Freight payable at destination 

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Freight payable at destination


Freight and charges The goods taken on board of the vessel in apparent good order and condition, unless noted herein, at the port of loading for car­riage to the port of discharge or so nearthereto as she may safely get, always afloat, and de­livered as mentioned above. All particulars (weight, measure, marks, numbers, quanti­ty, contents, value and etc.) thereof being as stated by the Merchantbut unknown to the Carrier.

In accepting this Bill of Lading the Mer­chant accepts andagrees to al*l stipulations, exceptions and conditions on both pages, whether written, printed, stamped or other-

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

wiseincorporated. One of these Bills of Lad­ing must be surren-dered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods. Neither the weight nor the measure of goods carried in bulk are checked by the Carrier on loading.

In witness whereof number of stated above original Bs/Lhavebeen signed, one of which being accomplished the other(s) to be void. Copy not negotiablePlace and date of issue Master's signature

1. Definitions. «Carrier» means the party on whose be­
half this Bill of Lading has been signed.

«Merchant» includes the Charterer, the Shipper, the Receivers, the Consignee, the Holder of this Bill of Lad­ing and the owner of the goods.

«Ship» includes any vessel owned, chartered or operat­ed by the Carrier, used in the performance of the Con­tract, evidenced by this Bill of Lading.

2. Paramount clause. This Bill of Lading shall have ef­
fect subject to the provisions of the Merchant Shipping
Code, 1968, or the Hague Rules contained in the Interna­
tional Convention for the unification of certain rules re­
lated to Bills of Lading dated 25th August, 1924, if no
national law is applied in accordance with cl. 3.

3. Jurisdiction. Dispute arising under this Bill of Lad­
ing shall be determined at the place, where the Carrier has
his principal place of business. No proceeding may be
brought before other courts, unless the parties both ex­
pressly agree on the choice of another court or arbitration.

4. Scope of Voyage. The goods may be carried by any
route whatsoever, whether or not the most direct or adver­
tised or customary route, via any ports or places in any
order whatsoever and for whatsoever purpose visited, to­
gether with other goods of every kind, dangerous or other-
wise, whether stowed on or under deck. Vessels may sail

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with or without pilots, undergo repairs, adjust equipment, drydock and tow vessels in all situations.

5. Sub-contracting. The Carrier shall be entitled to sub­
contract on any terms the whole or any part of the car­
riage, transhipment, loading, unloading, storing, ware­
housing, handling and any and all duties whatsoever un­
dertaken by the Carrier in relation to the goods.

6. Loading, Discharge and Delivery. In regard to loading
and discharge this Bill of Lading is subject to the terms, con­
dition and exceptions of the contract of affreightment ac­
cording to which it is issued. In the absence of such an agree­
ment the goods are received and delivered under ship's tackle.

If the Merchant fails to take receipt of the goods as stipulated above the contract of carriage shall be consid­ered as having been fulfilled and the Carrier shall be at liberty to put the goods into craft and/or land on the quay and/or storing, etc., as the Carrier may think fit at the ex­pense and risk of the Merchant. In this event the Carrier shall have the right to claim demurrage and/or discharge and store the goods as set out above.

7. Lighterage. The Carrier in arranging for lighters or
other transportation between ship and shore, does so as
the Merchaet's agent and for account and risk of the goods.

8. Optional Stowage and Deck Shipment. The Carrier is
at liberty to stow the goods in poop, forecastle, shelterdeck,
spare bunkers or any covered space commonly used in the
trade for the carriage of such goods and when so stowed shall
be deemed for all purposes to be stowed under deck. Where
the goods are stated herein to be received and/or shipped as
deck cargo such goods are carried at Merchant's risk, in
which case the Carrier shall be under no liability for any loss
or deletion thereof, or damage thereto, arising from any
cause whatsoever. The Carrier shall be entitled to carry goods
on deck in containers, trailer, transportable tanks or similar
articles of transport used to consolidate goods whether they

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

are stowed there by him or Merchants. The Carrier is not required to give notice to the Merchant of any stowage and carriage as provided in this clause. These goods (container, etc.) carried on deck shall be treated as if they were stowed under deck and the Hague and York-Antwerp Rules as in­corporated herein shall be applicable to them.

