Урок восьмой (the eighth lesson) 

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Урок восьмой (the eighth lesson)



Grammar: 1. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов: to be able to, to

have to (см. § 61, стр. 336).

· Безличные глаголы to rain, to snow (см. § 62, стр. 337).

· Конструкции as... as, not so... as (not as... as) (см. § 63, стр. 337).

Revision: 1. Модальные глаголы.

· Оборот there is/are.

· Оборот let's.





Techmachimport has done a lot of business with Goodman & Co. for
the last few years.1 Before Mr. Kozlov.went to London, he and his

experts had gone through the latest catalogues2 of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers.

When Mr. Kozlov arrived in London, he phoned the Russian Trade

Delegation and asked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with

Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company.


Mr. Zotov: Russian Trade Delegation here. Good morning.

Secretary: Good morning.

Mr. Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available.

Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please.3 I'll put you through.

Mr. Lipman: Lipman is speaking.

Mr. Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov speaking. I'm glad

I've got you on the phone. I hope you are well. Mr. Lipman: Yes, thank you. And how are you getting on?4

Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport has come to London5 to-day. He'd like to talk to you.


Lipman: I'll be glad to see Mr. Kozlov. We haven't met since my last visit to Moscow. I wonder if he will be able to come and see me this afternoon.

Zotov: I'm afraid this time won't be quite convenient to him. Could you give an alternative date, please?

Lipman: Yesj certainly. Tomorrow morning then.

Zotov: Very good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Kozlov. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.


Kozlov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman.

Lipman: Oh, Mr. Kozlov, good morning. Glad to see you in London. I hope you'll enjoy your stay in this country.

Kozlov: I hope»so too. What fine weather you are having now!6

Lipman: Yes. It's wonderful to-day. But the weather is very change­able in London. It rained heavily only yesterday morning. And what's ihe weather like in Moscow?

Kozlov: It isn't so fine as it is here. It was snowing when I left Moscow.

Lipman: Oh, was it?7

Kozlov: Well, Mr. Lipman, I'd like to have a word with you about our order for compressors. We've gone through your latest cata­logues.

Lipman: I believe you've noticed we've improved our Model AC-30.

Kozlov: Quite so. It is very important to us. Now this model meets the requirements of our customers.

Lipman: Glad to hear that.

Kozlov: We are going to place an order with you for 50 compressors but the fact-is we usually buy your goods on c.i.f. terms but now we'd like to buy them on f.o.b. terms.

Lipman: Will you take part deliveries in that case?

Kozlov: That'll suit us all right.

Lipman: By the way, Mr. Kozlov, we'll be able to let you have our quotation in two or three days only.

Kozlov: That's very good because I'll have to leave for Edinburgh8 and shan't be back until next Monday.

Lipman: Then we'll send our quotation to your office.

Kozlov: All right. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.



1. For the last few years —за последние годы; for the last few weeks

· за последние недели. I've not seen my friend for the last few days.

· Я не видел своего друга в последнее время.

· The latest catalogues — последние каталоги (новейшие). Слово latest является превосходной степенью слова late.

· Hold on, please. — He вешайте трубку.

·... how are you getting on? — • • -как вы поживаете?

· Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport has come to London. — Г-н Козлов, председатель Техмашимпорта, приехал в Лондон. Существительное president в данном предложении является при­ложением.

Существительное в функции приложения употребляется:

а) без артикля, если оно обозначает должность или
звание. Mr. Semenov, director of our office, is not available
now. — Господин Семенов, директор нашей конторы, сейчас не

б) с неопределенным артиклем, если необходимо
определить данное существительное как одно из аналогичных.

Mr. Petrov, an engineer of our office, has gone abroad. — Г-н Петров, инженер нашей конторы, уехал за границу.

в) с определенным артиклем, если определяемое
лицо пользуется мировой известностью. Sholokhov, the well-
known Russian writer, has written wonderful books. — Шолохов,
известный русский писатель, написал прекрасные книги.

6. What fine weather you are having now! — Какая У вас прекрасная

Порядок слов в восклицательных предложениях прямой, т. е. подлежащее предшествует сказуемому. How wonderful the film is! — Какой это чудесный фильм! How early you've come! — Как вы рано пришли!

