm we... 9. We shipped the goods after... 10. Before we discussed the price for the goods we...

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Had you come home by 8 o'clock last night? 2. Had you taken your
child to the nursery school before you went to work yesterday? 3. What
had you done before you came to the lesson? 4. Where had Mr. Smir-

nov worked before he began to work at this Ministry? 5. Where had your friend lived before he came to live in Moscow? 6. By what month had your office shipped the equipment to the buyers? 7. What points had you cleared up before you signed the last contract? 8. What had the engineers of your

office discussed when you came? 9. What did you do after you had conclud­ed a contract with the sellers? 10. What firms had you contacted before you sent an enquiry?

V. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Какой язык вы изучали до того, как вы начали изучать ан­глийский? 2. Председатель просмотрел контракт, прежде чем под­писал его. 3. Спектакль закончился к 10 часам вечера. 4. Мы легли спать после того, как прослушали известия по радио. 5. Фильм уже начался, когда мы пришли в кино. б. Николай ушел осматривать город, когда я зашел за ним. 7. Мы отправили вам оборудование до того, как получили ваше письмо. 8. Наша контора была заинтересована в покупке мебели. Мы свя­зались с фирмой Бауэр. Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой ранее. 9. В прошлом году я провел свой отпуск на Балтийском море. Мне там очень понравилось. Я никогда там не был раньше.

Согласование времен

VI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The secretary said that the British businessmen had come to meet the president. 2. She said that the President was going through the mail. 3. The director of the office let us know that we must be ready for the talks with British businessmen. 4.1 didn't hear that you had made an appointment with the firm for 10 o'clock. 5. I thought that they would clear up some points in the firm's offer during the talks. 6. In a letter to my friend I wrote that I was very sorry he couldn't come to Moscow for a holiday. 7. My sister let me know that she was going to leave for Petersburg soon.

VII. Закончите предложения:

1. We knew that... 2. They were afraid that... 3. Mr. Orlov

asked the secretary when... 4. She didn't tell us where... 5. The represen­tative of the firm said that... 6. They wrote when... 7.1 thought that... 8. He believed that... 9. We were glad that... 10. The other day I read that... 11. We hoped that... 12.1 didn't know who...

VIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Он сказал, что он купит билеты на этот спектакль. 2. Он сказал, что он купил билеты на этот спектакль. 3. Он сказал, что он часто покупает билеты в театр в театральной кассе министер­ства. 4. Я боялся, что вы не зайдете за мной. 5. В письме она напи­сала, что собирается провести свой отпуск в Прибалтике. 6. Секретарь сказал, что председатель еще ведет переговоры с покупателями. 7. Я не знал, что он хорошо умеет кататься на коньках. 8. Пред­седатель спросил меня, когда будут готовы все необходимые мате­риалы для контракта. 9. Фирма вчера сообщила, что они не могут снизить свои цены. 10. Представитель фирмы сказал, что наши усло-

вия поставки неприемлемы для них. 11. Мы не знали, что на их товары широкого потребления большой спрос. 12. Он сказал, что он должен выяснить некоторые вопросы во время переговоров с фирмой.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

IX. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям из текста:

1. Он позвонил в кассу Интуриста, чтобы заказать билет на самолет в Лондон. 2. Он выяснил, что рейсы бывают ежедневно и что у него уйдет три с половиной часа на то, чтобы долететь до Лон­дона. З.Он прибыл в аэропорт Шереметьево к 7 часам. 4. После того как служащий зарегистрировал его билет и паспорт, Козлов запол­нил декларацию и прошел в зал ожидания. 5. Есть ли у вас вещи, подлежащие обложению пошлиной? 6. У меня есть папиросы для личного пользования. 7. Я полагаю, они не облагаются пошлиной.

X. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной'форме:

1. When I (to call for) Pete his mother told me that he not (to come back)
from abroad yet. 2. We were afraid that the goods (not to arrive) yet. 3. When
we (to arrive) at the airport the plane (to take off). 4. When I (to see) that
man last night I (to think) that I (to meet) him before. 5. He told me that
they (to wait for) us outside the Ministry at 5 o'clock. 6. Mr. S. said

that they (to be going) to place an order with a French firm. 7. The firm let us know last week that they not (to ship) the equipment yet. 8. The firm did not accept our offer. They already (to buy) the goods from another firm. 9. The stewardess said that the plane (to take off) in 10 minutes. 10. Yester­day our director (to fly) to London on business. He never (to be) there before.