9. Hindrances etc., Affecting Performance. If in the
event of restraint of authorities, epidemic, quarantine, ice,
labour troubles, strikes, lockouts, congestion and any other
causes beyond Carrier's control the goods cannot be dis­
charged at the port of destination without risk to ship and
cargo, the Carrier is entitled to land the goods at one of the
nearest ports of call where possible at Merchant's risk and
expense and to inform the Merchant thereof, if possible.

Extent of Responsibility

1) In no event shall the Carrier be liable for damage to
and/or loss of goods prior to loading or after discharge, not
even if such damage or loss is to the negligence of his serv­
ants and even though the goods are in the custody of the
Carrier, his agents or servants as warehousemen or howso­
ever. In no event shall the Carrier's liability commence be­
fore the goods have been loaded over ship's rail and shall cease
at the latest when the goods have passed ship's rail upon dis­
charge. The Merchant shall be required to prove that the
goods were damaged within this period of responsibility.

2) The Carrier shall however be relieved of liability of any
loss or damage if such loss or damage arose or resulted from:


a) act, neglect or default of the master, mariner, pilot,
or the servants of the Carrier in the navigation or the man­
agement of the ship;

b) the wrongful act or neglect of the Merchant;

c) compliance with the instructions of any person enti­
tled to give them;

d) the lack of, or defective condition of packing in the
case of goods which, by their nature, are liable to wastage or

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to be damaged when not packed or when not properly packed, unless the packing had been carried out by Carrier;

e) handling, loading, stowage or unloading of the goods
by the Merchant or any person acting on behalf of the

f) inherent vice of the goods;

g) insufficiency or inadequacy of marks or numbers of
the goods, covering, or unit loads; except where they are
required to be affixed by the Carrier;

h) strikes or lockouts or stoppage or restraint of labour from whatever cause whether partial or general;

I) any other cause or event which the Carrier could not avoid and the consequences whereof he could not prevent by the exercise of reasonable diligence.

3) Where under sub-clause 2 the Carrier is not under
any liability in respect of some of the factors causing the
loss or damage, he shall only be liable to the extent that
those factors for which he is liable under this clause have
contributed to the loss or damage.

4) The burden of proving that the loss or damage was
due to one or more of the causes or events, specified in a,
b, с and I of sub-clause 2 shall rest upon the Carrier.

11. Limitation of Responsibility. In no case shall the Carrier be liable in an amount exceeding $... per package or unit, or the equivalent of that sum in other currency, unless declared with value on the Bill of Lading. When carrying loaded containers, pallets or other similar unit loads the Carrier is responsible for the number of packages enumerated in the Bill of Lading, i.e., either for the whole container (the pallet) or for its contents according to the number of packages loaded into it if such number is in­serted in the Bill of Lading. In the absence of any particu­lars about the number of packages loaded into such con­tainer (or on the pallet) the Carrier's responsibility is lim­ited only to the number of unit loads on the whole.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чеку нова

12. Notice of Loss. Unless notice of loss of or damage
to the goods and the general nature of it be given in writing
to the Carrier at the place of delivery before or at the time
of the removal of the goods into the custody of the person
entitled to delivery thereof under this Bill of Lading, or if
the loss or damage be not apparent, within three consecu­
tive days thereafter, such removal shall be prima facie ev­
idence of the delivery by the Carrier of the goods as de­
scribed in this Bill of Lading.

13. Time Bar. The Carrier shall be discharged of all
liability under the rules of these conditions unless suit is
brought within one year after delivery of the goods or in
the case of total loss of the goods the period shall begin
with the moment when the goods should have been deliv­

14. Defences for Servants, etc. The defences and lim­
its of liability provided for in this B/L shall apply to any
action against the Carrier for loss or damage to the goods
whether the action be founded in contract or in tort, also
in any action against a servant, agent, or independent con­
tractor, unless it is proved that the loss or damage resulted
from an act or omission of the Carrier or of this person
done with intent to cause damage or recklessly and with
knowledge that damage would probably result.