7. "It was snowing when I left Moscow." — Когда я уезжал из Москвы,
шел снег.

"Oh, was it?" — Неужели?

Для выражения удивления в английском языке употребля­ется ответная реплика, которая состоит из междометия oh, вспомогательного глагола или модального глагола, или глагола-связки, соответствующих по времени, числу и лицу сказуемому предложения, на которое дается данная реплика, и подлежа­щего. "I'm going to Moscow soon." — Я скоро уезжаю в Моск­ву. "Oh, are you?" — Неужели?

8. Edinburgh — Эдинбург (столица Шотландии)



expert и   специалист, эксперт
a chemical expert   специалист в области химии
The experts of our office discussed   Вчера специалисты нашей конторы
a contract for boilers yesterday.   обсуждали контракт на котлы.
compressor л     компрессор
to meet requirements   удовлетворять чьим-л. требованиям  
Your goods meet our requirements.   Ваш товар удовлетворяет нашим требованиям.
customer n   покупатель, заказчик, клиент
Our customers require power equipment.   Нашим заказчикам необходимо энергетическое оборудование.
to get.. on the phone   дозвониться кому-л.
I'm afraid you won't get him on the phone at 10 o'clock.   Боюсь, что вы ему не дозвонитесь в 10 часов.
fact л   факт "
The fact is..   Дело в том, что
syn. The point is.    
The fact is we require the goods in August.   Дело в том, что нам требуется товар в августе
to talk v   беседовать, разговаривать
Let's talk to him about it tomorrow.   Давайте поговорим с ним об этом завтра.
to visit v   посещать
We are going to visit our friends to-night   Мы собираемся навестить сегодня своих друзей.
visit   посещение, визит
Не told us about his visit to a plant.   Он рассказал нам о посещении завода.
date л   число, дата
What is the date today? It is the 5th of October.   Какое число сегодня? Сегодня 5 октября adj
alternative   что-л. взамен
Could you give an alternative date?   He могли бы вы назначить другую дату?
to pass ... on to...   передавать что-л. кому-л.
Mr. Zotov can't meet Mr. Sharp to-day   Г-н Зотов не может встретиться с г-ном Шарпом сегодня.
Will you pass it on to Mr. Sharp?   Передайте ему это, пожалуйста.
to enjoy v   получить удовольствие, нравиться



Глагол to enjoy употребляется либо с существительным, либо с герундием.

