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1)... virtue of the authority vested... the Secretary

2) Articles of Incorporation are found to conform... Law;

3) the use of a corporate name... violation of the rights;

3. Переведите предложения с русского языка на англий{

1) Я, нижеподписавшийся, настоящим выдаю дан^
ное свидетельство о регистрации корпорации.

2) Устав компании, подписанный должным обра­
зом, признан соответствующим закону.

3) В соответствии с федеральным Законом о торго­
вых марках от 1946 года вьщача свидетельства о регис­
трации корпорации не дает права использовать имя
компании в нарушение прав других компаний.

4) Я прилагаю один экземпляр Устава компании.

5) Устав компании получен в офисе Секретаря шта­
та и признан соответствующим закону.

Переведите текст на русский язык.





This Agreement is made this________ day of___________,

19__ between___________, a corporation organized under

United States of

the laws of State of

America, and having its principal office at.
(«American Company») and______________

corporation organized in accordance with the laws of

___________________, and having its principal office at

________________ («Foreign Company») with reference

to the following facts:

A. Foreign Company is engaged in the manufacture
and sale of_______________; and

B. American Company manufactures__________________

under certain patents in the United States of America and sells them under certain trade names and bearing certain trade marks throughout the world; and

C. American Company and Foreign Company desire
to cause the above products to be manufactured in the
Country of________________; and

D. Capital, industrial property, technical skills and
know-how are required to produce such products (the
«Products») and to market them; and

E. American Company is in a position and is willing to
supply such capital, industrial property, technical skills and
know-how; and

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

F. American Company and Foreign Company desire

to form a corporation in the country of__________________ to

carry out the production and marketing of the products.

THEREFORE, intending to be legally bound, the par­ties agree as follows:


American Company and Foreign Company shall cause
a new corporation (the «Joint Company») to be duly or­
ganized under the laws of_____________________ in accord­
ance with the terms of this Agreement and with appropriate
documents equivalent under the laws of the jurisdiction to
Articles and By-laws, which in the English translation shall
read in substantially the form of Exhibit A attached hereto.
If any of the provisions contained in Exhibit A should not be
approved by the appropriate authority for inclusion in the
documents of incorporation of the Joint Company, the par­
ties agree to make such amendments thereto as shall be ac­
ceptable to the said appropriate authority without altering
their purpose or intention, or failing such amendment, to
take all such other steps and do such other things, including
the execution of any other agreements as may be necessary,
to achieve the interest and purpose of such of the provisions
as may not have been found acceptable by said appropriate
authority. The cost of the incorporating the Joint Company
shall be borne equally by American Company and Foreign


The name of the Joint Company shall be_______________.


The Joint Company shall have an authorized capital of
$_______ consisting of__________________ common shares

with par value of $_


Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык


The parties hereto hereby subscribe to such capital stock of the Joint Company in equal amounts.

(a) In payment for the shares of the Joint Company to
be acquired by American Company, American Company
shall, at the time of incorporation of the Joint Company
transfer to the Joint Company:

(i) $___________, American currency in cash.

(ii) The machinery and equipment set forth in Exhibit В annexed hereto, which machinery shall become the sole property of the Joint Company, free and clear of all liens, charges and claims of any kind whatsoever.

(b) In payment of the shares of Joint Company to be
acquired by Foreign Company, Foreign Company shall,
at the time of incorporation of the Joint Company trans­
fer to the Joint Company:

(i)_________ (Amount in specified currency) in cash.

(ii) The absolute title, free and clear of all liens, charg­es and claims of any kind whatsoever, to the real property and all buildings and other structures thereon, including all fixtures, equipment and machinery located therein, sit­uated at (address or other description), which said real property, buildings, structures, fixtures, equipment and machinery are more specifically described in Exhibit С annexed hereto.


(a) The affairs of the Joint Company shall be manages

by a Board of_________ Directors,________ of whom

shall be nominated by Foreign Company. American Com­pany and Foreign Company shall each vote all shares of the capital stock of the Joint Company owned or control­led by them for the election and maintenance in office of the persons so nominated.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова


(b) In the event that between annual shareholders' meet­
ings of the Joint Company, either American Company or
Foreign Company wishes to replace any of all of its nomi­
nees on the Board of Directors of the Joint Company, the
other shall join in all necessary acts, steps and proceedings,
and shall cause the shares of the Joint Company to which it
is beneficially entitled to be voted in favor of the removal of
such nominee ornominees, of the transfer of the qualifying
share or shares of such nominees to the person or persons
selected by American Company or Foreign Company, as
the case may be, and the election in his or their place of a
qualified person or of qualified persons selected by the par­
ty hereto whose nominee shall have been so removed.

(c) Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended
or shall be construed to bind the parties hereto or their
nominees on the Board of Directors of the Joint Company
as to the method or manner of the exercise of the discretion
vested in them as directors of the Joint Company concern­
ing their management of the affairs thereof.

(d) All decisions of the Board of Directors shall require

an affirmative vote of at least________________ directors. (Note: if

the parties have an unequal number of nominees on the Board, the number should be at least the total number of nominees of the party with the largest number of nomi­nees on the Board plus one).

(e) Prior written notice of all directors' meeting shall be
sent to all directors at least_________________ days before the meet­
ing, specifying the time and place of the meeting and indi­
cating all matters to be considered thereat, and including
copies of any reports or studies relating thereto. Notice may
be waived by the unanimous written consent of all directors.

(f) A quorum of a meeting of the directors shall consist

of__________ directors. (Note: the number should be large

enough so that it cannot be constituted unless at least one nominee of each partner is present). In lieu of a validity


Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

constituted meeting as described herein, any directors' res­olution shall be considered to have been validly passed if consented to in writing by all the directors.


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