15. Inspection of Goods. The Carrier shall be at liberty
at the place of loading or discharging as well as during the
voyage to have the contents inspected in order to ascertain
the weight, measurement or value for the purpose of veri­
fying the freight basis and their correspondence to their
description. If on such inspection it is found that the dec­
laration is not correct it is agreed that a sum equal either to
five times the difference between the correct figure and
the freight charged, or to double the correct freight less
the freight charged, whichever sum is the smaller, shall be
payable as liquidated damages to the carrier notwithstand-

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ing any other sum having been stated on the Bill of Lading as freight payable.

16. Sealed Goods. The Carrier shall not be responsible
for the shortage of or damage to the goods arrived at the
destination in good containers or other similar receptacles
duly sealed by the Shipper and for goods delivered in other
safe and good packages without any signs of opening (un­
sealing) them during the carriage in case of Merchant's
failure to prove that such shortage of or damage to the
goods occurred through the fault of the Carrier.

17. Lien. The Carrier shall have an absolute lien on
goods for any amount due under this Contract and for con­
tribution in respect of general average and for salvage to
whomsoever due, including costs of recovering the same
and shortage fees, any may enforce such lien in any rea­
sonable manner which he may think fit. If on sale of the
goods the proceeds fail to cover the amount due and the
cost and expenses incurred the Carrier shall be entitled to
recover the difference from the Merchant.

18. Description of the Goods. The Merchant shall be
deemed to have guaranteed to the Carrier the accuracy, at
the time the goods were taken in charge by the Carrier, of
the description of the goods, marks, numbers, quantity
and weight (including gross weight of the container or any
other receptacle) and insurance as furnished by him, and
the Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier against all loss,
damage and expense arising or resulting from inaccuracies
in or inadequacy of such particulars. The Merchant is lia­
ble for the said incorrectness according to clause 15. The
right of the Carrier to such indemnity shall in no way limit
his responsibility and liability under this Bill of Lading to
any person other than the Merchant.

Freight and Charges.

1) Freight shall be deemed earned on receipt of the goods by the Carrier and shall be paid in any event, goods

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

lost or not lost according to the terms of the contract of affreightment and not to be returned.

2) All dues, taxes and charges or other expenses in con­
nection with the goods shall be paid by the Merchant.

3) If the currency in which freight and charges are quot­
ed is devalued/revalued between the date of the freight
agreement and the date when the freight and charges are
paid, then all freight and charges shall be automatically
and immediately changed in proportion to the extent of
the devaluation/revaluation of the said currency.

4) The Merchant shall reimburse the Carrier in pro­
portion to the amount of freight for any costs for deviation
or delay or any other increase of costs of whatever nature
caused by war, warlike operations, epidemic, strikes, gov­
ernment directions or force majeure.


20. Stowage in Containers by the Carrier. The Carrier
may stow the goods in containers and has the right without
notice to the Merchant to carry them in closed containers.
If the goods accepted for shipment are packed into contain­
ers by or on behalf of the Carrier, the Carrier's responsibility
for the goods commences at the moment of his reception of
the goods by the Carrier and ceases when the goods are dis­
charged out of the container at the port of destination. The
Carrier shall during the whole period from such loading un­
til unloading be entitled to the benefit of all privileges, rights
and immunities contained in this Bill of Lading.

21. Merchant-packed Containers. Where any contain­
er, transportable tank, flat or pallet and other receptacles
accepted for transportation has not been filled, packed or
stowed by or on behalf of the Carrier, the Carrier shall not be
liable for any loss of or damage to its contents and the Mer­
chant shall cover any loss or expense incurred by the Carrier
if such loss, damage or expense has been caused by:

1) negligent filling, packing or stowing of the contain­er or any other receptacles;

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2) the contents being unsuitable for carriage in con­
tainer or any other receptacle;

3) the unsuitability or defective condition of the con­
tainer or any other receptacle unless they have been sup­
plied by the Carrier and the unsuitability or defective con­
dition of the container would not have been apparent upon
reasonable inspection at or prior to the time when the con­
tainer and any other receptacle was filled, packed or stowed.


22. Special Container. If the goods are stowed by or on
behalf of either the Carrier or the Merchant in special con­
tainer with refrigeration or heating units the Carrier does
not accept any responsibility for the functioning of such
containers not owned or leased by the Carrier.