We enjoyed the film yesterday   Нам очень понравился фильм вчера.
I always enjoy swimming in the sea.   Мне очень нравится плавать в море.
stay л   пребывание
I visited a few factories during my stay in Kiev.   Я посетил несколько заводов за время пребывания в Киеве.
changeable adj   неустойчивый, изменчивый
changeable weather   неустойчивая погода
The weather is very changeable in GreatBritain.   Англии погода очень неустойчивая.
rain v   идти (о дожде)
Does it often rain in Petersburg in spring? Yes, it does.   —Часто ли идут дожди в Петербурге весной Да.
rain л   дождь
We enjoyed sunshine after the rain   После дождя мы были рады солнцу.
heavily adv   сильно
It's raining heavily now.   Сейчас идет сильный дождь.
snow v   идти (о снеге)
It's not snowing now.   Сейчас не идет снег.
stop v   останавливать(-ся), прекратиться)
Не stopped the car.   Он остановил машину.
Vft stopped tо speak to our friends.   Мы остановились, чтобы поговорить с нашими друзьями.
But:   Но:
Stop talking, please.   Прекратите разговаривать, пожалуйста.
It has stopped raining.   Дождь прекратился.
It began raining at 5 o'clock.   Дождь начал идти в 5 часов.
to have a word   поговорить (с кем-л.)
Can I have a word with you about the contract?   Могу ли я поговорить с вами об этом контракте?
order v   заказывать
We are going to order chemical equip- ment from a British firm.   Мы намерены заказать химическое оборудование у английской фирмы.
notice v ['noutis] замечать
I haven't noticed their cable.   Я не заметил их телеграммы.
improve v [im'pru:v] улучшать(-ся)
We have improved Model DC.   Мы улучшили модель ДС.
The weather has improved for the last few days.     За последние дни погода улучши-лась.
important adj [im'potent] важный
This is a very important order.   Это очень важный заказ.
This news is important to us.   Эта новость важна для нас.
to take part deliveries   принимать товар частичнымипостав­ ками.
Our office got instructions from the President to take part deliveries.   Наша контора получила распоряжение от председателя на приемкутовара по частям.
deliver v   поставлять
We can deliver the machines in Decern-ber   Мы можем поставить машины в де-кабре.
in this (that) case   в этом (том) случае
I believe you'll reduce your price. In this   Я полагаю, вы снизите свою цену.
case we'll order 500 machines.   В этом случае мы закажем 500 ма­ шин.
suit v [sju: t] устраивать, подходить
I'm sorry the delivery dates do not suit us.   К сожалению, даты поставки нас не устраивают.
quotation п [kwou'teisn] предложение на товар, котировка, расценка
We have received a quotation of the goods from a British firm.   Мы получили предложение на товар от английской фирмы,
until prep   до
We'll stay here until Tuesday.   Мы пробудем здесь до вторника.
tolie able   быть в состоянии
We'll be able to ship the goods in August.   Мы сможем отгрузить товар в августе,
to have to   эквивалент модального глагола must
We'll have to stay at home as it is raining   Нам придется остаться дома, так
heavily.   как идет сильный дождь.
as... as   так же... как, такой... как
Не knows English as well as his brother.   Он знает английский так же хорошо,как его брат.
This magazine is as interesting as that one.   Этот журнал такой же интересный,как тот.
not so... as (not as... as)   не такой... как, не так... как
Text 10 is not so short as text 1.   Текст 10-й не такой короткий, как 1-й.
1*11 stay in Edinburgh not so long as   Я пробуду в Эдинбурге не так долго
in London.   как в Лондоне.
to be right   быть правым
The film 'Hamlet' is very interesting.   — Фильм «Гамлет» очень интересный.
Yes, you are right, it's wonderful.   Да, вы правы, это превосходный фильм.





Grammar Exercises

Эквиваленты модальных глаголов: to be able to, to have to

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I shall be able to go through all the materials today. 2. He won't be able to join us for dinner because he feels bad today. 3. The president said during the talks that they would not be able to reduce their prices for the goods, because they were in great demand. 4. "Will you be able to ship the goods on c.i.f. terms?" I asked Mr. Clay. 5. We had to go back home as there were no tickets at the theatre booking-office. 6. The secretary will have to contact Mr. Gray to let him know that we shall be able to see him tomor­row morning. 7. Did you have to reserve a room in advance to get accommo­dation at that hotel? 8. We didn't have to take a taxi because we knew we had a lot of time before the plane took off.

II. Составьте предложения по образцу, используя следующие слова и слово­

1. We'll be able to book seats for a performance in advance.

tp leave for the Caucasus, to join you for dinner, to call for you tonight, to check the prices right away, to buy goods at these prices.

2. I had to stay in London for another day.

to take off my jacket, to go through the mail, to get the materials ready, to send the price-lists.

3. Did you have to translate the tetters into Russian?

to find out the address, to buy another suit-case, to make another appoint­ment, to reduce the price.

4. He didn't have to take a taxi to get to the airport.

to wait for... long, to fill in any form, to phone the secretary, to get any other instructions.

III. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Не will be able to reserve a room at the Ukraine Hotel (3). 2. We had to learn 40 new English words last week (4). 3. Comrade Moiseev will have to leave for the town of Nikolaev on the 4th of January (3). 4. Yesterday my friend had to come to his office early as he had a lot of work to do (5). 5. You will have to clear np all these points with the representative of the firm (3).

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Will you be able to go to the Caucasus next summer? 2. Will you be able to stay at a hotel there? 3. How long will you be able to stay there?

4. What did your wife have to do last Sunday? 5„ What did you have to do to help your wife? 6. Did your wife have to stay at home all day long or did she have to go out last Sunday? 7. When will you have to go on business? 8. Where will you have to go on business? 9. What questions will you have to attend to there? 10. Will you have to fly there? 11. When will you be able to meet the British businessmen? 12. Will Mr. A. be able to get the necessary materials ready by that time? 13. Which of you will be able to take them to the Kremlin after the talks? 14. Which of you won't be able to join them for lunch on Friday?

V. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Господин Петров не сможет позвонить вам сегодня, так как его не будет в конторе. 2. Я позвонил другу, чтобы сообщить ему, что я не смогу зайти за ним вечером. 3. Мне хотелось бы знать, какие вопросы нам придется обсудить на переговорах с фирмой. 4. Директор сказал, что нам придется снизить цену на товар, чтобы продать его. 5. Лене не пришлось долго ждать брата. Он пришел, как только кончил работать. 6. Нам пришлось взять такси, чтобы приехать в аэропорт к 10 часам. 7. Боюсь, что я не смогу проводить вас до комнаты 645, но я расскажу вам, как пройти туда. 8. «Вам нужно будет подняться на лифте (to take a lift), так как ваша комната находится на 12-м этаже», — сказал администратор гос­тиницы.

Безличные глаголы to rain и to snow

VI. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I wonder if it is snowing now. 2. Where does it seldom snow in our country? It seldom snows in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. 3. Did it often rain in Moscow last October? Yes, it did. But it didn't often rain in September. 4.1 don't think it will snow in the afternoon. 5. My friends asked me if it had snowed during my stay in Mpscow. I answered that it hadn't snowed at that time. 6. Look, it has begun raining. It won4 rain long, I believe. It will soon stop raining. 7. It was raining (it rained) heavily all day long yesterday. 8. Was it snowing when you were walking home? Yes, it was.

VII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. It often rained in Moscow last summer (2). 2. It was raining when we went out yesterday (1). 3. It never snows in these countries (2). 4. It snowed all day long yesterday (1). 5. It began raining early in the morning (1). 6. The day before yesterday it rained heavily (1). 7. When it stopped raining, we went home (1). 8. It stopped snowing at 3 o'clock (1).

VIII. Раскроите скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме:

1. In what months it often (to snow) in Moscow? 2. (to rain) it often in October in Moscow? 3. When we arrived at the airport it (to rain) heavily, and we couldn't leave the car for ten minutes. 4. It (to begin) snowing about 3 hours ago, and it still (to snow). 5. (to rain) it when you left the Ministry yesterday? Yes, very heavily. And it still (to rain) when I got home. 6. When we went out, it (to stop) raining and the weather was wonderful. 7. It (to stop) raining, and the sun is already shining. Let's go for a walk. 8. By 12 o'clock it (to stop) raining, and we went to the beach.

IX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When does it usually rain in Moscow? 2. Does it often or seldom rain in May? 3. Did it often rain last autumn? 4. Is it raining heavily now? 5. When did it begin raining? 6. When will it stop raining? 7. Do you think it will stop raining soon? 8. When did it last rain heavily? 9. Was it snowing heavily when you went out of the office? 10. Do you like walking when it snows? 11. When did it begin snowing? 12. When do you think it will stop snowing?

X. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на безличные

1. — Нравится ли вам в нашем городе? — Мне здесь очень нра­вится, хотя сейчас морозно и часто идет снег. 2. Мы были в Риге в июне. Погода была чудесная, хотя там часто идет дождь в это время. 3. Шел ли дождь, когда вы возвращались из театра? 4. Часто ли шел снег в прошлом месяце? 5. Идет сильный дождь. Мы не сможем сейчас пойти в кино. Я думаю, дождь не скоро прекратится. 6. — Часто ли шел снег, когда вы были в Новосибирске? — Да.

Конструкция as... as, not so...as

XI. Сравните следующее, употребляя конструкцию as... as, not so... as (not
as... as):

1. Moscow, Kiev (large). 2. The living-room, the bedroom (light). 3. The weather in Moscow, the weather in the Caucasus (hot). 4. This book, that book (interesting). 5. Our prices, their prices (high). 6. This machine, that machine (good). 7. Lesson 9, lesson 10 (short). 8. Exercise 10, exercise 12 (long).

