Содержание книги

  1. quot;Who is the greatest manager, really, Luque or Mike Gonzalez?"
  2. Помнишь, он приходил на Террасу. Мне хотелось пригласить его с собой порыбачить, но я постеснялся. Я просил тебя его пригласить, но и ты тоже постеснялся.
  3. Нет на свете такой рыбы, если у тебя и вправду осталась прежняя сила.
  4. The old man went out the door and the boy came after him. He was sleepy and the old man put his arm across his shoulders and said, "I am sorry."
  5. Не Знаю. Знаю только, что молодые спят долго и крепко.
  6. Que va! - ответил мальчик. - Такова уж наша мужская доля. Что поделаешь.
  7. I worked the deep wells for a week and did nothing, he thought. Today I'll work out where the schools of bonito and albacore are and maybe there will be a big one with them.
  8. А у нас с тобой не так. Я давал тебе таскать снасти чуть не с пяти лет.
  9. Ряя за пищей и перекликаясь слабыми, печальными голосами, - они слишком хрупки для него".
  10. The sun was two hours higher now and it did not hurt his eyes so much to look into the east. There were only three boats in sight now and they showed very low and far inshore.
  11. Just then he saw a man-of-war bird with his long black wings circling in the sky ahead of him. He made a quick drop, slanting down on his back-swept wings, and then circled again.
  12. Почуяла добычу, - сказал старик вслух. - Не просто кружит.
  13. Макрель, - громко произнес старик. - Крупная золотая макрель.
  14. Now the old man looked up and saw that the bird was circling again.
  15. quot;He's found fish," he said aloud. No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish. But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air, turned and dropped head first into the water. The tuna shone silver in the sun
  16. Старик поглядел на небо и увидел, что фрегат снова закружил над морем.
  17. Нашел рыбу, - сказал он вслух.
  18. I could just drift, he thought, and sleep and put a bight of line around my toe to wake me. But today is eighty-five days and I should fish the day well.
  19. This far out, he must be huge in this month, he thought. Eat them, fish. Eat them. Please eat them.
  20. И Как раз в этот миг он заметил, Как одно из зеленых удилищ дрогнуло и пригнулось к воде.
  21. quot;He'll take it," the old man said aloud. "God help him to take it."
  22. quot;Eat it a little more," he said. "Eat it well."
  23. He held the line against his back and watched its slant in the water and the skiff moving steadily to the north-west.
  24. Клюнула, - сказал старик. - Пусть теперь поест как следует.
  25. quot;It was noon when I hooked him," he said. "And I have never seen him."
  26. Then he said aloud, "I wish I had the boy. To help me and to see this."
  27. Однако прошло четыре часа, рыба все так же неутомимо уходила в море, таща за собой лодку, А старик все так же сидел, упершись в банку, с натянутой за спиной лесой.
  28. Жаль, что со мной Нет мальчика. Он бы мне помог и увидел бы все это сам.
  29. That was the saddest thing I ever saw with them, the old man thought. The boy was sad too and we begged her pardon and butchered her promptly.
  30. Aloud he said, "I wish I had the boy."
  31. Quot;ни разу в море я не видал ничего печальнее, - подумал старик. - мальчику тоже стало грустно, и мы попросили у самки прощения и быстро разделали ее тушу".
  32. Рыба, - позвал он тихонько, - я с тобой не расстанусь, пока не умру.
  33. quot;God let him jump," the old man said. "I have enough line to handle him."
  34. The bird looked at him when he spoke. He was too tired even to examine the line and he teetered on it as his delicate feet gripped it fast.
  35. Чтобы хоть немножко согреться. "если она терпит, значит, и я стерплю".
  36. Рыба, - сказал он, - я тебя очень люблю и уважаю. Но я убью тебя прежде, чем настанет вечер.
  37. Худо тебе, рыба. - спросил он. - видит бог, мне и самому не легче.
  38. quot;What kind of a hand is that," he said. "Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good."
  39. Он поискал глазами птицу, потому что ему хотелось с кем-нибудь поговорить. Но птицы нигде не было.
  40. Старик чувствовал, Как сильно, не ослабевая, тянет большая рыба, А левую руку у него совсем свело. Она судорожно сжимала тяжелую веревку, и старик поглядел на нее с отвращением.
  41. Quot;следовало бы мне покормить и большую рыбу, - подумал он. - ведь она моя родня. Но я должен убить ее, А для этого мне нужны силы".
  42. He looked at the sky and saw the white cumulus built like friendly piles of ice cream and high above were the thin feathers of the cirrus against the high September sky.
  43. Ну вот, - сказал он. - теперь, рука, ты можешь отпустить лесу; я совладаю с ней одной правой рукой, покуда ты не перестанешь валять дурака.
  44. Он поглядел на небо и увидел белые кучевые облака, похожие на его любимое мороженое, А над ними, в высоком сентябрьском небе, прозрачные клочья перистых облаков.
  45. quot;Bad news for you, fish," he said and shifted the line over the sacks that covered his shoulders.
  46. He was comfortable but suffering, although he did not admit the suffering at all.
  47. Although it is unjust, he thought. But I will show him what a man can do and what a man endures.
  48. Двигалась по темной воде. Восточный ветер поднял небольшую волну.
  49. Я ведь говорил мальчику, что я не обыкновенный старик, - сказал он. - теперь пришла пора это доказать.
  50. quot;Unless sharks come," he said aloud. "If sharks come, God pity him and me."

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Then he said aloud, "I wish I had the boy. To help me and to see this."

Once he stood up and urinated over the side of the skiff and looked at the stars and checked his course. The line showed like a phosphorescent streak in the water straight out from his shoulders. They were moving more slowly now and the glow of Havana was not so strong, so that he knew the current must be carrying them to the eastward. If I lose the glare of Havana we must be going more to the eastward, he thought. For if the fish's course held true I must see it for many more hours. I wonder how the baseball came out in the grand leagues today, he thought. It would be wonderful to do this with a radio. Then he thought, think of it always. Think of what you are doing. You must do nothing stupid.

Then he said aloud, "I wish I had the boy. To help me and to see this."

No one should be alone in their old age, he thought. But it is unavoidable. I must remember to eat the tuna before he spoils in order to keep strong. Remember, no matter how little you want to, that you must eat him in the morning. Remember, he said to himself.

During the night two porpoises came around the boat and he could hear them rolling and blowing. He could tell the difference between the blowing noise the male made and the sighing blow of the female.

"They are good," he said. "They play and make jokes and love one another. They are our brothers like the flying fish."

Then he began to pity the great fish that he had hooked. He is wonderful and strange and who knows how old he is, he thought. Never have I had such a strong fish nor one who acted so strangely. Perhaps he is too wise to jump. He could ruin me by jumping or by a wild rush. But perhaps he has been hooked many times before and he knows that this is how he should make his fight. He cannot know that it is only one man against him, nor that it is an old man. But what a great fish he is and what will he bring in the market if the flesh is good. He took the bait like a male and he pulls like a male and his fight has no panic in it. I wonder if he has any plans or if he is just as desperate as I am?

"Скоро она умрет, - думал старик. - Не может она плыть вечно".


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