23. Repositioning of Containers. Where the containers
owned or leased by the Carrier are unpacked at the Mer­
chant's premises, they are jointly and severally responsible
for returning the empty containers with interiors brushed
and clean to the port or place of discharge or to the point
or place designated by the Carrier, his servants or agents
within the stipulated time. Should a container not be re­
turned within the stipulated time the Merchant shall be
liable for any demurrage, loss or expenses which may arise
from such non-return.

24. Refrigerated Goods. A Surveyor's Certificate with
respect to heated, cooled, ventilated or insulated space,
insured prior to the shipment, shall be deemed to be con­
clusive evidence that the Carrier has exercised due dili­
gence to make the vessel sea-worthy in respect to such
space. The Carrier shall not be obliged to provide for re­
frigerated storage ashore. Consignee shall have to take the
delivery of refrigerated cargo as soon as the vessel is ready
to deliver, otherwise cargo will be landed at Consignee's
risk and expenses.

25. Heavy or Bulky Goods. Pieces or packages weight­
ing two tons each and upwards or of exceptional bulk or

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

length or if awkward for vessel's tackle or gear shall be load­ed and discharged at Merchant's risk and cranage and any other extra expenses shall be, unless otherwise agreed, for account of the goods.

26. Dangerous Goods. Before the goods of dangerous
or damaging nature and radio active materials are tendered
for shipment, the Merchant shall inform in writing the
Carrier, Master or Agent of the vessel, of their exact na­
ture of danger, indicating the precautions to be taken, giv­
ing the name and address of the sender and receiver and
distinctly mark the nature of the goods on the surface of
the package or packages, as required by the International
Marine Dangerous Goods Code and applicable statutes
or regulations and in addition on each container, flat, trail­
er, etc. A special stowage order giving consent to shipment
must be obtained from the Carrier. The Merchant will be
liable for all loss, damage, delay or expenses, if the forego­
ing provisions are not complied with.

27. General Average. General Average to be adjusted
at any port or place at the Carrier's option and to be settled
according to York-Antwerp Rules 1974, this covering all
goods carried under deck and the containers, etc., carried
on deck. The Amended Jason Clause as approved by BIM-
CO to be considered as incorporated herein. Average bond
with values declared therein to be signed, also sufficient
security to be given as required by Masters or Agents.

28. Incorporated Clause. In case charter-party is is­
sued (agreed upon) for the carriage of the goods covered
by this Bill of Lading the terms, conditions and exception
of this relative charter-party will prevail over the terms,
conditions and exception of the Bill of Lading to the ex­
tent of any conflict between them. The Both-to Blame
Collision Clause, War Risks Clauses «Voywar — 1950» as
approved by BIMCO are fully and specially incorporated
in this Bill of Lading. ]

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык КОММЕНТАРИЙ И СЛОВАРЬ

Настоящий текст представляет собой типовой ко­носамент (транспортную накладную на груз) и содер­жит основные термины, встречающиеся в подобного рода документах.

1. bill of lading (встречается и вариант bill of loading),
сокр. B/L, множеств, число Bs/L (синонимы: waybill,
сокр. W. В.; consignment note, сокр. C/N). Наиболее
общим термином, употребляемым при перевозке гру­
зов любыми видами транспорта, является термин bill
of lading. При необходимости указания вида перевоз­
ки или транспортного средства употребляются соот­
ветствующие лексические уточнители, например:
ocean (ship или steamship) bill of lading — морской ко­
носамент; on-board (или shipped) bill of lading — борто­
вой коносамент (коносамент на груз, принятый на
борт судна), liner bill of lading — линейный коносамент;
air (или air-craft) bill of lading (синонимы: air con­
signment note; air freight bill; air waybill) — грузовая авиа­
накладная, авиагрузовая накладная, воздушная на­
кладная; moipr waybill (синонимы: road consignment
note (waybill); truck bill of lading (американизм) — авто­
транспортная (автодорожная) накладная (при автомо­
бильных перевозках грузов); railroad (British English:
railway) bill — железнодорожная накладная и т. п.

2. shipper — грузоотправитель (не путать с ship­
owner — судовладелец).