XI. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и перескажите первый

We all know... name of Chkalov. He was one of... best (лучший) Russian flyers. In 1937 Chkalov, Baidukov and Beliakov made... first non­stop (беспосадочный) flight: Moscow — the North Pole (Северный Полюс) — America. It took them 63 hours to get to Portland. They flew by

AN-25. That was very good plane. Though... flight was difficult

(трудный) the flyers felt well.... people in America were happy to see... Russian flyers on their land. They went home by ship. It was... large ship. It was going to France. There were... foreign engineers, doctors, teachers and businessmen on... ship. One day... American businessman came up to Chkalov and asked, "Are you rich (богатый), Mr. Chkalov?" "Yes, I am," answered Chkalov. "I've got 170 million." "Have you got 170 million roubles or dollars?" "I've got 170 million people. All... people work for me and I work for them."

1. When they made.... announcement about... Flight 52, all... passengers went to... plane. 2. What airport arc we going to land at? I believe we'll land at... Domodedovo airport. 3. I think you must make her... present on the 8th of March. 4. I was afraid that they had not received... cable and would not come to... airport to meet me. 5. He said that Mr. P. had gone on business to... Caucasus. 6. Have you booked... tickets for... theatre? I'm sorry, I haven't. But I'm going to... booking-office tonight. 7. What's... time? It's 7.45. 8.... time flies and... chil­dren will soon go to... school.

XII. Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями и перескажите тексты:

A few days ago Mr. Semenov came... abroad. He had gone... business... Great Britain. He had instructions to place an order... chem­ical equipment.

Mr. Semenov came... Moscow... TU-104. It took him three and a half hours to get home. He had got... the plane... London airport... 8 o'clock... the morning. The plane landed... Vnukovo airport... half... eleven.

His friends had come to meet him and Mr. Semenov was glad to

see them.

It didn't take him long to go... the Customs. He had no things liable... duty. He filled... a declaration and gave it... a Customs Official.

The Customs official came Mr Semenov and asked him to

open his suit-case.... 15 minutes all the formalities (формальности) were...

Mr. Semenov took his suit-case and joined his friends. The car was already waiting... them. They got into the car and went home.

· Where were you yesterday... 5 and 6 o'clock? I phoned you.

· I'm sorry, I was not.... I went... the Bolshoi Theatre booking-office to book tickets... tomorrow.

· And what will be...?

· "Romeo and Juliette". I've booked two seats. Will you join me?

· I'll be happy to. When and where shall we meet?

· Let's meet... a quarter... six. I'll be waiting... you outside the theatre.

ХШ. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив данные в скобках слева и словосочетания:

1. When I came into the waiting-room of the airport (all the passengers... to wait...). 2. Before Mr. Sobolev got on the plane (to fill in a declaration). 3. Since the representative of a British firm arrived in Moscow, (... to place a few orders). 4. We heard (... to feel bad). 5. The secretary told us (... to go on business). 6. We found out (... to arrive). 7. The passenger asked the Customs Official (... to be liable to. duty). 8. The Customs Official answered (... to be duty free). 9.1 did not know (.... to go abroad). 10. The engineers said (... to show us the new machines).

XIV. Заполните пропуски активными словами:

Customs-Office, announcement, to land, airport, to go through the cus­toms, to arrive, waiting-room, to declare, to fly, from abroad, flight, to feel well, plane.

The other day I went to Sheremetievo... to meet my friend. He and his wife were coming back.... When our bus... at the airport... had not yet landed. It was frosty outside and I went into the airport.... There were a lot of people there. Some of them were waiting for the... to get on the plane, others had come there to meet or to see off (проводить) their friends.

In 15 minutes the plane.... My friends went to the.... They had no things to... and it didn't take them long to.... My friends said they had enjoyed the... and although the jet-liner... at a high speed they....

My friend and his wife were very happy to be back.

XV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на глаголы to say,
to tell, to speak.

1. What foreign language do you speak? 2. In what countries do people speak this language? 3. Can you say that you know this language well? 4. Who speaks this language in your family? 5. What do you say when you do not hear some words?