XII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Вчера погода была не такой хорошей, как сегодня. Вчера шел сильный снег, а сегодня тепло и светит солнце. 2. — Когда погода бывает такой же теплой, как в мае? — Иногда в сентябре бывает очень тепло. 3. — В Москве осенью дожди идут так же часто, как и в Петербурге? — Да, хотя в Москве не так влажно. 4. — Вы встаете в воскресенье так же рано, как и в будни? — Нет, в воскре­сенье мы встаем в 9 часов утра. 5. — Вы говорите по-английски так же хорошо, как по-немецки? — Нет, я знаю английский не очень хорошо. 6. В субботу я возвращаюсь домой не так поздно, как в другие дни. Я кончаю работу в 3 часа дня. 7. Моя старая квартира не была такой большой, как новая. В ней была только одна комната, а в нашей новой квартире будет три комнаты.

Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

XIII. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов при помощи суффик­
сов: a) -ment, -tion; b) -er, -or:

a) to require to agree b) to sell

to declare to appoint to buy

to instruct to equip to export

to ship to announce to import

to reserve to quote to teach

to translate

XIV. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных при помощи суффикса

warm, cold, certain, happy, necessary, wonderful, unusual, unhappy, beautiful, usual, nice.

XV. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям из текста:

1. Интересно, г-н Липман у себя? 2. Не кладите трубку, пожа­луйста. Я соединяю вас. 3. Я рад, что дозвонился вам. 4. — Как вы поживаете? — Спасибо, хорошо. 5. Дело в том, что г-н Козлов, председатель Техмашимпорта, приехал сегодня в Лондон, б. Он хотел бы поговорить с вами. 7. Интересно, сможет ли он прийти ко мне сегодня днем. 8. Вы не могли бы нам назначить другую дату? 9. Я передам это г-ну Козлову.

1. Я надеюсь, вы получите удовольствие от своего пребывания у нас в стране. 2. Какая чудесная погода у вас сейчас! 3. Но погода очень изменчива в Лондоне. 4. А какая сейчас погода в Москве? 5. — Шел снег, когда я уехал из Москвы. — Неужели? 6. Мне бы хотелось переговорить с вами о нашем заказе на компрессоры. 7. Я полагаю, вы заметили, что мы усовершенствовали нашу модель АС-30. 8. Совершенно верно. Это очень важно для нас. 9. В таком случае вы примете товар по частям? 10. Это нас вполне устроит.

XVI. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в нужной, форме:

1. There was an exhibition (выставка) of Russian equipment in London last summer. Before the exhibition (to open) a lot of Russian plants (to send) their latest models to London and Russian experts (to arrive) to contact British businessmen.- Representatives of different companies (to visit) the exhibition.

Mr. Bent of Stevens & Co. (to be) interested in excavators (экска­ваторы). He said his company (to do) business with Machinoexport before and Russian equipment, always (to meet) their requirements.

The firm Stevens $ Co. (to be going) to order excavators. After the Russian engineers (to get ready) their quotation, Mr. Bent (to visit) the Russian Trade Delegation. As the firm (to accept) the prices and- the terms of pay­ment, Mr. Bent (to be going) to discuss only the terms of shipment and

delivery dates. When the representatives (to discuss) the order of the firm, Mr. Bent asked if Machinoexport (to be able) to ship the goods on c.i.f. terms. He also wanted to find out whether July shipment (to suit) the sellers. The terms (to be) acceptable to the sellers and the representatives decided to sign the contract the next day.

2. "I hope you (to receive) our enquiry for motors."

"Quite so. We (to study) your enquiry and can offer you our model CK-75 of our catalogue. I hope it (to meet) your requirements as it fto be) our latest model."

"I hope so. What (to be) your price for the model?"

"$... a motor."

"Your price (to be) acceptable to us but could you ship the goods next month?"

"I'm sorry to say no. We could offer you July shipment only."

"I'm afraid it not (to suit) us but I (to discuss) the point with my people and I (to contact) you in a few days."

XVII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Is the weather changeable in Moscow? 2. Where is the weather changeable? 3. In what season of the year does it often rain (snow)? 4. Do you like it when it rains (snows)? 5. Did it snow yesterday? 6. Was it snowing heavily when you left the office? 7. At what time was it snowing (raining) yesterday? 8. Is it raining (snowing) now or has it already stopped raining (snowing)? 9. Are we having fine weather in Moscow? 10. Is the weather in Moscow as changeable as in London? 11. What was the weather like in Moscow yesterday? 12. When does it usually begin to snow in Moscow? 13. Do people go for a walk when it rains (snows)? 14. Was it snowing or raining when you went out in the morning? 15. By what time had it stopped snowing (raining) yesterday?