3. consignee — грузополучатель, адресат груза. Так
же может быть переведен и встречающийся далее в
тексте термин receiver. Дифференциация возможна за
счет перевода его как «приемщик (груза)».

4. port of loading (или port of shipment) — порт по­
грузки, порт отгрузки.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

5. port of discharge — порт разгрузки, порт выгрузки.

6. free in and out — сокр. f. i. о. — судно свободно от
расходов по погрузке и выгрузке, погрузка и выгрузка
оплачиваются фрахтователем.

7. stowing, stowage — штивка, укладка (грузов).

8. in good order and condition — в полной исправнос­
ти, в хорошем (исправном) состоянии; в полной ис­
правности и хорошем состоянии.

9. always afloat — всегда на плаву (условие в чартер-
партии; charter party — договор о фрахтовании судна).


10.master — капитан (торгового судна).

11.merchant— торговец; купец, коммерсант; тор­
говая компания.

12.carrier — перевозчик; транспортная компания. surrender a document — передать, вручить или
сдать документ. endorse a document — сделать отметку на доку­
менте; отмечать или расписываться на обороте доку­
мента; вписать в документ; индоссировать, жирировать
документ, ставить на нем передаточную надпись (напр.,
на векселе); визировать документ, ставить визу на нем
(напр., на паспорте). Здесь выражение duly endorsed
можно перевести как «с надлежащими отметками».

15.void — не имеющий или лишенный юридичес­
кой силы.

16.not negotiable — не подлежащий передаче (пере­
уступке, купле-продаже), без права передачи.

17.charterer — фрахтователь (лицо, нанимающее

18.paramount clause — условие первостепенной важ­
ности (условие в коносаменте о подчинении его Гааг­
ским правилам). Еще один вариант перевода этого вы­
ражения — «оговорка (или условие) парамаунт» (усло­
вие коносамента о превалирующем значении нацио­
нального законодательства, соответствующего Брюс-

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

сельской конвенции 1924 года о коносаментных пе­ревозках).

19. Merchant Shipping Code — Кодекс торгового мо­

20. the Hague Rules — Гаагские правила (коносамен­
тных перевозок).

21. International Convention for the Unification of Certain
Rules Relating to Bills of Lading
— Международная кон­
венция об унификации некоторых правил коносамента.

22. to bring proceedings (или a case) before the court
возбудить судебное дело, подать в суд.

23. scope of voyage — район плавания (судна).

24. transhipment — перегрузка, перевалка (с одного
судна на другое), переотправка.

25. contract of affreightment — договор морской пе­

26. contract of carriage — договор перевозки.

27. demurrage — плата за простой (судна), демередж,
контрсталийные деньги; простой судна, контрсталия
(задержка судна под погрузкой или разгрузкой после
истечения стадии; сталия — laytime — время, потерян­
ное в ожидании причала, но включенное во время по­
грузки или выгрузки).

28. lighterage — погрузка и разгрузка посредством
лихтеров; лихтерный сбор.

29. for (the) account and risk of smb. (smth.) — за счет и
за риск кого-либо (чего-либо).

30. optional stowage — штивка (укладка груза) по сво­
ему выбору (по своему усмотрению).

31. deck shipment — погрузка на палубу; палубный груз.

32. shelterdeck — навесная палуба (с вырезами в бор­
тах), шельтердек.

33. deck cargo (или load) — палубный груз.

34. transportable (или transportation) tank — перевоз­
ная цистерна, автоцистерна.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

35! articles of transport (синонимы: transportation faci­lities, transport means) — транспортные средства.

36. to consolidate goods — закреплять или уплотнять
груз; комплектовать партию груза; укреплять груз.

37. to give notice to smb. of smth. — извещать, уведом­
лять, информировать кого-либо о чем-либо; преду­
преждать кого-либо о чем-либо.

38. labour troubles — трудовые проблемы или кон­
фликты (затруднения с персоналом, волнения среди
рабочих и т. п.).

39. port of destination — порт назначения.

40. port of call — порт захода.

41. to be in the custody of smb. (или in smb.'s custody)
быть на хранении у кого-либо, быть под охраной (при­
смотром) кого-либо. Ср. также to receive goods into cus­
tody — принять товар на хранение.