1. Did you go to see a doctor when you felt bad? 2. What did the doctor tell you to do? 3. What did the doctor tell you not to do? 4. Did your friend phone you when you felt bad? 5. What did you speak to him about? 6. Did you speak English or Russian to your friend?

1. What do your children say when they get up? 2. What do they say when they go to bed? 3. What do you say when you meet your friend? 4. What do you say when your friend gives you an interesting book to read?

1. Do you like speaking at meetings? 2. When did you have your last meeting at the office? 3. How many people spoke at it? 4. How long did they speak? 5. What did they speak about at the meeting?

XVI. Заполните пропуски глаголами to say, to speak, to tell в нужной временной

1. What did the Customs Official... you to do at the Customs-office?

2. Mr. N.... that it had taken him an hour to go through the Customs.

3. My friend... two foreign languages. 4. How long did he...? He...
for half an hour. 5. If you don't know what things are liable to duty ask
the Customs Official about it. He will... you. 6. I'm going... to the Presi­
dent about it. 7. She... that we must come to the airport at 7.30. 8. Did
you... to Mr. Camp yesterday? What did he... about our order? 9. Don't
... to him about it now. He feels bad. 10. Do you know who... that?

XVII. Заполните пропуски словами a little, a few, little, few.

1. Let me think... before I answer your question. 2. The plane had taken off and there were.... passengers in the waiting-room. 3. It didn't take me long to go through the Customs. There were very... people at the Customs-office at that time. 4. I had very... time last night and watched

TV for only... minutes. 5. We've seen... good English films lately. We've enjoyed them very much. 6. Would you like m\ch or... sugar in your tea? 7. Our flat is not very large and there is... furniture in it. 8. It was cold outside on Sunday evening and we skated very.... 9. The new jet-liner has made only... flights abroad. 10. The director of the office had given us... instructions before we began the talks.

XVIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Господин Орлов сказал, что он скоро уезжает в командировку за границу. 2. — В какой аэропорт прибывают сейчас самолеты из Англии? — Я не знаю. В прошлом году они прибывали в аэро­порт Шереметьево. 3. Господин Иванов сообщил нам, что они на-днях заключили контракт на химическое оборудование с одной из не­мецких фирм. 4. Самолет еще не взлетел, когда мы уехали из аэро­порта. 5. Пассажир сказал, что он уже прошел таможенный до­смотр и'ждет объявления о посадке на самолет, б. Мы не знали, ка­кие вещи подлежат обложению пошлиной, и решили спросить об этом работника таможни. 7. Господин Носов получил указания свя­заться с фирмой Паттерсон и узнать, когда они могут отгрузить товар. 8. Хотя мы послали фирме свои каталоги и прейскуранты 2 недели тому назад, мы еще не получили от них ответа. 9. — У какой фирмы вы собираетесь разместить заказ на химическое обо­рудование? — У фирмы «Бейкер и сыновья». Они крупные (big) экспортеры химического оборудования. 10. — Сколько времени нам потребуется, чтобы добраться до аэропорта на машине? — Я полагаю, полчаса. 11. Вчера я заказал билеты в Художественный театр. Там идет новый спектакль. Я много слышал о нем и мне очень хочется посмотреть его. 12. Сколько рейсов ежедневно бывает на Петербург?


Speech Exercises

XIX. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

XX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий


1. Have you ever been abroad? 2. When did you last go abroad? 3. What country were you in? 4. What instructions had your President given you before you went abroad? 5. What did you do when you were abroad? 6. When did you come back from abroad?

1. Have you ever flown by jet-liner? 2. On what lines do jet-liners fly in
Russia? 3. On what lines doRussianjet-liners fly? 4. Do you usually

enjoy flights on a jet-liner? 5. How do you feel when the plane is taking off (landing)? 6. At what speed does a jet-liner fly? 7. Do you have lunch on the plane?

1. When must passengers go through the customs? 2. What does a customs official ask a passenger about? 3. What things are usualy liable to duty? 4. What things are duty free? 5. Are presents duty free or liable to duty?

1. When did you last go through the Customs? 2. In what country was it?

3. Did you go there on business? 4. What did the customs official ask you
to do? 5. What things for your own use did you have in the suit-case?