XVIII. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и перескажите текст.
Mr. Buck,... director of Gordon & Co., sent us... cable to let us

know that he was flying to Moscow.

So on Friday Comrade Belov,... engineer of our office, went to... Sheremetievo airport to meet him. That day... weather was very bad in Moscow. It was raining heavily all day long, and Belov was afraid that... plane would not land in... bad weather. But it was... TU-154 and it safely (благополучно) landed. When Mr, Buck had gone through... Customs they went to... National Hotel as Comrade Belov had already reserved... single room for him there.

... next day Mr. Buck came to... Ministry and we had... talk with him.... fact was that they were interested in buying mining equipment, and the previous month we had sent them... quotation of... equipment. So Mr. Buck said that... mining equipment met... requirements of their customers and that they wanted to place... order with us. But Mr. Buck wondered if we could reduce... prices.... director of our office said that he would have a word about it with... President and that he would be able to give Mr. Buck... final reply... next day.

XIX. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

The British firm Bent and Co. wanted to buy a few excavators. They
were interested... our excavators... the latest model. Mr. Tomson...
Bent and Co. arrived... Moscow to have talks... the president of Machino-
export. Mr. Tomson came here... plane and stayed... the National
Hotel. He phoned the secretary... Machinoexport to make an appoint­
ment... Mr. Senin. The secretary told him that Mr. Senin
would be glad to meet him any time convenient... him. Mr. Tomson an­
swered that 10 o'clock suited him.... 10 o'clock the next morning the sec­
retary showed him... the president's private-room. Mr. Senin was waiting
... him.
Senin: Good morning, Mr. Tomson. I'm happy to see you in Moscow.

I hope you've had a nice flight. Tomson: Yes, I have, thank you. I enjoyed it very much. It took me only 3 hours to get... Moscow... London... air. How is business, Mr. Senin? Senin: Fine, thank you. We've had quite a lot... business lately. Our

excavators are... great demand. Tomson: You see, Mr. Senin, I'd like to have a word... you... our or­der... excavators. We've gone... the catalogue and decided the excavators met the requirements... our customers. Senin: I'm glad they do.

Tomson: So, we are going to place an order... you...excavators model AC-10. But the fact is our customers would like to have the first delivery... 2 excavators... September. Senin: I think we can do that.

Tomson: Very well, then. When will you be able to send us your quotation? Senin:... two or three days. Will you phone us, please? Tomson: Yes, of course, I shall. I hope I'll see you one... these days. Senin: Very good.

XX. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. She wondered who... (to lock the room). 2. The chambermaid asked
if... (to ring the bell for her). 3. Mr. Lipin believed that... (to stay

at the Ukraina Hotel). 4. My friend didn't know where... (to have his jacket pressed). 5. We were afraid that... (not to be available). 6.1 wonder how long... (to improve the models). 7. My sister wondered whether... (to notice). 8. The president asked the businessmen if... (to take part deliveries).

XXI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные

1. — Можно мне просмотреть ваши последние каталоги? — Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. 2. Я звонил г-ну Панину полчаса тому назад, но не мог дозвониться. Придется позвонить ему опять (again). 3.— Вам долго пришлось ждать самолета?— Нет. 4. Вчера шел сильный дождь, и мы вынуждены были остаться дома. 5. Г-н Павлов сказал, что они должны обсудить этот вопрос со своими заказчиками, б. Они сказали, что не смогут выслать вам свои последние каталоги на этой неделе. 7. — Я должен заполнить эти 2 бланка? — Нет, не нужно. Заполните только один из них. 8. Нам пришлось заказать вам номер в гостинице «Империал», так-как в гостинице «Тависток» не было номеров.

XXII. Употребите it is или конструкцию there is/are в соответствующей вре-

менной форме в следующих предложениях:

1.... cold outside yesterday. 2.... few passengers in the waiting-room when we came there. 3.... late when we came home. 4. -... a lot of sun­shine in this room. 5.... the latest model of the machine. 6.... too much furniture in your room. 7.... a lot of snow in Moscow last winter. 8.... very hot tomorrow? 9.... a very important appointment. 10.... no accom­modation available.