42. to pass (the) ship's rail — переходить через поруч­
ни судна.

43. to relieve smb. of liability (или responsibility) for
smth. — освободить кого-либо от ответственности за

44. default — неисполнение договора, невыполне­
ние своих обязательств.

45. wrongful act — противоправное или незаконное
деяние; неправомерное действие.

46. handling — обработка или переработка грузов
(напр., на борту судна); перемещение или транспор­
тировка грузов (напр., в пределах предприятия); по-
грузочно-разгрузочные работы.

47. inherent vice of (или in) the goods — свойствен­
ный товару порок.

48. unit load— единичный груз; грузовая единица;
пакет груза; единичное грузовое место.

49. to affix marks — наносить маркировку (маркиро­
вочные знаки), прикреплять маркировочные знаки

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

(бирки, этикетки и т. п.). Ср. также to affix the seal — ставить печать, приложить печать, скреплять печа­тью; to affix one's signature (one's name) — поставить подпись (свою фамилию).

50. burden of proving (или of proof, of evidence),
evidential burden
— бремя доказывания. Ср. также burden
of adducing (или of producing) evidence — бремя пред­
ставления доказательств.

51. package — партия или пакет груза; место (груза,

52. pallet — грузовой поддон, палета; транспорт­
ный стеллаж. Ср. также palletization, palletizing — ук­
ладка (грузов для транспортирования) на поддоны,
штабелирование (грузов) на поддонах; пакетирова­
ние (грузов) на поддонах; to palletize — укладывать
(грузы для транспортирования) на поддоны, штабе­
лировать (грузы) на поддонах; пакетировать (грузы)
на поддонах; складывать (грузы) на поддонах; palle-
tizer — автоматический укладчик (грузов) на поддо­
ны; штабелеформующая машина, штабелер; пакето-
формующая машина.

53. prima facie evidence — презумпция доказатель­
ства; доказательство, достаточное при отсутствии оп-
ройержения. *

54. time bar — ограничение срока (ответственнос­
ти), погашение срока (ответственности) давностью.
Ср. также time-barred — погашенный давностью.

55. to bring (a) suit или (an) action, to mount (a) suit
предъявлять иск; возбудить дело (тяжбу).

56. action или suit (founded) in contract — иск, осно­
ванный на договоре. Ср. также to sue in contract —
предъявлять иск, основанный на договоре, искать из

57. action или suit (founded) in tort, tort action или
suit — иск о возмещении ущерба, возникшего в резуль-

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

тате гражданского правонарушения (деликта), делик-тный иск. Ср. также to sue in tort — предъявлять иск, основанный на деликте, искать из деликта.

58. inspection of goods — осмотр товара.

59. freight charged — оплаченный груз, груз, сто­
имость перевозки которого оплачена, оплаченный
(уплаченный) фрахт.

60. freight payable. — оплачиваемый груз, груз, сто­
имость перевозки которого подлежит оплате, фрахт,
подлежащий оплате (уплате).

61. freight basis, basis freight— основная фрахтовая

62. sealed goods — пломбированный (опломбиро­
ванный) груз (товар).

63. lien — право удержания (груза или иного иму­
щества до уплаты долга), залоговое право.

64. general (или gross) average — общая авария (тер­
мин в морском страховании, обозначающий убытки,
причиненные грузу, судну и фрахту).

65. (general average) contribution — контрибуцион­
ный взнос, долевой взнос по общей аварии, возмеще­
ние убытков по общей аварии.

66. salvage — вознаграждение за спасание (груза или
судна), спасательное вознаграждение (по грузу или
судну); спасенное имущество; спасание.

67. storage fee или charge (синоним: warehousing
— плата за хранение (груза).

68. to take the goods in charge — принять на себя обя­
занность отвечать за груз (заботиться о грузе), принять
на себя ответственность за груз (товар).

69. to indemnify smb. against losses — возмещать убыт­
ки кому-либо; гарантировать возмещение убытков
кому-либо, обезопасить от убытков кого-либо.

70. indemnity — возмещение убытков, компенсация;
гарантия возмещения убытков (ущерба, вреда).


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