XXI. Поставьте вопросы на развитие содержания следующих предложений:

1. Comrade Petrov has gone on business. 2. All the passengers enjoyed their flight. 3. My friend went through the Customs at London airport.

4. Our plane landed at Sheremetievo airport at 11 p.m. 5. He had got in­
structions before he went abroad. 6. Last night I was at the theatre.

XXII. Перескажите следующие тексты.

Once a sergeant was giving instructions to his soldiers how to jump out. of a plane with a parachute.

A Soldier: What must I do if I find that the parachute doesn't open when

I jump out? • Sergeant: Oh, that's all right. You just bring it back and we'll give you

another one.

a sergeant ['sad^nt] сержант; a soldier psotild39] солдат; to jump прыгать; a parachute ['paerajurt] парашют

A train arrived at a border station. The passengers opened their suit­cases and'waited for the inspection of their things. One of the passengers had a lot of packets of cigarettes in his suit-case. He knew they were not: duty-free and he decided to put all of them into his pockets. When his pock­ets were already full of cigarettes he asked a man at the window, "Will you please take some of these packets and put them into your pockets?" "Why don't you leave them in your suit-case?" asked the passenger. "They must be liable to duty and I wouldn't like to pay duty on them," answered the man. "All right, I'll take the cigarettes but I shall not give them back to you." "Why?" "lamaCustoms official."

a train поезд; a border station пограничная станция; an inspection осмотр; a pocket карман; fall полный; why почему; to pay платить

XXIII. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

· Mr. Brown arrived in Moscow on business. He flew to Moscow by: TU-104. Mr. Brown felt well during the flight. The plane landed at Shere-. metievo airport at 6 p.m. Comrade Petrov came to the airport to meet Mr. Brown. When they were going from the airport Comrade Petrov asked him about the flight.

· Comrade Smirnov is going to Paris on business. He telephones the Intourist booking-office and asks when they have flights to Paris. The clerk says that there are flights to Paris every other day.

Then Mr. Smirnov books a seat for a plane for Friday and finds

out that the plane takes off at,10 a.m. on Fridays. The clerk asks Mr. Smirnov to be at the airport at 10 o'clock.

every other day через день

When Mr. Krylov came to the Customs House he saw a lot of

passengers there. They were all going through the Customs. The Customs
official asked Mr. Krylov what things liable to duty he had. Mr.

Krylov answered that his things were all duty free. He also said that all the things were for his own use.

XXIV. Перескажите и закончите следующие ситуации:

Last year I was in Great Britain on business. I made two contracts with the British firms and in a few days was leaving London. I decided to fly to Moscow.

When I arrived at the airport there were a lot of passengers there. They were flying to different countries of the world.

After I had done some formalities I went to the Customs House...

to do formalities выполнять формальности

Mr. Smith, a British businessman, phoned me yesterday to say that he wanted to see me. He also said that he had some business points to discuss with me. I made an appointment with him and in an hour he was in my office. After the greetings he said...

a greeting приветствие

XXV. Составьте диалоги или ситуации, используя следующие слова и слово­

1. Russia, different countries, to have business relations, representatives, to go abroad, to place an order, raw materials, manu­factured goods;

· to go abroad, by plane, to arrive, an airport, to go through the Cus­toms, to register, to fill in, a declaration, to declare;

· to arrive, an airport, in time, to take off, a passenger, to get on, a jet-liner, to join, a flight;

· a cable, to receive, to meet, a friend, to find out, the number of the flight, to get to, an airport.

XXVI. Выполните следующие задания:

· Mr. Brown has arrived in Moscow on business. You have an ap­pointment with Mr. Brown at the Ministry. Receive Mr. Brown at your office and speak to him about his flight from London to Moscow.

· You are going to New Delhi on business. Telephone the Intourist booking-office and book a seat for a plane.

· You are in London. You've got instructions to buy chemical equip­ment. Contact Mr. Scott and tell him what points you'd like to discuss with him. Make an appointment with him.

· Your office is interested in buying boilers. Meet a representative of Tailor and Co. and discuss the prices and the terms of delivery with him.

XXVII. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. Going abroad. 2. At the Customs House. 3. At the booking-office.




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