XXIII. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Пусть ваши специалисты просмотрят наши последние ката­
логи. 2. Г-н Грей сказал, что новая модель нашего станка (machine-
tool) удовлетворяет их требованиям и они собираются разместить
у нас большой заказ. 3. Узнайте, пожалуйста, смогут ли ваши за­
казчики принять товар по частям. 4. Скажите ему, чтобы он не
вешал трубку. С ним хочет поговорить г-н Котов. 5. Я не мог

сообщить вам об этом, так как не мог дозвониться к вам вчера. 6. — Здравствуй, Борис. Мы не встречались с тобой со времени моего последнего посещения Петербурга. Как ты поживаешь? — Хорошо, спасибо. 7. Г-н Блок, я боюсь, что мы не сможем встретиться с ва­ми во вторник. Дело в том, что г-н Лосев приезжает в Лондон толь­ко в среду. Не могли бы вы назначить нам другой день? 8. Переве­дите письмо этой фирмы, пожалуйста, и передайте его директору вашей конторы. 9. — В Петербурге погода такая же неустойчивая, как в Москве? — Да. 10. — Вы заметили, что сейчас идет дождь? — Нет. 11. Вчера утром шел сильный дождь, и нам пришлось остаться дома. 12. Нам придется улучшить модель ДС. В этом случае фирма закажет у нас 50 станков (machine-tools).


Speech Exercises

XXIV. Воспроизведите диалоги урока.

XXV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий

1. With what firm has your office done a lot of business for the last few years? 2. What goods do you sell them? 3. Do your goods meet their require­ments? 4. Did you sometimes have to reduce your prices? 5. Why did you have to reduce your prices?

1. What's the weather like in Moscow now? 2. What was the weather like in Moscow yesterday? 3. What will the weather be like in Moscow to­morrow? 4. What do you like doing in frosty weather? 5. What do you like doing in hot weather?

1. What is a quotation? 2. Who usually sends you quotations? 3. When do you send quotations to a foreign firm? 4. What do the Buyers do when they receive the Sellers' quotation?

1. On what terms do you usually sell your goods? 2. Why are we inter­ested in selling our goods on c.i.f. terms? 3. Do you usually sell or buy goods on f.o.b. terms? 4. In what case do you take part deliveries?

XXVI. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. How do you make appointments with foreign representatives? 2. What do you usually do to get ready for talks? 3. What do you do when the Sellers' goods don't meet your requirements? 4. In what case do you take part deliveries? 5. What materials must you go through before you place an order with a foreign firm? 6. What must you do to place an order with a firm? 7. On what terms do you usually buy goods from foreign firms?

XXVII. Подтвердите или опровергните данные ниже утверждения, употребив
следующие реплики, и дайте обоснование:

"You are quite right." "I'm afraid it isn't quite so." •'Quite so." "I'm afraid you're not quite right."

1. They will not be able to ship the goods so soon. 2. I'm afraid we shan't get the quotation ready today. 3, The weather in Riga is very changeable. 4. The fact is they find our terms acceptable. 5. I've heard they won't join us for dinner today. 6. The terms of payment are not acceptable to us. 7. They didn't have to send another cable to the Sellers. 8. I believe this order is very important.

XXVIII. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующий диалог. Передайте его
в косвенной речи:

Sedov: Good morning, Mr. Scott.

Scott: Oh, Mr. Sedpv, good morning, I'm happy to see you in London. I hope you had a good flight yesterday.

Sedov: Yes, we had a nice flight though I was afraid that there would be a fog and we shouldn't be able to land. But we got into London on schedule. Well, Mr. Scott, a good flight is a good way to begin business. I'd like to have a word with you about your offer for chemical equipment.

Scott: We hope you have studied our quotation.

Sedov: Yes, we have. Oh the whole your equipment meets our requirements.

Scott: And what about our prices?

Sedov: Your prices are acceptable to us. But there is one point and I'd like to clear it up now. How soon will you be able to begin shipment?

Scott: We are going to begin shipment in April. Does it suit you?

Sedov Not quite. Will you be able to speed it up and begin, say

in February? Scott: I can't give you a reply right away.I'll have to contact my

people in Manchester and have a word with them about it. Sedov: That's good. Thank you.

a fog туман; on schedule по расписанию; on the whole [houl] в целом; say скажем; to speed up ускорить; Manchester Манчестер

XXIX. Составьте ситуации на основе следующих предложений:

1. The president will be available after ten o'clock. 2. I'm afraid this time isn't quite convenient to me. 3. The point is this model doesn't meet our customers' requirements. 4. He won't be back until the day after tomor­row. 5. We have improved this model lately. 6. He had to give them an alternative date. 7.1 think we'll be able to take part deliveries. 8. These terms will suit us.

XXX. Передайте следующие ситуации в форме диалогов:

· Mr. Beed of Johnson & Co. visited Medexport to discuss their enquiry for medical equipment. His company had bought Russian medical equipment and the goods had met the requirements of their customers. Mr. Beed let the Sellers know that they were going to buy Models ВС and CD of the catalogue.

· After Techmachimport had received the catalogues of the firm Nelson & Co., Mr. Fleet, the foreign representative, came to Moscow to discuss their offer of mining equipment. They met Mr. Frolov and after a few words about weather they began discussing the prices and the terms of shipment. F.o.b. terms suited the buyers.

XXXI. Перескажите следующие тексты:


Once a French cabman played a good joke on Conan Doyle. When Conan Doyle arrived in Paris it was rainingJ heavily. He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz Hotel as he had reserved a, room there a few days before.

The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he had received his fare he said, "Thank you, Mr. Conan Doyle." "How do you know my name?" asked Conan Doyle.

"Well, sir," replied the driver, "the other day I saw in the papers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris. Your appearance told me you were British, and I also saw you had had your hair cut in the South of France. So I decided it was you.

"You are a wonderful detective," said Conan Doyle. "Were there any other things about me, that could help you to think it was I?"

"Well," said the cabman, "there was also your name on your suit-case, sir."

once однажды; a cabman кэбмен; a cab кэб; to play a joke on сыграть шутку над; fare плата за проезд; appearance [s'pisrans] внешность; to have one's hair cut подстричься; a detective [di'tektiv] агент, сыщик


Joseph Turner was a great English painter. He had a dog. He liked his dog very much.

One day he was playing with his dog. Suddenly the dog broke his leg. Turner sent for a well-known doctor.

When the doctor came, Turner said, "Doctor, my dog has broken his leg. I know that you are too good for this work but please do it. It is so important to me."

The doctor was angry but he did not show it.

The next day the doctor asked Turner to come to his place. Turner promised to come as he thought that the doctor wanted to see him about his dog.

When Turner came to the doctor's house, the doctor said, "Mr. Turner, I'm so glad to see you. I'd like to ask you to paint my door. I know that you are too good for this work but, please, do it. It is so important to me."

a painter художник; a dog собака; to break [breik] (broke, broken) сломать; angry сердитый; a leg йога; to paint красить

XXXII. Закончите следующие ситуации:

1. Russia does business with a lot of different countries of the world. Our trade relations develop from year to year. Our country exports and imports different goods. The other day our office received a quotation for...

· This morning Mr. S. telephoned me and said that he had gone through our latest catalogues and found that our foodstuffs met their requirements. So...

· Yesterday we had talks with Mr. Brighton of Clay & Co. We discussed the terms of payment and delivery with him. He said that our terms of pay­ment suited them but...

· As I wanted to have a word with Mr. B. about our order I telephoned his office but the secretary told me...

XXXIII. Выполните следующие задания:

· Tell Mr. Green that you have received their latest catalogues for power equipment. But you haven't received their quotations for it. Ask Mr. Green when he will be able to send you their quotations.

· Phone Mr. Camp to ask him if they have received your quotations and if your goods meet their requirements.

· Meet Mr. Brown. Discuss the delivery dates with him and say that you won't be able to begin shipment before the 1st of November. Ask him if they can take part deliveries.

· Meet Mr. Black and ask him about his flight to Moscow. Speak with him about the weather in London and in Moscow.

XXXIV. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. Making an appointment with a representative of a firm. 2. Placing an order. 3. Autumn in Moscow. 4. Winter in Moscow.




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